《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》583-584


Feng Wu the Robber

The nice-looking teenager had been reciting a poem about how the girl was so beautiful she was beyond description.

However, the next moment, that genteel girl who looked softer and slimmer than a willow branch…

She jumped up, kicked him out of the saddle, and robbed him of his horse.

Not only that, she also tossed a spiritual stone onto his chest as if she was sending a beggar away. “I’ll take it!”

After that, with a clatter of hooves —

The girl disappeared into the distance with the horse.

The teenager was speechless.

He was the son of an emperor, for Christ’s sake! Spirit stones were the least of his concern!

Feng Wu had no idea that she had just forced her offer on a royal prince… All she could think of was getting to Imperial College ASAP!

The exam, the exam, the exam…

Feng Wu was worried sick!

After all the hard work and all the books she had read and recited, if her chance was ruined because she was late to the exam… she didn’t think she would be able to take it.

“Hya — faster, faster, faster —”

Blood rumbled in Feng Wu’s ears and the wind grazed her cheeks like blades.

All she could think of now was whether she could still go in when she arrived late.

Chaoge should have gone in already, right?

While Jun Linyuan was giving Feng Wu a hard time, Yu Mingye had a rough night as well.

He spent the whole night shivering on Imperial Capital Tower, jumping at every little noise.

A wolf howled in the middle of the night and he thought it was Jun Linyuan coming. He almost jumped off the tower in fright.

In the end, he was so cold that he had to catch the wolf, skin it, and turn it into a stew. However, he ate until the day broke and Jun Linyuan still didn’t show up…


Feng Wu rode the horse as fast as she could and it still took her two hours to get to town.

By then, Feng Wu almost had a nervous breakdown.

It was a two-hour ride, which meant that it was eleven o’clock already… The exam would have finished by now.

Feng Wu heaved a long sigh, but she wouldn’t give up just yet and still rushed to Imperial College as soon as she could manage.

However, she was astonished when she arrived at the square outside the college!


That wasn’t right!

Why were there so many people?

A lot of parents were here, but there were teenagers as well, who looked like exam candidates.

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Jumping off the horse, Feng Wu grabbed the first person she saw and asked, “Has the exam started yet?”

The person she asked was a teenager with delicate features. He was dazed by Feng Wu’s beauty when he saw her face… Involuntarily, he blushed and lowered his gaze.

However, he then spotted Feng Wu’s fluffy pajamas and her fluffy slippers… He raised his head in astonishment and looked at her strangely.

“Answer me. Has the exam started yet?” Feng Wu glared at him.

“Oh, right —” The teenager came back to himself and replied. “No, it hasn’t.”

“How come? Shouldn’t it have started like two hours ago?” Feng Wu’s eyes widened in surprise. In that moment, all her anxiety was gone, turning into curiosity instead.

Before the teenager could answer, a teenage girl moved closer and said, “Right? It should have started a long time ago, but the exam got postponed.”

“When will the exam resume, then?” Feng Wu was thrilled!

Holy crap. Someone up there must really like her! Otherwise, why would such a thing happen?


She was late and so was the exam? Hahahaha —

In that moment, Feng Wu was so excited that she wanted to guffaw.

It had to be the luckiest day of her life.

“We have no idea.” The girl was very enthusiastic and seemed to make friends quickly. She added, “We don’t know if the exam will resume today. We may have to come back tomorrow.

“By the way, do you know why the exam was postponed?” The girl moved closer, lowered her voice, and blinked at Feng Wu.

“Why?” Feng Wu asked curiously.

“I heard that it was because Mr Lu was assassinated,” the girl whispered.

The boy shook his head. “How does that have anything to do with our exam?”

“Who knows. No one has told us anything, anyway, nor do we know when the exam will start.” The girl frowned, then her eyes lit up. “Hey, what are your names? I’m Ye Qing. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Zhao Shu,” said the boy quietly.

“Feng Wu,” said Feng Wu.

It had been five years since Feng Wu enjoyed her fame, so that name didn’t raise an alarm.

Ye Qing grinned. “Feng Wu? Where have I heard that name before? Right, there was this golden girl who had that name as well. Guess what? I used to live in her shadow when I was little.”

“Did you?” Feng Wu rubbed her nose.

Zhao Shu and Ye Qing both had something to say on the matter.

Zhao Shu sighed. “That’s right. Back then, Feng Wu meant so much. All the boys used to stand in His Royal Highness’s shadow and all the girls in Feng Wu’s.”

Ye Qing nodded. “I really liked Feng Wu and I can’t stop wondering what happened to her. Come to think of it, those people out there are so awful. Feng Wu has to be the one who suffered the most from losing her ability — she was the victim, for God’s sake. But the only thing those people did was add insult to injury and scoff at her. Shame on them.”

Zhao Shu said, “But didn’t they say that Feng Wu crippled herself because she got greedy in her cultivation?”

Ye Qing snorted. “And you believe that? Plus, so what if she lost her ability because she tried to move past her limits? Everyone wants to become better and stronger. Since when was that a crime?”

Zhao Shu rubbed his nose. “I didn’t say she did anything wrong…”

Since the exam hadn’t started, Feng Wu found a corner to take off her pajamas and change into a simple pale blue outfit instead.

She wandered around, looking for Chaoge, but the latter was nowhere to be seen.

She was sure that Chaoge had to be looking for her as well.

At that moment, outside the gate of Imperial College —

Mr Lu’s stately figure showed up in front of everyone.

“Mr Lu! It’s Mr Lu!”

Everyone began to shout and cry when they saw Mr Lu.

“Mr Lu, why is the exam postponed?!”

“Mr Lu, when will the exam begin?”

“Mr Lu…”

The crowd kept pushing forward and the slim Feng Wu ended up at the front.

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