《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》581-582


Other people would have passed out with joy if Jun Linyuan had started a conversation with them…

And now, this was the first time His Royal Highness had ever cooked something himself. He hadn’t even washed chopsticks for his grandmother, who had doted on him. But Miss Wu…

Miss Wu had kicked that pot of porridge… to the ground…

Feng broke out in a cold sweat of anxiety!

As expected, Jun Linyuan’s face turned livid and he stared at Feng Wu with a murderous look in his eyes!

But Feng Wu was no less pissed than he was!

“Jun Linyuan, how could you do this to me?! How could you make me sleep? I haven’t finished reading my books! What if I can’t get first place or full marks? Your terms are already so harsh and you just keep making more trouble for me! I hate you!”

Feng Wu got angrier and more aggrieved as she spoke and tears began to well up in her pretty eyes.

“I can forget about the books for now. Just tell me this: Do you know that Imperial College’s entrance exam is today? The answer is obviously yes!

“But you still brought me here against my will and left me in the middle of nowhere! Not only did I have to stand all the bug bites and the cold wind, I couldn’t even read!

“And you made me sleep!

“Do you know what time it is now?

“And do you know when the exam starts?

“It’s almost nine o’clock! It’s five to nine in the morning!

“And the exam starts at nine!

“How am I supposed to get there in time?! The exam will probably be over when I get there!

“Jun Linyuan, you’re the worst!”

Feng Wu was so mad and so aggrieved that she couldn’t keep her tears back anymore.


She turned to leave without giving Jun Linyuan any chance to explain himself!

Jun Linyuan was astonished!

He still stood there dazed after Feng Wu was gone.

“Your Royal Highness…”

Seeing Jun Linyuan’s livid face, Feng quietly went up to his master.

Jun Linyuan took a deep breath, but still couldn’t hold back his anger. He kicked a giant oval rock!


The giant rock the size of a house instantly crumbled to pieces.

Gesturing in the direction Feng Wu had left in, Jun Linyuan bellowed.

“I only made her sleep for her own good!

“She looked like a panda! Should I just do nothing?!

“Reading in the moonlight? Has she lost her mind?! Her eyes would be ruined!”

Feng rubbed his nose as his young master stomped his foot in rage.

“How was it my fault?! I did nothing wrong!” Jun Linyuan yelled at Feng. “Nothing!”

Feng heaved a long sigh. “Your Royal Highness, Miss Wu is really mad this time.”

“Big deal. She’s mad? I’m madder!” Jun Linyuan said proudly.

“Miss Wu won’t talk to you…”

“And I won’t talk to her either!” This was the first time he had wanted to cook and he had actually taken action, but she had kicked the pot over!

How dare she?! She was so dead!

The more Jun Linyuan thought about it, the more infuriated he became.

His Royal Highness was hopeless…

Feng sighed inwardly, but he still had to remind his master of something, or the young man would probably never find a girl.

“But Your Royal Highness, Miss Wu was right about one thing.”

“You’re the one forcing her to get into Imperial College but you’re the one making her miss the exam.

“You told her to get first place but stopped her from reading.


“You’re making her get full marks, but prevented her from studying by making her sleep.

“Your Royal Highness, I would be very angry, too, if I were Miss Wu,” said Feng in a serious tone.

When Feng turned serious, things were really serious.

So, Jun Linyuan straightened his back. “Is it that serious?”

“Yes, and probably more so than you think,” Feng said earnestly. “Miss Wu has put so much into this exam – she will only hate you more if she misses it. Your Royal Highness, do you want Miss Wu to hate you?”

Of course not!

But… did that mean he was going to swallow that reprimand?

Of course Jun Linyuan wouldn’t have it!

Feng said, “Your Royal Highness, accounts can always be settled afterward; the priority now is the exam…”

Things should be taken care of in order of their importance and urgency… Feng had a point.

Jun Linyuan rolled his eyes at Feng. “Use your head. If she’s running late, postpone the exam!”

Feng said, “Alright… to what time?”

Jun Linyuan rolled his eyes again. “The exam will start when she arrives! Any questions?”

Feng gave his young master a strange look.

If he cared about her so much, why did he have to be so mean when she was around and keep picking on her?

“Your Royal Highness, girls should be treated gently…” Feng tried to talk sense into the crown prince.

Jun Linyuan shifted his cold gaze to Feng and was back to his proud self again. “Gently? She wishes!”

Feng almost burst out laughing, but he managed to keep his face unperturbed.

Jun Linyuan snorted. “She’s not to be told about this. You’ll have me to answer to if she knows I did this!”

Feng was speechless.

Talk about doing exactly the opposite… Your Royal Highness, you’re the perfect example.

Feng was exhausted inside out. Not only did he have to arrange a secret escort to keep Feng Wu safe on her way back, he had to come up with a good excuse to delay the exam…

Feng Wu had no idea of any of that, nor did she know about the conversation between Jun Linyuan and Feng.

After storming off, she rushed all the way down the mountain and was dumbfounded —

Which way was the city?

Was she supposed to run all the way back?

It was nine o’clock already and the exam started at nine —

Would she get there in time?

Feng Wu searched her memory and recalled that it had taken Jun Linyuan almost an hour to arrive here last night.

Feng Wu: !!!

It would be noon by the time she got back to the imperial capital!

At that moment, Feng Wu was seriously considering murdering Jun Linyuan.

She was overwhelmed by despair when —

Clip-clop, clip-clop —

She heard the sound of a horse coming her way from behind.

Feng Wu turned around and her eyes lit up!

“Is that a Galloping Horse? The fastest horse ever?!”

Feng Wu looked up at the rider and saw a teenager with fine features. He wore a fitting blue brocade robe and had an elegant air to him.

Without thinking, Feng Wu grabbed the bridle and pushed the teenager out of the saddle!


The elegant teenager had been arrested by Feng Wu’s beautiful face as soon as he spotted her, and he was thinking

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