《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》539-540


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Wu smacked his taut shoulders. “Why are you so tense? Don’t tell me that… you’re nervous?”

“Nervous?!” The crown prince jumped to his feet and water splashed all over Feng Wu’s face.

“I’m nervous? Hah!” Jun Linyuan turned around and stared at Feng Wu. “Who on earth do you think you are? Some goddess from heaven? Why should I get nervous from your touch? Feng Wu, don’t flatter yourself!”

Feng Wu looked at him in bewilderment. “… I only wondered if Your Royal Highness might be nervous because you think I might damage your energy channels… Why are you so jumpy?”

Jun Linyuan didn’t say anything.

How embarrassing…

His earlobes turned pink and he glared at Feng Wu. “Get back to work! You talk too much!”

“Alright…” The poor girl went back to giving His Royal Highness a massage.

Fortunately, with her rhythmic kneading, the muscles on Jun Linyuan’s back gradually relaxed. But it was such an exhausting process.

Whenever Feng Wu wanted to stop, the crown prince would snort through his nose.

Which gave rise to the conversation that Granny Gong and Feng had heard just then.

Fifteen minutes passed…

Then an hour…

Two hours…

Feng Wu thought that her hands were going to cramp up.

She was massaging Jun Linyuan, an incredible cultivator, which was a completely different story from working on an ordinary person.

To make the massage enjoyable for Jun Linyuan, Feng Wu needed much more control over the pressure her hands exerted. Much, much more…

It challenged Feng Wu’s massage technique greatly.

After four hours, Feng Wu couldn’t take it anymore. She sat down on the ground in exhaustion and wiped her sweaty forehead with a towel.

Jun Linyuan had closed his eyes and his long eyelashes made two crescent shadows under them.


His well-defined features reminded her of a masterly built sculpture, whose beauty was breathtaking.

Seeing this, Feng Wu let out a breath of relief. Finally, she was free to go.

She quietly rose to her feet and turned to leave on tiptoe.

But —

She was only able to make it a few steps.

“How dare you leave now?!”

A hand came out of nowhere. It grabbed Feng Wu’s slim ankle and pulled!

Crash —

Feng Wu lost her balance and fell backward at the yank!


Feng Wu fell backward into the hot spring, splashing water everywhere.

She was submerged before she knew it!

She kicked the bottom of the pool instinctively and began to paddle upward to the surface.

Flustered, Feng Wu paid no attention to where her foot landed and she didn’t realize what she had stepped on!

Jun Linyuan’s face turned livid at that kick and he drew in his breath!

He glared at Feng Wu!

No matter how excellent a cultivator he was, he was as sensitive down there as every other man. Was this girl trying to make him impotent or something?

Feng Wu had no idea what she had done. She quickly reached the edge of the pool and jumped out of the water in the next second.

Turning around, she glared at Jun Linyuan. “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you use your words? Why is everything so physical with you? Can’t you try to talk to me before moving into action? Why did you have to drag me in? I would have drowned if I didn’t know how to swim —”

Feng Wu was still lashing out when she realized… Jun Linyuan’s face was very dark.

It was more than dark. He looked like he wanted to kill someone!

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Wu was speechless.

What was wrong?


Why was Jun Linyuan’s face so livid all of a sudden? And why that murderous look?

Feng Wu’s senses were as acute as a wild animal’s.

Once she realized the threat Jun Linyuan posed to her, she fell back, turned around, and ran for the exit!

She had to get out now, or she would have to face Jun Linyuan’s wrath.

Feng Wu ran as fast as she could.

She reached the door in no time and grabbed the door handle.

One second!

That was all she needed!

However, it was the longest second she had ever experienced…

Whoosh —

A streak of white light flashed through the air. Feng Wu looked over her shoulder and saw a long white curtain coming at her.

No —

Feng Wu cried out in surprise and tried her best to open the door. However —

The curtain wrapped around her thin waist and Jun Linyuan pulled. The next moment, Feng Wu flew back toward Jun Linyuan like a swing.

The white curtain was like an extension of Jun Linyuan’s arm. It gently pulled Feng Wu back and slowly put her down in front of him.

And it remained wrapped around Feng Wu, leaving her suspended over the pool.

Right now, Feng Wu’s hands and feet were all tied up and the curtain was wrapped around her from the neck down.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Jun Linyuan poked Feng Wu’s cheek with a finger.

Suspended in mid-air, Feng Wu was less than 10cm away from Jun Linyuan.

She thought she was going to explode!

Did he think he could simply do such a thing to her?

“What’s wrong with you?!” Feng Wu flared up. “Did I do anything to you? No, I haven’t! Why are you doing this to me? I need an explanation!”

“You didn’t do anything? Really?”

“I swear on my life. I didn’t do anything —” Feng Wu felt so wronged and so aggrieved.

Jun Linyuan threw her a sidelong glance and smirked. “You know perfectly well what you did!”

“What on earth did I —”

Feng Wu’s gaze shifted downward and she saw Jun Linyuan’s lower half. Her mouth fell open, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes darted around in a fluster.

Face livid, the crown prince wanted to lash out but couldn’t. All he could do was glare at Feng Wu.

For a moment, it was really awkward…

Jun Linyuan rose to his feet, splashing water everywhere. The next second, he dried himself off, and with a wave of his hand, his undergarments were as good as new.

He then threw a robe over his shoulders and headed for the door.

“Hey —”

Feng Wu yelled behind him. “Put me down! Put me down now —”

Jun Linyuan was such an oddball. He was capricious and unpredictable and one had no idea how to respond to his behavior.

He kept walking without looking back, but his finger moved a little.

Splash —

Feng Wu fell into the hot spring once more.

And the door to the hot spring pool opened.

Feng and Granny Gong, who had been talking, went back to their positions immediately and stood ramrod straight!

“Get her some clothes.”

The crown prince instructed Granny Gong when he walked past her.

Granny Gong’s eyes widened. She then looked at Feng.

Feng was astonished…

Granny Gong, on the other hand, was elated. “Hear that? His Royal Highness told me to get Miss Wu some clothes… Do I have to tell you what happened in there? Hoho, if we’re lucky, we’ll have a baby in the residence by next year. Right, I need to get those clothes for Miss Wu now.”

She then went off cheerfully and left Feng behind, who didn’t look convinced.

Had His Royal Highness really done it?

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