《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》541-542


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Wu had no idea about what was going on in Granny Gong’s head, nor did she know about Feng’s suspicions.

At that moment, her only thought was to strangle Jun Linyuan herself!

How could he do this?

He would tease her, make fun of her, or bully her whenever he felt like it!

She was so frustrated!

Just as Feng Wu was about to crawl out of the hot spring —

She shuddered violently and the fire spiritual energy exploded inside her!

Wait —


It felt like she would break through as soon as she lost her temper? That was incredible!

There was no time to think. Feng Wu sat back down in the water.

What she didn’t know was that this hot spring had been created by using the essence of the magma extracted from underground, which was then infused with fire spiritual energy.

The concept of a “dragon lode” was brought up when the imperial city was established, and this hot spring sat right where the heart of that “dragon” was located!

One could find the purest and most active fire spiritual energy here!

Feng Wu had gotten one hell of a deal by coming here.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu had no time to think. She sank to the bottom of the pool and sat there cross-legged. Soon, fire spiritual energy flickered and danced around her, reminding one of little fairies.

Time flew by —

Feng Wu felt a satisfying sensation five minutes later, as if all her pores had opened up.

She had broken through!

She had been a Level 3 Spiritual Grandmaster when she came here, and she was a Level 4 now!

Feng Wu was astonished after the breakthrough.

She didn’t know that was even possible!

She recalled that she had broken through before right as Jun Linyuan pissed her off. She had been furious, but had nowhere to vent her anger. The next thing she knew, she had leveled up.

And it had just happened again. She was mad at Jun Linyuan and she made a breakthrough…


Feng Wu was speechless.

Being pissed off by Jun Linyuan was a stimulus for her cultivation? What was the reasoning behind that?

Feng Wu was dumbfounded.

Whatever. She had pushed quite a significant amount of toxins out of her body during the breakthrough, so she took off all her clothes, down to her undergarments.

She then quickly washed herself.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Feng Wu covered her chest with her arms involuntarily. It couldn’t be Jun Linyuan, could it?

No, it couldn’t be. That fiend would never knock before coming in.

Feng Wu called out, “Who is it?”

Granny Gong’s kind, friendly voice rang out. “It’s me. His Royal Highness left instructions and I’m here to bring you some clothes.”

Feng Wu was about to get some clothes out of her ring, but she stopped halfway. If she did that, she would expose the secret of her ring.

“Come in.”

Granny Gong walked in to find Feng Wu submerged in the hot spring with only her head above the water. She looked at Granny Gong with her beautiful eyes.

Only her head was above the water… Was she trying to hide the marks on her body?

“Miss Wu, would you like to come out now? Let me help you get dressed.”

Feng Wu waved her hands immediately. “No, that won’t be necessary. Granny Gong, please don’t let me keep you. I’m fine by myself.”

“Then… how about I get Xiangcao here to wait on you?”

“No, I’m fine, really.” Feng Wu turned her down right away.

Granny Gong took it as a sign of how shy Feng Wu was. At the thought of what had just happened between the girl and His Royal Highness, she smiled. “Of course. Miss Wu, please feel free to do whatever pleases you. I’m going to make some soup with that ten thousand-year-old purple ginseng. Miss Wu, please enjoy the hot spring for as long as you want. It’ll help you get over your fatigue. Take your time. There’s no need to hurry.”


After that, Granny Gong left in a hurry, attentively closing the door behind her.

Feng Wu was dumbfounded…

As the chief maid of this residence, Granny Gong enjoyed quite a superior status. Even someone like Mrs Yan would greet Granny Gong with respect. However, the granny was so nice to her…

As a matter of fact, a little too nice.

And what was that ten thousand-year-old purple ginseng about?

Feng Wu’s heart skipped a bit. Had Granny Gong noticed that she had just had a breakthrough and was worn out? Was that why she wanted to restore her health with that ten thousand-year-old purple ginseng?

Had her secret been exposed?!

At that thought, Feng Wu couldn’t sit still anymore.

Rising to her feet, she quickly changed into the clean clothes which Granny Gong had brought her, then walked out in a hurry.

“Where’s Granny Gong?”

Feng Wu walked out to find no one outside. In a pavilion a few steps away, Feng stood there ramrod straight with his hands behind his back.

What was Feng doing there?

All of a sudden!

Feng Wu looked up at the sky!

There wasn’t a wisp of cloud in the sky when she looked, but one second later, black clouds gathered overhead and the light dimmed!

The next moment —

Rumble —

A bolt of lightning struck the pavilion Feng was standing in!

With all the flashing lightning and rumbling thunder, Feng Wu was only able to make out the teenager sitting in the pavilion after a while.

From behind, his straight, muscular back provided her with a sense of security.

And he was fatally seductive at the same time!


A sudden clap of thunder exploded in the black clouds and a bolt of lightning struck like a sharp blade, aimed right at Jun Linyuan’s head!

It was such a frightening lightning tribulation!

And more lightning kept striking down. There was a second lightning bolt, a third, and a fourth…

They came down one after another without stopping!

Feng Wu covered her mouth in astonishment.

She had never seen such a terrifying lightning tribulation before!

If it were her sitting there, she’d be in pieces by now.

Would Jun Linyuan be able to handle it?

It was a lightning tribulation, after all!

Just when Feng Wu was feeling concern for Jun Linyuan —

To Feng Wu’s surprise, Jun Linyuan stretched out his right arm with his palm facing upward.


The first bolt of lightning, the second, the third… Jun Linyuan caught all nine lightning bolts with his hand!

The lightning then turned into a ball, which emanated a terrifying energy!

However —

Jun Linyuan then squeezed.


The ball was crushed in his palm… It was pulverized…

Feng Wu’s eyes opened wide. She couldn’t believe that she had just witnessed a lightning tribulation.

She had experienced a lightning tribulation herself before. At her level, she had already been pushing her limit to get through it. She couldn’t imagine what Jun Linyuan’s tribulation had to feel like.

The first bolt of lightning burned everything within a one-kilometer radius of the pavilion to the ground. However, Jun Linyuan wasn’t affected at all.

Once the lightning tribulation was over, the dark clouds scattered and the sky had never looked so clear and blue.

Jun Linyuan had made a breakthrough.

Right now, even his back had an indecipherable feel to it. The attraction was breathtaking and it was almost impossible for one to take their eyes off him.

He was indeed the future ruler of the continent!

The next moment, he jumped out of the pavilion and turned around. His unblinking gaze shifted to Feng Wu.

His brooding eyes were so dark that no light seemed to be able to penetrate them…

Walking toward her out of the ashes, he reminded her of a god.

His robe flapped although there was no wind.

And he had a majestic air to him.

Finally, he stopped in front of her.

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