《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》563-564


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Grand Secretary Fang waved his hand. “You can find all the books on that list in the stack room at the back. Feel free to read as many as you want and try your best to understand the texts.”

Just then, footsteps came from outside.

Steward Fang’s voice rang out. “Master, the lady is here with the princess.”

Grand Secretary Fang frowned at those words. He then turned to Feng Wu. “Go find the books; you can take them back home to read.”

An idea struck Feng Wu.

Were they Grand Secretary Fang’s daughter and granddaughter? Why had the old man changed his mind and told them to read on their own?

Feng Wu couldn’t figure out why, but neither did she care. Shaking her head, she led Chaoge to the stack room at the back.

For Grand Secretary Fang had given her the key to the room already.

As soon as Feng Wu and Chaoge left, footsteps approached from outside.

“Grandpa, Grandpa —”

Feng Wu would have recognized that voice right away if she were here.

The voice belonged to Mu Yaoyao.

“Father —” Lady Mu greeted Grand Secretary Fang.

Mu Yaoyao rushed to Grand Secretary Fang’s side and took his arm. “Grandpa, it’s so nice to see you. Are you sleeping well these days? Did you miss us?”

Grand Secretary Fang frowned a little.

Grand Secretary Fang saw that Lady Mu and Mu Yaoyao had brought quite a few chests with them and Lady Mu was instructing the servants, “Put them in the warehouse.”

“What’s this about?” Grand Secretary Fang’s eyes flickered.

“Grandpa~” Mu Yaoyao took Grand Secretary Fang’s arm. “I have a favor to ask. Please say yes~ please~”

The bruises on Mu Yaoyao’s face hadn’t faded completely and Grand Secretary Fang frowned when he noticed them. “What happened to your face?”

A look of hatred flickered in Mu Yaoyao’s eyes at the mention of that. “It was all because of Feng Wu! Hmph!


“Grandpa, you have no idea how abominable Feng Wu is! She…” Mu Yaoyao then told Grand Secretary Fang about what happened at World Tower and finished her story indignantly, “I’m going to beat her up whenever I see her from now on!”

Mu Yaoyao had completely distorted the incident at World Tower. She kept emphasizing what a bully Feng Wu was and how helpless she had been herself.

Lady Mu knew perfectly well what really happened, but she showed no intention of stopping Mu Yaoyao from slandering Feng Wu.

The frown on Grand Secretary Fang’s face grew bigger.

Nonsense! The Feng Wu he knew was clever, kind, and reasonable. She was nothing like the person Yaoyao described! Grand Secretary Fang didn’t believe a word she said.

“It’s Mu Yaoyao —”

Meanwhile, Feng Wu and Chaoge were heading for the front gate, each holding a stack of books. They heard Mu Yaoyao’s accusations when they walked past the main hall.

Mu Yaoyao? Feng Wu pricked up her ears. She called Grand Secretary Fang “Grandpa”?

Come to think of it, Grand Secretary Fang was Xuan Yi’s grandfather, and Mu Yaoyao addressed Xuan Yi as “cousin.” That was to say, Mu Yaoyao and Xuan Yi’s mothers were sisters.

Chaoge flared up right away!

How dare that woman slander Feng Wu behind her back, not to mention that everything she said was a lie! This Mu Yaoyao was unbelievable!

Throwing her books on the ground, Chaoge was going to charge into the room and beat that woman up.

Feng Wu stopped her in a hurry. “Wait.”

“I won’t wait!” Chaoge said indignantly. “I should have beaten the crap out of that Mu Yaoyao when I had the chance! She’s slandering you behind your back! I hate it when people do that!”

“Who’s making all that noise out there?!”

Lady Mu’s stately voice came from inside.

“It’s me! Duan Chaoge!” Rolling up her sleeves, Chaoge charged into the main hall.


Feng Wu didn’t say anything either.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Well, what choice did Feng Wu have? If Chaoge wanted to fight, of course she couldn’t stop her. She had to fight alongside her friend.

“Duan Chaoge?!”

Mu Yaoyao was obviously baffled to see Chaoge. Looking past Chaoge, she spotted Feng Wu.

“Feng Wu!” Mu Yaoyao looked like she wanted to kill someone.

When enemies came face to face, their eyes blazed with hatred.

Mu Yaoyao rushed toward Feng Wu and ranted, “Feng Wu, what are you doing here?!”

Feng Wu only glanced at her.

“And why do you have those books?!” Mu Yaoyao was exasperated when she saw the covers of the books. “Gosh! You’re stealing my family’s books! Hey, seize these book thieves!”

Steward Fang was bewildered…

The old steward ignored the girl…

The servants of the Fang manor exchanged awkward looks, but no one stepped forward.

At that moment, Grand Secretary Fang strolled into the room.

“Grandpa!” Mu Yaoyao was almost in tears, for she thought that she was being humiliated. “Grandpa, Grandpa, look! They’re book thieves! And she’s that Feng Wu!”

Chaoge exploded at those words. Resting her hands on her waist, she bellowed, “Who the hell are you calling book thieves?! You’re so full of bullshit!”

Chaoge jabbed Mu Yaoyao in the chest with a finger as she shouted.

“Grandpa —” Mu Yaoyao said in a pitiful voice.

Lady Mu was displeased and commanded, “Take these two down!”Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

The lady had been escorted by quite a few guards, who were ready to charge at Feng Wu and Chaoge!


Grand Secretary Fang didn’t raise his voice, but no one dared to challenge his authority!

Instantly, all eyes were on him, and even Mu Yaoyao stopped her fake weeping.

“They didn’t steal any books.” Grand Secretary Fang drew back his arm from Mu Yaoyao’s grip.

The look Mu Yaoyao gave Feng Wu was filled with hatred. She then turned to Grand Secretary Fang. “Grandpa, how did they even get in? Don’t you know that Feng Wu is useless? She has no right to set foot in this house! Throw her out already!”

Grand Secretary Fang frowned. “Yaoyao, be polite to Xiao Wu.”

If Mu Yaoyao had paid a little more attention to his tone, she would have realized that her grandfather was already very angry.

“Xiao Wu?” Mu Yaoyao was shocked. Since when was her grandpa this familiar with Feng Wu?

No! Her grandpa was hers alone!

“Grandpa, is an outsider more important to you than me now?!”

Grand Secretary Fang frowned at Mu Yaoyao. The girl was no longer that cute and charming granddaughter he remembered, but sounded tart and mean.

The old man was no longer hiding his irritation, but as enraged as she was at the moment, Mu Yaoyao didn’t see it at all.

“Grandpa!” Mu Yaoyao thought she could have anything because of her grandfather’s love and indulgence. She glanced at the books in Feng Wu’s hands. Feng Wu wanted to read them? Not in a million years! Those belonged to the Mu family, and with one word from her, Feng Wu wouldn’t even get a page of them!

“Grandpa, aren’t you retiring and going back to your hometown? Can I have all the books in your stack room? Please~” Mu Yaoyao swayed Grand Secretary Fang’s arm back and forth and pleaded in a soft, saccharine voice that reminded one of a kitten.

Chaoge was so mad!

Xiao Wu needed to read a lot of books; it would be a disaster for her if she couldn’t get access to them. This Mu Yaoyao was outrageous!

Chaoge waved her fists. She wanted to hit someone so badly.

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