《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》553-554


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“It seems that she’s as useless as ever. Duan Chaoge, are you an idiot? Why are you still hanging out with her?”

Chaoge could stand it if she was the only one Duan Chaoyin insulted, but she had insulted Feng Wu.

Chaoge spun around and slapped Duan Chaoyin in the face!

“She’s not useless!”

The attack was so sudden and Chaoge’s hand moved unbelievably fast!

Duan Chaoyin had no time to react!

She was dumbfounded.

“You —”

Both Duan Chaoyin and Duan Chaoyue had applied for Imperial College and were Level 9 Spiritual Masters. After they realized what had happened, they charged at Chaoge at once!

Since Chaoge had made a move, she wasn’t going to back off now!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A fight broke out right away.

Chaoge was only a Level 7 Spiritual Master now and she was no match for a Level 9, let alone two of them.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Before long, Chaoge had bruises all over her face and she took quite a few blows to the body as well.

Duan Chaoyin smirked. “Duan Chaoge, is that all you can do? You hit me? You’re dead!”


Duan Chaoyin slashed down with her palm turned sideways, and it landed right on Duan Chaoge’s forehead!

That hurt —

Chaoge felt a dull pain in her head, her vision went dark, and she could see stars —

“Duan Chaoge, die!” Duan Chaoyin pulled a dagger out of nowhere and stabbed down at Chaoge’s heart!

Duan Chaoyin was cold-blooded that way. Although Chaoge was her sister, she was going to kill the latter because of that slap.

Duan Chaoge’s head swam and she staggered about in all directions. She could barely keep her balance, let alone dodge the blade.

It seemed that Chaoge would be stabbed to death…

Right at that moment!



A leaf flew down and hit Duan Chaoyin on her wrist.

That hurt —

Duan Chaoyin’s grip loosened at the pain and the dagger dropped to the ground just before it reached Chaoge’s chest.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu stood on the wall.

After Chaoge was gone for a while, Feng Wu recalled the complicated relationships in the Duan family and decided to check up on the girl.

Feng Wu knew where Chaoge lived. Like herself, Chaoge had been given the most remote courtyard in the family. Hence, she had jumped onto the wall and was going to run along it to get to Chaoge’s place. However, she saw what was happening before she entered the yard.

Feng Wu was furious!

How dare they bully Chaoge, her friend?

She picked a leaf from a nearby tree.

Luckily, Feng Wu could still think straight and she covered her face with a black scarf. She couldn’t let anyone else know about her cultivation ability for now!

“Who’s there?” Duan Chaoyin realized what was going on and a murderous look flickered in her eyes!

Looking up, she saw a masked person charging at her!

“You —”

That was all Duan Chaoyin could say. The masked person then smacked her on the forehead!


It was such a formidable blow!

Duan Chaoyin flew back and crashed into a nearby wall!


The ramshackle wall collapsed at the impact and the bricks buried Duan Chaoyin.

“You —” Seeing this, Duan Chaoyue realized the danger and turned to run.

However, she was only able to take a few steps when Feng Wu kicked up a stone and struck down with its sharp tip aimed at Duan Chaoyue’s back —

“Ahhh —”

Duan Chaoyue cried out in surprise and fell forward on her face. What a sorry picture.

Just then, Feng Wu sensed a great power surge out from deep inside the Duan family’s house!


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Seeing Duan Chaoyue fall on her face, Chaoge rushed over, climbed onto her back, and pounded Duan Chaoyue’s head with her fist!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The strikes were relentless!

But Feng Wu could sense a formidable power coming their way!

There was no time to think. Grabbing Chaoge, Feng Wu said, “I like this chubby girl. She’ll make a nice stew for my dinner; she’s coming with me!”

After that, Feng Wu hurried off, dragging Chaoge along with her!

Feng Wu and Chaoge had just jumped over the wall when a middle-aged man appeared in front of Duan Chaoyue.

“What’s going on?”

“Father!” Duan Chaoyue looked up and saw that it was her awe-inspiring father. She wrapped her arms around his leg and burst into tears right away.

Duan Hongyi was going to go after the intruder, but with Duan Chaoyue holding his leg, he couldn’t move.

“Phew —”

Feng Wu only let out a breath of relief after they were away from the Duan family.

She was only able to handle Duan Chaoyue and Duan Chaoyin that easily because she was a Level 4 Spiritual Grandmaster and those two were only Level 9 Spiritual Masters. There was no surprise there.

However, the person that came afterwards was way above Feng Wu’s level. She might be able to run away from him, but Chaoge would be in a lot of trouble.

“You — you can’t eat me! I don’t taste good at all!” Chaoge stared at Feng Wu in alarm.

Chaoge didn’t recognize her?

Feng Wu found the girl hilarious. She put on a long face and eyed Chaoge maliciously. “Chubby girls like you are my favorite! I’ll slow cook you on a pan until the grease sizzles! It’ll smell so good!”

Chaoge pictured herself sizzling in a pan and was almost in tears!

But she still said stubbornly, “I, I’m poisonous!”

Feng Wu stepped forward. “That’s ok. Poison doesn’t affect me.”

“I, I… Do you know who Feng Wu is? We’re good friends! If you eat me, she’ll kill you to take revenge for me!” Chaoge stared at the masked person, sounding nervous.

Feng Wu couldn’t hold it back anymore and burst out laughing.

“You —” Chaoge recognized that voice and her eyes widened.

Feng Wu then removed the black scarf over her face.

“Xiao Wu! It’s you!!!”

Chaoge stared at Feng Wu in disbelief!

“You, you —”

She hadn’t detected any spiritual essence in Feng Wu all this time, so she just assumed that…

She didn’t realize that Feng Wu was such an advanced cultivator!

“Xiao Wu, you…” Chaoge was more excited than if she had the ability herself. She ran up to Feng Wu and threw her arms around the latter. “Xiao Wu, you smacked Chaoyin down and kicked Chaoyue away in one go! Wow! Xiao Wu, you’re incredible! What level are you now? Let me guess —

“Are you a Level 1 Spiritual Grandmaster?”

Feng Wu shook her head.

“Level 2, then?”

Feng Wu shook her head again.

“Level 3?!” Chaoge was thrilled.

But Feng Wu stil shook her head. “Not anymore.”

“Holy crap! You’re a Level 4 Spiritual Grandmaster? Oh my god!” Chaoge’s knees almost buckled.

Feng Wu nodded. “Yes, for now.”

For… now…

Chaoge smiled in resignation.

“A Level 9 Spiritual Master is already good enough to qualify for the exam. Xiao Wu, you…” Chaoge’s cheeks flushed with excitement. “Those people all think that you have no spiritual essence and they all laughed at you! Are they blind?!

“No, I was as blind as them —” Chaoge buried her face in her hands and smiled bitterly. “I’ve been with you all this time, yet I had no idea how amazing you are!”

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