《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》567-568


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Seeing Qiuling run off in excitement, Feng Wu grinned.

Things would only get better from now on.

For everyone was making progress.

The cold night air cleared Feng Wu's head a little, so she went back to the table and picked up the thirty-first book.

Feng Wu was currently reading books on the astronomical calendar; they were obscure, dry as dust, and difficult to comprehend.

But what could be more obscure and drier than formation theories? If that hadn't stopped her, this was nothing.

Feng Wu went on reading as she told herself this in her head.

Feng Wu memorized all 60 books in a single night and was able to bring everything together and understand them thoroughly.

Chaoge, on the other hand, was still sleeping.

Feng Wu rubbed her forehead. It seemed she really needed to figure out a way for the girl.

The following day.

Feng Wu and Chaoge jumped over the wall and landed in the manor next door.

"Miss Wu -"

Steward Fang was waiting by the wall and he gave Feng Wu a wry smile. "Miss Wu, I'm afraid you'll have to leave."

"Huh?" Feng Wu looked at Steward Fang in bewilderment.

Smiling bitterly, Steward Fang told them about the incident with the Yao siblings the day before. He then said to Feng Wu, "My master said that starting from today, we won't be receiving any guests, so -"

Feng Wu and Chaoge looked at each other. Seriously? The old man told them to come back today himself. How could he change his mind all of a sudden?

"Cough -"

Grand Secretary Fang was taking a walk after breakfast and was headed this way when he saw Feng Wu and Chaoge jump over the wall.

He arrived just in time to hear Steward Fang's words.

Grand Secretary Fang cleared his throat.

The old steward took the hint right away and cast a stern look at Steward Fang. "Miss Feng Wu and Miss Duan here aren't guests."

Steward Fang was speechless.

Even Lady Mu and Princess Mu counted as guests, but not these two?


The Yao siblings had to leave to avoid arousing suspicion because they were candidates this year, but weren't Miss Wu and Miss Duan candidates as well?

That was kind of... discriminatory.

Inwardly, Steward Fang smiled bitterly and said a silent prayer for Princess Mu.

Grand Secretary Fang was a very strict tutor.

He stared at Feng Wu and Chaoge.

Seeing how refreshed and well-rested the two girls looked, Grand Secretary Fang was displeased.

"Have you read them all?" the old man said grimly.

"Yes, I've read and memorized them all," Feng Wu said confidently. "Shall I put the 60 books back into the stack room?"

"Wait -" The old man's face darkened. He then gestured at the table. "Put them here."

"Alright..." Feng Wu did as told.

Altogether, the stack of books was almost as tall as Grand Secretary Fang.

"You've memorized them all?" Grand Secretary Fang frowned.

"That's right!" Feng Wu stuck out her chest.

Grand Secretary Fang frowned and looked even more displeased!

He didn't mind dumbness or laziness in a student, but he wouldn't accept lies, especially when one wouldn't admit to it.

Picking up a book from the stack, Grand Secretary Fang opened it to a random page and read a line of the text. "Act in unison and like draws to like... Your turn."

He deliberately raised his voice at the end, which startled Chaoge and she almost jumped.

However, Feng Wu only stood there proudly with her hands behind her and her back ramrod straight. She recited in a loud, clear voice, "Water runs toward wet spots, fire ignites dry wood, dragons come with cloud, and tigers come with wind. Everything is after their own kind..."

Feng Wu went on reciting and Grand Secretary Fang didn't stop her. Hence, Feng Wu kept going...

And before long, she had recited the next ten pages.

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The old man didn't know what to say.

All words failed him. Feng Wu had really memorized everything, like she said, and she was reciting the text so fluently. She didn't stop once to try and recall a word.


Chaoge wasn't all that surprised. Growing up with Feng Wu, she had gotten used to such wonders at an early age.

A belief took root in her mind when she was little, and it could now no longer be shaken. That belief was: Feng Wu was omnipotent.

But Grand Secretary Fang didn't know that. He was astonished by how exceptionally retentive Feng Wu's memory was.

As the general secretary of the empire, and working in a place like Imperial College where all kinds of talented people showed up all the time, he had seen his fair share of genius.

However -

He didn't want to give in yet. Was it possible that the first book in the stack was the one she had memorized the best?

Grand Secretary Fang picked a random book from the stack, opened it, and chose a random paragraph. "Kunlun is located in the northwest, where the empire's temporal palace stands."

Feng Wu's eyes lit up.

The previous one was the "Book of Changes" and this one was the "Classic of Mountains and Rivers."

Feng Wu searched her memory and the sentences after that flowed out. "... Kunlun has a circumference of 800 li and is very high and steep. A tree grows on it, which is over 13m tall and so thick that five people can just get their arms around it. Nine wells are..."

Feng Wu's recitation was rhythmic and fluent.

It was impeccable.

Grand Secretary Fang chose several other books and tested Feng Wu on every single one of them. Only then was he forced to admit that Feng Wu had indeed memorized everything well!

"You..." Grand Secretary Fang's lips quivered a little. "You really haven't read any of these books before?"

Feng Wu shrugged. "In the paper yesterday was the sentence 'When all eight musical instruments are in harmony and the right order, gods and humans alike will be in harmony as well.' If I had read those books before, I would have been able to answer those questions."

Feng Wu had never read books on these subjects before, and everything she knew was related to cultivation. There was a blank in her knowledge and she was just starting to fill it in.

Grand Secretary Fang agreed.Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

"You really are an amazing kid." Grand Secretary Fang, who had always been stingy with his compliments, couldn't help but be amazed now.

He then asked Feng Wu if she had any paragraph that she didn't understand, which he then explained, making sure that she had a thorough understanding of it.

While the old man and the teenage girl were absorbed in learning, Chaoge was yawning in boredom.

Feng Wu didn't know what to do. She took out a manual called "Chaoge Sword" and gave it to her friend. "There, try this."

She had created this manual last night, which was the most suitable for Chaoge at her current cultivation level.

"Wait, let me see that -" Grand Secretary Fang reached out with his hand.

And the booklet ended up in his hand.

Grand Secretary Fang began to flip through it. He only nodded appreciatively in the beginning, but soon, his eyes widened and he looked up at Feng Wu. "Where did you get this?"

Chaoge moved closer. "Why, it's called Chaoge Sword, so it had to have been customized for me. Mm, it's my own and I'm going to learn it!"

Feng Wu said grumpily, "I made it for you last night after I finished reciting the books. Of course it's specially made for you. I even named it after you."

"Wow, Xiao Wu, you're the best! I love you so much!" Chaoge threw her arms around Feng Wu and wouldn't let go.

Feng Wu patted her on the shoulder. "Shouldn't you be practicing now?"

"Yes! Of course!" Chaoge snatched the manual back from Grand Secretary Fang and ran off.

The old man didn't know what to say.

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