《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》577-578


A Duel?

Feng Wu could be a little obsessive at times.

If 1000 books had to be memorized, the thought of leaving one unread would keep her awake at night.

Right now, she still had ten more to go out of the extra 10,000 books on the reading list… and she was overwhelmed with anxiety.

“Put me down…” I need to go read…

Feng Wu was almost in tears.

But Jun Linyuan moved as fast as a streak of lightning, even with Feng Wu over his shoulder, as if she was no heavier than a doll.

Wind rushed down Feng Wu’s throat whenever she tried to speak, so she eventually stopped trying, for there was no point.

About an hour later, Feng Wu realized that the wind had stopped blowing and Jun Linyuan had stopped running.

“Put me down! Now!” Feng Wu pounded his back with her little fists.

This time, His Royal Highness, the emotionless iceberg, finally did as told. He put Feng Wu down on the ground.

When he saw Feng Wu’s disheveled hair —

He narrowed his eyes a little.

Feng Wu glowered at him!

She was wearing loose-fitting, comfortable home clothes and her hair had been held up by just a single hairpin, which had obviously fallen out along the way.

And Jun Linyuan had been running so fast that the wind had mussed up Feng Wu’s hair.

“I’ve lost my hairpin!” Feng Wu glared at Jun Linyuan accusingly. “It’s all your fault! Why did you bring me here in the middle of the night?!”

Was she angry? Jun Linyuan frowned a little.

He recalled what Feng Xun had told him.

“Need a place for a date? That’s easy. Go to Lovebird Valley. You can talk about poems and life under the stars and the moon, and watch the sunrise together.”

So, Feng Xun had offered a really bad idea, hadn’t he? The frown on Jun Linyuan’s face grew bigger.


Jun Linyuan pursed his lips and made a mental note that he would have a long chat with Feng Xun after he went back.

“You don’t know why you’re here?” Jun Linyuan smirked. “I brought you here so that you wouldn’t hang out with that Yu Mingye!”

That reminded Feng Wu and she prompted Jun Linyuan, “It’s about time. Aren’t the two of you going to duel on Imperial Capital Tower? Go ahead.”

Jun Linyuan snapped. “What duel? He can cool his head on that tower tonight.”

Feng Wu was dumbfounded.

At the same time.

Up in Imperial Capital Tower.

Yu Mingye had arrived at the scene early!

It was a duel with Jun Linyuan and he had to prepare!

Yu Mingye had left Feng manor in a hurry to consult his three elders.

Elder Three snorted. “Imperial Capital Tower? His Royal Highness is too confident in himself.”

“How so?” Yu Mingye asked in a hurry.

Elder Three lowered his voice and laid out his plan.

Yu Mingye’s eyes sparkled. “Great! That’s a great idea! Hoho, Jun Linyuan, you’re not leaving that tower alive tonight!”

Hence, the four of them started preparations.

They set up lead wires on Imperial Capital Tower, so that when the time came, they could attract a thunderbolt, burning Jun Linyuan to a crisp!

At the thought of that fair-skinned Jun Linyuan turning into crispy bacon, Yu Mingye couldn’t help but guffaw.

Once they were done with preparations, he stood on Imperial Capital Tower in the cold night wind…

And it was really cold…

In order not to raise any sort of alarm, the three elders retreated to make sure that Yu Mingye was the only person within a 50km radius.

Imperial Capital Tower was about 1000 meters high!

Under the Moonlit Sky?

There was nothing to shield one from the chilly wind up on Imperial Capital Tower.


“Ssss —”

Yu Mingye shivered in the cold.

Up on the top floor, he looked into the distance and saw that it was pitch dark in the imperial capital.

The silver moon was behind thick clouds, revealing not a single trace of light.

All the lights were out in the city down below. There wasn’t a soul around, and the wind was blowing… It was miserable for Yu Mingye, staying up there.

15 minutes passed…

An hour…

Two hours…

Yu Mingye sat there with his arms around himself and trembled.

But he was on the alert!

After that last incident in Northern Border City where Jun Linyuan had stepped on his head, Yu Mingye had learned his lesson!

Despite shivering from head to toe in the chilly wind, he still looked around cautiously, fearing that Jun Linyuan might jump out of some dark corner and kick him down the tower!

He could mistake every bush and tree for an enemy at the moment.

At the same time.

Lovebird Valley —

Jun Linyuan was staring at Feng Wu unblinkingly!

Feng Wu didn’t know what to do with him. “Are you sure you can stand Yu Mingye up just like that?”

Jun Linyuan smirked. “You care about him a lot, don’t you?”

Feng Wu was speechless. The guy could distort everything that came out of her mouth and Feng Wu was exhausted.

“I want to go back!”

“No!” Jun Linyuan then dragged Feng Wu to a giant rock and made her sit down.

Feng Wu said, “I have an exam to take tomorrow. Can’t you just let me go?”

God knew how hard Feng Wu had worked for that exam.

To memorize those 1000 books and read those 10,000 books, she had barely slept in the past seven days. She almost didn’t have time to eat and could only grab a bite while she was still reading.

There were dark circles under Feng Wu’s eyes.

Jun Linyuan fixed his gaze on those circles. When was the last time she slept? Did she have to work that hard?Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

He was even angrier when he recalled that Yu Mingye was taking the exam as well. “If you want to take the exam so much, get the top score, then!”

He wanted to say something caring, but the words which came out were cold and relentless.

Feng Wu glowered at Jun Linyuan.

“You know what? You have to get full marks!”

Feng Wu glowered at Jun Linyuan.

“In both the written exam and the physical tryout. Otherwise, say goodbye to your broken star piece!” Jun Linyuan smirked.

You’re friends with Yu Mingye, right? Get a higher score than him, and we’ll see how friendly the two of you can be.

Feng Wu said, “Jun Linyuan, are you kidding me?”

Jun Linyuan looked back at her. “Since when do I make jokes?”

Feng Wu clenched her fists so tightly that her knuckles cracked.

That was outrageous!

Feng Wu took one deep breath after another, but still couldn’t control her rage.

She turned to leave.

“Leave now and you won’t make it to the exam tomorrow!” Jun Linyuan’s eyes flickered.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Wu turned around and glared at Jun Linyuan. “You just can’t let a day pass without threatening someone, can you?”

Jun Linyuan snorted. “I see you don’t want that broken star piece anymore.”

“Of course I do!”

And that was what pissed Feng Wu off the most. Fighting back her anger, she forced a smile. “So, what are we doing here? Enjoying the cold wind?”

Jun Linyuan made Feng Wu sit down next to him and said grumpily, “Stay put.”

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