《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》579-580


Lean Over…

“What now?”

To watch the sunrise! But the crown prince would never say those words.

He thought that it would spoil his image.

The dark clouds scattered and the silver moonlight poured down.

Feng Wu was exasperated.

She couldn’t just sit around in silence. It was cold and it was a waste of her time…

Feng Wu quietly took a book out of her pocket and began to read under the moonlight.

She still had ten more to go.

She wouldn’t have been so concerned, but now, Jun Linyuan had made it clear that she had to be the top student in the exam with full marks… Feng Wu rubbed her forehead and cursed Jun Linyuan in her head.

The crown prince had no idea what was going on in Feng Wu’s mind and went on picking on her… But, karma could be such a bitch.

A few steps away, Feng said a silent prayer for his young master.

Seeing that Feng Wu was reading again, Jun Linyuan flared up and snatched the book out of her hands.

I’m right here and you’re looking at a book instead of me?

Feng Wu took a deep breath. “Jun Linyuan, give me back my book.”

Jun Linyuan shook his head.

Feng Wu exploded. “What on earth do you want from me?! You told me to get top marks, but won’t let me read! And you’ve taken me here to do what? Enjoy the cold wind?! You’re making me take the exam, and now you’re accusing me of thinking about nothing but the exam? Jun Linyuan, you’re unbelievable!”

Feng Wu really had had enough of him!

And she was seriously pissed!

He had it coming —

A few steps away, Feng gave Feng Wu a thumbs up in his head.

Now that she had lost her temper, Jun Linyuan was intimidated. He bit his lower lip and his cheeks puffed out.


Feng Wu snatched the book back and snapped at him, “Go away. I need to read.”

“You’re not going to sleep?” Jun Linyuan asked in disappointment.

Feng Wu said, “I only have a few books left, and I can’t sleep until I finish them all.”

She quickly flipped through the pages.

And Jun Linyuan watched her as she read.

Seeing her flushed cheeks and the way she huddled up in the cold wind, Jun Linyuan took off his thick cape and threw it over her shoulders.

The longer he looked at the dark circles under her eyes, the angrier Jun Linyuan became.

Was she ever going to sleep? She looked like a panda.

Before he knew it, Jun Linyuan began to pity the girl.

He opened his mouth and tried to tell her that she didn’t have to be the top student or get full marks, but…

The proud crown prince couldn’t bring himself to say those words.

Under the warm cape, Feng Wu felt more and more sleepy…

Her head nodded and she began to doze off.

Jun Linyuan couldn’t take it anymore. With a flick of his fingers, he hit Feng Wu in the acupoint which could make her fall asleep.

The book fell from Feng Wu’s hands and the girl, who hadn’t slept properly in seven days, crumpled to one side.

Jun Linyuan caught Feng Wu in his arms before she hit the ground.

The smell of the teenage girl filled his nostrils as he held her soft body.

Her flawless face looked tiny under that big cape. Her fair skin was almost transparent, the outline of her chin was soft and delicate, and her lips were full and pink, which looked so yummy that he wanted to take a bite.

Under the moonlight, Jun Linyuan stared at Feng Wu’s face and was lost in her beauty.

Before he knew it, he had leaned over…


Puffed Up With Arrogance!

Feng Wu was woken up by the chirping of birds and the cries of insects.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she yawned and opened her eyes.

She was welcomed by the brilliant morning sun.

The air was fresh, the grass verdant green, and there were splendid flowers everywhere.

Feng Wu was bewildered!

What was this place?

She rubbed her eyes again and things began to come back to her.

Last night, Jun Linyuan had snatched her, took off into the cold night, and ran all the way here to this valley.

She recalled that she had a row with Jun Linyuan before returning to her reading under the moonlight. Then… she fell asleep?

Feng Wu frowned. That didn’t feel right. With her self-discipline, she wouldn’t let herself go to sleep before she finished all her books… What happened last night?

Just then, footsteps came from behind her.

The person was very quiet, as if they were afraid to wake her up.

Feng Wu raised her head and looked right into Jun Linyuan’s brooding eyes. It happened so suddenly that he didn’t have time to hide his emotions. Feng Wu could see them all in his eyes.

However, Feng Wu was busy checking her sleep acupoint and failed to notice them.

Jun Linyuan immediately shifted his gaze and turned his head away. If one were to look at him now, they would only see an indecipherable look in his eyes.

He had a colorful chicken in one hand.

A short distance away, a pot was being heated over a small fire.

Seeing Feng Wu look his way, Jun Linyuan tossed the chicken at Feng Wu and casually said, “You lazy girl. It’s time to make some breakfast.”

Feng Wu ignored the chicken and let it fall to the ground.

She stared at Jun Linyuan with cold eyes as she seethed with anger.

Seeing that Feng Wu was just standing there and sulking, Jun Linyuan frowned and looked back at her with his sharp eyes.

“Jun Linyuan, it was you, wasn’t it?” Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu tried her best to keep her anger at bay. “You hit my sleep acupoint last night, didn’t you?”

A grim look flickered in Jun Linyuan’s eyes.

“I’ve checked. There’s a slight blockage in my sleep acupoint and you’re the only one here that could have done that. Just admit it!” Feng Wu flared up.

She hadn’t finished reading her books! How could he do such a thing?!

Feng Wu was practically spitting fire from her eyes.

Jun Linyuan was angry and aggrieved.Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

He had done it because she looked so tired and he pitied her. What was wrong with that? The more Jun Linyuan thought about it, the angrier and more aggrieved he felt!

However, he decided that a man shouldn’t quibble with a woman over such petty things. Glaring at Feng Wu, he said, “Hurry up and cook the chicken. Do you want breakfast or not?”

Feng Wu was too pissed to eat anything.

Overwhelmed with rage, she could no longer think straight. She rushed over and kicked at the fire!


The pot flew out and the half-cooked porridge splashed all over the ground!

Jun Linyuan was dumbfounded.

A few steps away, Feng was equally astonished!

Miss Wu…

Did she realize how difficult it was to make a pot of porridge in the middle of nowhere?

As the top steward of the empire, he actually had to go back to the crown prince’s residence before sunrise to fetch all the utensils.

And His Royal Highness…

That stove, the wooden frame, and the rice… His Royal Highness had prepared everything himself…

Yes, Jun Linyuan had done all those things himself!

The same Jun Linyuan that was known to be puffed up with arrogance!

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