《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》597-598


There“s Only One Explanation!

But what really happened was —

Mu Yaoyao didn’t know Duan Chaoge at all.

Chaoge might be impulsive and hotheaded, but there was one thing that she would always believe — she was on Feng Wu’s side no matter what!

“Mu Yaoyao!” Chaoge smacked her desk and jumped to her feet!


There came a female voice.

And everyone turned in that direction.

The voice belonged to a pretty young woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She was slightly older than the candidates.

Feng Wu had met her before.

It was that teacher who had tried to give Feng Wu a hard time when she went to register for the exam.

If Feng Wu remembered correctly, the teacher was called Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi came in with a stack of exam papers. She scanned the room with her eyes and fixed her gaze on Feng Wu in the end.

The look she gave Feng Wu was hostile. She then snorted. “The exam is going to start now and you’re still bickering?!”

Qiao Yi wasn’t the only teacher in the exam hall.

As a matter of fact, Imperial College’s entrance exam was probably the strictest exam out there.

Each column was monitored by a separate invigilator.

That was to say, there were ten of them in total in this hall.

Right now, they were all giving out exam papers to the candidates.

Each exam paper contained five pages, which made it ten pages in total along with the answer sheets. Everyone ended up with quite a stack of sheets.

Qiao Yi was in charge of Feng Wu’s column and she smirked at Feng Wu when she gave her the paper. In a voice low enough for only Feng Wu to hear, she said, “Let’s see how many points you can get!”


Qiao Yi had always been rather hostile toward Feng Wu.

However, Feng Wu had been composed from the very beginning and ignored all the provocation.

Upon receiving her paper, Feng Wu quickly skimmed through the questions. Good, she had covered most of the topics. Feng Wu was much more confident now.

She started with section one.

The first section was to fill in the blanks.

Grand Secretary Fang was as experienced as he claimed; he was right about finding all the answers in those 1000 books.

Feng Wu smiled a little.

Before long, she finished all ten questions without any difficulty.

Feng Wu glanced at Chaoge, who looked back at Feng Wu with a pleading expression in her eyes.

Feng Wu nodded and closed her eyes.

As a matter of fact, Feng Wu was communicating with Feng Tutu, who was in Chaoge’s chest pocket at the moment.

This was the cheating method Feng Wu had come up with.

She would tell Feng Tutu the answers, and it would then tell them to Chaoge. All Chaoge needed to do was write everything down.


When Feng Wu tried to talk to Feng Tutu in her head, she got no reply.

Feng Wu: !!!

There was only one explanation.

Feng Tutu was fast asleep.

Feng Wu rolled her eyes. It was normal for a cub to be sleeping all the time, but not now!

Chaoge was a little flustered and began to poke her belly with a finger, trying to wake up the little thing.

But —

Hm —

Feng Tutu turned around in Chaoge’s warm pocket and went on sleeping.

Feng Wu didn’t know what to say.

Neither did Chaoge.

Both sighed in resignation and Feng Wu had no choice but to move on to the next question.

The second section required writing from memory.

Like the first section, this part was a test of one’s memory. As long as one worked hard enough, it was impossible to get this part wrong.


Chapter 598 What? His Royal Highness Is the Invigilator?!

Qiao Yi walked from the first row to the last and saw that everyone was doing a good job. Even Feng Wu seemed to be giving correct answers.

However, she frowned when she spotted Chaoge’s paper.

It was completely blank.

Qiao Yi was about to say something when —

Steady footsteps came from outside, and from the sound of it, a lot of people were coming this way.

What an aura!

How intimidating was this power!

Many looked up involuntarily, trying to see what VIP was coming.

However, they almost dropped their pens!

“H- His Royal Highness…”

“N- No way…”

“O. M. G…”

Were they hallucinating? Jun Linyuan was in the same exam hall with them!

Qiao Yi was the head invigilator in this hall and her eyes widened in astonishment when she saw Jun Linyuan. It seemed that she had no idea that the crown prince would be coming either.

Jun Linyuan didn’t come alone.

Mr Lu was by his side and Feng was right behind him.

“Your Royal Highness, Sir…” Qiao Yi was a little flustered.

As a pretty young woman, Qiao Yi worshiped and admired Jun Linyuan to a fault, like many other women her age.

And now, the legend was right in front of her…

In his usual arrogant manner, Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Wu with a passive face.

Mr Lu rubbed his forehead. Forget about inspecting the exam halls – the young man was here for the girl!

While the crown prince couldn’t look away from Feng Wu, Mr Lu and Feng exchanged knowing looks.

“Mr Lu…”

Qiao Yi, who had been puffed up with arrogance in front of Feng Wu, was at a loss over what to do now. Cheeks flushed, she didn’t even know where to put her hands and feet.

Mr Lu asked, “Your Royal Highness, have you tried invigilating an exam before?”

“No,” replied Jun Linyuan in a cold voice.

“If that’s the case… Your Royal Highness, would you like to monitor this one?”

Feng sighed with relief. It seemed that he wouldn’t be alone in trying to make excuses for the crown prince.

However, the candidates’ mouths fell open at the suggestion!


His Royal Highness?

An invigilator?

What was Mr Lu thinking? There was no way His Royal Highness would agree!

But Mu Yaoyao and the others still felt their hearts skip at those words.

How they wished that His Royal Highness would say yes…

Especially Mu Yaoyao, who pleaded with her eyes…

Please stay, please! Your Royal Highness, stay!

But Feng Wu wanted exactly the opposite.

She was going to help Chaoge cheat. Feng Tutu already wasn’t acting as planned, and if this unpredictable Jun Linyuan joined in… It would become an impossible mission!

At that thought, Feng Wu looked up at Jun Linyuan and shook her head.

Go away! Please!

Staring at Feng Wu with his cold, brooding eyes, Jun Linyuan smiled a little.

The girl really wanted him to leave, didn’t she? Well, she wouldn’t get what she wanted.

He nodded. “Alright.”

That was a reply to Mr Lu.


Feng Wu almost banged her head on her desk at that answer!

Jun Linyuan! Why did that guy hate her so much?!

He kept raising the difficulty level for her, telling her to get top place and get full marks.

Meanwhile, he kept pulling her leg, stopping her from reading her books and almost making her late for the exam.

Luckily, by some miracle, the exam had been postponed, or her plan would have been completely ruined by Jun Linyuan!

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