《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》559-560


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Grand Secretary Fang was frowning at first, but as he read on, his eyes widened. He then raised his head and stared at Feng Wu!

“Did you… come up with the answer yourself?!” Grand Secretary Fang found it hard to believe.

How could a 13-year-old girl have such a thorough understanding of the ice attribute?

Her explanation of the theory and skill was straightforward and easy to understand. As for the innovation part —

She actually did it!

If this got out, all the ice mages on this continent would be shocked!

Because —

Even the examiners who designed this question couldn’t come up with such an answer!

“Who else do you think could have come up with the answer if not me?” Feng Wu looked at him with a half-smile.

Grand Secretary Fang agreed.

He admired her innovation from the bottom of his heart.

Fighting back his impulses, Grand Secretary Fang moved on to correct the fifth section.


Grand Secretary Fang knew before he read the answer that Feng Wu was going to get full marks, for she was as advanced as he was, if not more.

He was right.

Feng Wu completed that medium level formation and improved it to the level of a master formation. She then stopped there.

Grand Secretary Fang raised his head and gave Feng Wu a disgruntled look. “You canny girl.”

She was at least a Grandmaster level formation master, but she had only demonstrated a master level formation.

And that was enough to surpass most of the formation masters on this continent — even some of the teachers in the formation department of Imperial College, for that matter.

What else could he give her but full marks?

To Grand Secretary Fang’s surprise, Feng Wu didn’t just get full marks in formation skills. In medicine refinement —

Grand Secretary Fang was well-versed in that subject as well, not to mention that he had the standard answer on hand. He then saw that the final number Feng Wu had given was down to the twelfth decimal point.


And —

It was identical to the standard answer!

That was to say —

“You know medicine refinement?” Grand Secretary Fang asked in amazement.

Chaoge said grumpily, “What sort of question is that? Xiao Wu was an advanced medicine refiner when she was five. She could only have gotten better after so many years!”

“Five? An advanced medicine refiner?” Grand Secretary Fang couldn’t believe his ears.

Five-year-olds weren’t even as tall as a refining cauldron yet!

Feng Wu threw a disgruntled look at Chaoge. “Finish your paper.”

Chaoge felt like crying. She knew the words on their own, but put them together into sentences and… she didn’t understand any of them! It was terrible!

Meanwhile, Grand Secretary Fang had finished correcting Feng Wu’s paper.

She got 25 in section one, zero in section two, 25 in section three, 50, which was the full mark, in section four, and 50 points each from the two questions on auxiliary skills.

Out of 300 points, Feng Wu got 200 in total.

That exceeded Grand Secretary Fang’s expectations; Feng Wu had scored much higher than he had anticipated. He had thought she would get 50 points at most.

“Is this really your first time answering these questions?” Grand Secretary Fang looked at Feng Wu suspiciously.

Feng Wu smiled bitterly. “My family just moved back from Northern Border City. Do you think I could get hold of mock exam papers when I was out there?”

Grand Secretary Fang agreed.

This girl really was a genius.

Despite his joy, Grand Secretary Fang kept a straight face. He then turned to look at Chaoge.

Chaoge couldn’t sit still anymore. She slowly rose to her feet and handed in her paper.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Grand Secretary Fang turned to section one and it was blank.

Section two. Blank.

Section three…

The old man’s eyes were the size of saucers!


And the sound of flipping pages was very loud!

He would dart a look at Chaoge every now and then as he looked through her paper.

Chaoge was still on the chubbier side, which gave her a tough look.

However, she couldn’t help but cringe at Grand Secretary Fang’s stare and she tried to take cover behind Feng Wu.

Grand Secretary Fang snorted grumpily. “Seriously? You think she can shield you?”

Chaoge gave Grand Secretary Fang a pleading look.

“Get over here!”

Grand Secretary Fang snapped.

Aggrieved, Chaoge turned to Feng Wu for help.

Feng Wu could only rub her forehead in resignation. Her face was also twitching after looking at all those blank answer sheets.

Grand Secretary Fang had picked up his cinnabar pen to correct the paper, but he got blank sheets from the beginning to the end…

The old man didn’t know what to say.

Feng Wu didn’t say anything either.

Chaoge kept her silence, but took a small step back.

Grand Secretary Fang glared at Chaoge. “You —”

He wanted to say something, but words failed him.

After doing this for so many years, this was the first time he had ever seen a completely unanswered exam paper.Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

Seeing how cross the old man was, Feng Wu poured him a cup of tea at once. “There, please have some tea and calm down. Chaoge has always been a straight D student, I won’t deny that.”

Grand Secretary Fang’s chest heaved with indignation.

Straight D student? Yes, that was exactly what she was!

“You’re absolutely correct!” Taking Feng Wu’s hand, the old man vented his grievances. “I’ve never met any student as hopeless as she is! How can she, how can she…”

Feng Wu rushed to the old man’s side and massaged his shoulders in an ingratiating manner. “Please don’t get upset. Chaoge tends to go overboard on some subjects. Theory isn’t her forte, but she’s great in actual combat and very efficient in her cultivation. At least she’s more than just empty talk, right? With proper education, there’s no difference between students. I’m sure you’ll teach her well.”

Grand Secretary Fang gulped down deep breaths, then said reluctantly, “I’m going to have a stroke before I can do that!”

“Nonsense. You’ll live a thousand years and more. Please help Chaoge. Please…”

Grand Secretary Fang gave Feng Wu a disgruntled look. He had daughters and granddaughters of his own, but they were nowhere near as sweet as this child.

With a wave of his hand, Grand Secretary Fang said, “Fine, fine. I’ll teach Chaoge as well, for your sake.”

Both Feng Wu and Chaoge were elated. After all, they only had seven days left.

Grand Secretary Fang said to Feng Wu, “You can worry about Chaoge later. You’re not much better yourself. You got 200 points out of 300, which means you barely passed. But that won’t put you in the top 1000 students.”

Only the top 1000 could qualify for the physical tryout.

“It’s so competitive…” The more Chaoge thought about it, the sadder she became.

Xiao Wu had 200 points and she still couldn’t get into the top 1000. She herself couldn’t answer a single question… What was she supposed to do?

“Xiao Wu, I’m so sorry…” Chaoge was so upset that she smacked herself on the head and stomped her foot. “You got me that exam permit after all those setbacks, but I’m so useless… I’m sorry… sorry…”

Overwhelmed with guilt, Chaoge began to cry…

Feng Wu rubbed her head, but it only made Chaoge sadder, which upset Feng Wu as well.

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