《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》569-570


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“That’s a lot of trust she put in you,” Grand Secretary Fang said admiringly.

After all, the manual had been written by a mere 13-year-old girl; no one in their right mind would be able to believe it.

Feng Wu shrugged. “She’s a trusting person.”

“That’s because she has faith in you.” Grand Secretary Fang said emotionally, “Xiao Wu, it’s very hard to come by a friend whom you can completely trust in life. Many people will live to the end of their days without ever meeting one. You’re still so young and you’ve found that friend. I envy you.”

Feng Wu grinned. “It’s my honor to have her as a friend.”

“And it was very lucky for her to have met you as well.” Grand Secretary Fang was a little surprised by Feng Wu’s reply.

Was she really a girl of 13? Sometimes, Grand Secretary Fang found her frighteningly mature.

“By the way,” Grand Secretary Fang gestured at Chaoge, who was sitting in a tree a few steps away, “What are you going to do about that kid?”

Feng Wu smacked her forehead. “I’ll think of something.”

Grand Secretary Fang nodded.

Feng Wu spent the next few days reading around the clock. Her head had almost gone numb from all the reading, for the texts were all written in a pedantic style. It was only thanks to her great memory that she didn’t mix them all up.

In a few days, Feng Wu had finished memorizing all 1000 must-reads.

She then moved on to the 10,000 extracurricular books, trying to memorize as much as she could.

Gifted with an eidetic memory, she flipped through the pages quickly.

The old man had been giving her a set of exam papers every day for the past few days, and her scores rose rapidly.

“Wow —”

When Chaoge saw Feng Wu’s mark on the paper that day, her mind was blown!


“290?!” Chaoge almost jumped to her feet!

“Xiao Wu, you got 290? Are you even human? How did you do that?!”

Feng Wu only smiled bitterly. “I guess I’m doing alright.”

She got 290 out of 300, which didn’t reach her own personal standard.

Grand Secretary Fang darted a look at Feng Wu. “Kiddo, give yourself some credit. The college is known for its difficult exam. The highest score on the written exam last year was 260, and you’re already 30 points higher. What more do you want? Leave some hope for the ordinary people, alright?”

Grand Secretary Fang was one of the top guns of Imperial College, and for him to make that comment meant a lot.

Feng Wu only gave him a wry smile.

“The exam is tomorrow; you should get some good rest tonight. You don’t have to finish all the books. Don’t push yourself too hard.” Grand Secretary Fang then sent Feng Wu and Chaoge home early.

Watching Feng Wu leave, Grand Secretary Fang put his hands behind his back and recalled a message from Mr Lu.

“Yu Mingye, the one who’s as famous as Jun Linyuan, is taking the exam this year as well.”

General Secretary Fang smiled in resignation. It seemed that Xiao Wu wasn’t going to get the top mark this year.

Feng Wu had no idea that Yu Mingye was a candidate as well. She and Chaoge took the last 100 books back home.

Sitting down on the carpet, Feng Wu grabbed a book and started reading.

One book…

Two books…


She didn’t even have time to eat, and Chaoge had to feed her with a spoon.

Although Chaoge was still handing in blank sheets, she had gone through a second round of detoxification already.

Following that, she was down from 75kg to 60kg.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

In the past few days, Chaoge had risen from Level 7 to Level 9!


It happened so fast that even Feng Wu was taken by surprise.

As the afternoon flowed into evening, Feng Wu finished 90 books and there were only ten to go.

Feng Wu could barely keep her eyes open, but she couldn’t sleep peacefully knowing that she hadn’t gone through all the books. Rubbing her dry eyes, she went on reading.

It was deep into the night and almost everyone was asleep.

Bent over the table, Chaoge was already fast asleep.

Feng Wu was still reading assiduously.

The crown prince’s residence.

Jun Linyuan had been shut in seclusion these days. After that hard-earned breakthrough, he needed some time alone to consolidate what he had learned.

Walking out of the magma cave, Jun Linyuan looked stunning with his straight eyebrows and bright eyes.

With his back to the glare of the flame, he gave off such an intimidating and relentless air that anyone would drop to their knees at his presence.

“Your Royal Highness —” Feng looked proudly at the crown prince, whom he had raised single-handedly.

The poker-faced little boy had grown into a poker-faced teenager… it was just that Feng noticed that the crown prince looked more human now.

Did it have something to do with Miss Wu?

Jun Linyuan asked as he marched on, “What’s the date today?”

Feng told him the date, then added, “Imperial College’s entrance exam starts tomorrow.”

The crown prince’s cold eyes flickered all of a sudden.

The mention of the exam had reminded him of a certain girl, hadn’t it? Feng stole a glance at the crown prince.

His Royal Highness was a neat freak, and the first thing he did after he got out of seclusion was to take a bath and change his clothes, so that he could wash off all the dust.

However, Jun Linyuan couldn’t help but recall what happened the last time he sat down in the hot spring.

The girl was still very young, but she had a nice figure.

And she was an amazing chiropractor.

Jun Linyuan had to admit that his breakthrough had indeed been triggered by the massage she gave him, but he was never going to tell her that, otherwise she would get all proud.

When his mind turned to that girl, Jun Linyuan felt as if a writing brush was tickling his heart and the sensation was very tempting…

That was enough! Why would he even think about that girl? She would be so pleased if she knew about this!

Vexed, the crown prince slapped the water with his hand and rose to his feet. He headed out immediately after he got dressed.

Feng followed the crown prince out at an appropriate distance. That way, he could still guard and serve his young master, but was also far away enough to give him some privacy.

No one could handle things as subtly as Feng.

“Why is that girl so obnoxious?!” the crown prince bellowed at Feng.

Feng rubbed his nose.

“She ran away as soon as she got what she wanted and turned her back on me! She’s so heartless!”

Feng rubbed his nose.

“Does she think she can just hide away and I wouldn’t go searching? She’s so naive!” Jun Linayun dashed out angrily in the direction of the Feng manor.

From behind, the crown prince looked like a king bent on revenge and who would stop at nothing.

Feng was pleased. His Royal Highness had finally found a purpose. That was new.

The Feng clan.

Feng Wu stayed up very late.

She hadn’t been sleeping too well these days — or rather, she hadn’t slept much at all.

She had only slept for two hours in the past seven days and had spent the rest of the time memorizing. Her brain had been very busy and her mind very active.

Feng Wu realized that although she hadn’t cultivated for seven days —

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