《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》599-600


She Doesn“t Know the Answer!

Feng Wu was vexed, but the rest of the candidates were elated!

Especially the girls, who all had butterflies in their stomachs.

His Royal Highness —

He was here —

And they were here in the same room with him. So close…

This was something they could brag about for the rest of their lives!

Even Qiao Yi was over the moon, to say nothing of the students.

She couldn’t help but speculate. Why would His Royal Highness agree? For whom?

Mr Lu had no idea that his suggestion had stirred up nearly all the female candidates here.

With a wave of his hand, Mr Lu said, “We won’t need so many invigilators here. Qiao Yi, stay. The rest of you can leave now.”

Hence, the other invigilators left the hall.

Feng brought in an armchair and put it right at the front of the hall.

That was, right opposite Feng Wu.

The two people were less than two meters apart.

Many girls were sick with jealousy!

Why was Feng Wu the lucky one?!

On the other side, Mu Yaoyao was infatuated with the crown prince’s chiseled profile.

He was beautiful.

She felt as if her soul had been stolen away.

Why would His Royal Highness say yes?

Of everyone in this room, Feng Wu was the one His Royal Highness hated the most, so there was no way that he was staying for her. Apart from Feng Wu, Mu Yaoyao deemed herself the prettiest girl with the best manners and from the finest background…

The more she thought about it, the pinker her cheeks became. She thought her heart was going to jump out of her throat.

But —

The crown prince never took his eyes off Feng Wu for one moment!

The look he gave her was sharp, fierce, and stern. It was the look a beast gave its prey — very aggressive.


Feng Wu took a deep breath.Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

Whatever. She would finish her exam first.

She quickly finished the first two sections.

That cheered her up a little, for she knew all the answers and was confident that she would get full marks for them.

She then moved on to section three.

The multiple choice questions.

The answer was only correct when all correct option(s) and only the correct one(s) were selected.

Moreover, most of the subjects covered in this section were from those 10,000 books.

Feng Wu tended to lose points in this section.

She was very careful and wanted to make sure that she got everything right.

For not only did she have to be first, she had to get full marks.

Question one: done.

Question two: done.

The problem was that Feng Wu still had three unread books from those 10,000 and she hoped that she was lucky enough to not run into anything she hadn’t read.

Question eight…

Question nine…

Up to the ninth question, Feng Wu was still confident that she had gotten everything right.

Her head went blank when she read the tenth question.

No —

She hadn’t read anything on this subject before…

The only possibility was that it was from one of the three unread books.

Feng Wu took a deep breath.

She went through everything she had learned and racked her brain to find an answer. However, to her frustration —

She couldn’t find one.

She knew nothing about this subject.

She didn’t have an answer.

And that was a fact.

This question —

She wouldn’t get any points!

Chapter 600 Heart Racing!

It would be much easier if all Feng Wu wanted was to get the highest mark of all the students, but she needed more than that. She had to get full marks!


Otherwise, her broken star piece —

Feng Wu took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, she stared at Jun Linyuan, looking disgruntled.

She wouldn’t be so helpless over this question if he hadn’t made her slept!

She was displeased?

Jun Linyuan frowned.

He had postponed Imperial College’s entrance exam for her alone. Shouldn’t she feel a debt of gratitude for his kind act and wag her tail at him like a puppy now?

Instead, she was giving him attitude.

That upset His Royal Highness right away!


Feng Wu grunted inwardly, feeling as angry as she was aggrieved. She picked a random answer, then moved on to section four.

She made a mental note to come back to this question and give it another go once she finished all the other sections.

Section four was Feng Wu’s favorite.

Analyzing techniques and manuals and coming up with innovations – this was practically handing marks to Feng Wu on a plate.

She could already get full marks on questions like these when she was five years old.

Section five was on auxiliary skills.

And Feng Wu was even more confident about this section.

She had more knowledge on auxiliary skills than experienced teachers in Imperial College… more so than the teachers who came up with these questions. No question they designed would be close enough to defeat Feng Wu, and she would get full marks without breaking a sweat!

The entire exam took four hours in total.

But it only took Feng Wu half an hour to finish all the questions.

Once she was done with her own, she proceeded to Chaoge’s.

“Feng Tutu! Feng Tutu!”

Feng Wu closed her eyes and called Feng Tutu, who lay in Chaoge’s pocket, in her head.

The cub had finally gotten enough sleep and woke up at Feng Wu’s call. It rubbed its eyes and yawned.

“I’ll speak and you’ll write on Chaoge’s stomach. Understand?” Feng Tutu talked to Feng Tutu in her head.

“Yeah —” Feng Tutu nodded.Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

Feng Wu then began to deliver the answers, while Feng Tutu scratched everything on Chaoge’s stomach.

Feng Tutu could write?

Well, it couldn’t before, but after a crash course from Feng Wu in the past few days, the little thing could write now.

Chaoge was thrilled!

Finally! The answers!

However, Jun Linyuan frowned at that moment.

For as the most able man in the room, he had sensed the slightest fluctuation of spiritual essence.

And it was between a person and an animal, instead of between two people.

That was because —

To prevent candidates from cheating, Imperial College had blocked all telepathic channels between people.

It took Chaoge a few minutes to finish answering the first question in section one.

She was slowed down quite a bit because she had to guess what Feng Tutu was writing.

Jun Linyuan rose to his feet just as Feng Wu was about to send out the answer to the second question.

That made Feng Wu jump a little.

After all, she was cheating.

However, she managed to keep her face calm and her eyes closed, as if she was resting.

With his hands behind his back, Jun Linyuan walked from the first row to the last and back again like any normal invigilator. He ended up stopping next to Feng Wu.

Many girls almost dropped their pens in excitement at Jun Linyuan’s reaction.

They were so excited!

So nervous!

And so thrilled!

Knock, knock, knock — Jun Linyuan tapped Feng Wu’s desk with his long fingers.

Feng Wu had to open her eyes. She raised her head and shot Jun Linyuan a warning glance!

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