《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》527-528


“I’m sure you’ll like her!” Priest Wu said cheerfully.

Mr Lu snorted. Not necessarily.

Just as Grand Secretary Fang was about to send for Feng Wu —

Footsteps came from outside.

The young servant entered the room and said in a low voice, “Miss Feng Wu is here…”

Mr Lu threw a dirty look at Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu. “I see you came prepared.”

Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu rubbed their chins.

They had told Xiao Wu to stay behind, but she had still come. However, the timing was perfect.

Feng Wu walked in with Chaoge.

Mr Lu stared at Feng Wu with eyes as cold and deep as a dark abyss.

It was rather terrifying.

Chaoge shuddered and hid behind Feng Wu.

However, Feng Wu had kept her composure since entering the room. She was graceful, undisturbed, and completely unaffected by Mr Lu’s aura.

Mr Lu looked confused. Why did this girl look familiar?

“And you are?”

“Mr Lu, my name is Feng Wu,” Feng Wu replied.

Chaoge shuddered, then followed suit. “I’m Duan Chaoge.”

This man was the head of Imperial College, whose superiority was second only to the emperor. Even Chaoge’s grandfather couldn’t get an audience with this man… Chaoge was so excited!

Mr Lu was rather surprised. Wasn’t the girl afraid of him at all?

Priest Wu said in a hurry, “She’s the one. She’s as advanced in her formation skills as one can be, but her cultivation level is not as satisfying.”

Mr Lu darted a look at Priest Wu.

Not as satisfying? She couldn’t cultivate at all!

Mr Lu frowned.

Grand Secretary Fang said, “Once Xiao Wu is admitted into Imperial College, she can always go to the formation department if the martial arts department won’t have her…”


Mr Lu waved Grand Secretary Fang off and kept his gaze on Feng Wu. “Feng Wu, where have I heard that name before?

“That’s it! You’re THE Feng Wu!” Mr Lu looked shocked!

How could he not know that name?!

Feng Wu used to be a prodigy second only to Jun Linyuan, and was a figure that had amazed everyone.

She had only been eight back then, but Mr Lu had already wished to take her in as a student of Imperial College so that he could teach her himself and prevent her from going astray or bringing harm to herself.

He never thought that the next time they met would be five years later.

“Yes, I’m that Feng Wu.” Feng Wu smiled.

When Mr Lu looked at Feng Wu again, he felt very sorry for her.

That amazing girl had become a good-for-nothing.

It pained him to think about it.

Mr Lu shook his head and heaved a long sigh.

“Kiddo, you have no cultivation ability, which means that the martial arts department isn’t the right place for you,” Mr Lu said sincerely. “You should choose the formation department. You’ll do wonderfully there.”

Even Mr Lu had to admire Feng Wu’s capability.

When a door shut, God opened a window for her, and she was as much a genius as before.

Mr Lu felt so sorry for the girl…

The empire had lost more than just a great, potential warrior.

Mr Lu couldn’t bring himself to see Feng Wu this way. He gave a wave of his hand. “Please leave.”

He wouldn’t let Feng Wu enroll in the martial arts department.

For one, it would pain him so much to see the once genius girl become an ordinary person.

For another, Feng Wu wouldn’t be able to take it when she saw all her peers make progress when she couldn’t.


For those two reasons, Mr Lu turned Feng Wu down before she had a chance to speak.

Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu were shocked!

How could that be?

“Mr Lu…”

“Mr Lu…”

Both old men cried out in unison.

Would Mr Lu ignore their request outright?

Mr Lu was very straightforward. “She isn’t an ideal choice for the martial arts department, nor for Imperial College. Therefore, no.”

Once Mr Lu put it that way, there was nothing more Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu could say.

They turned to Feng Wu and sighed. “Xiao Wu, it’s out of our hands now. You…”

Feng Wu shook her head adamantly.

“Mr Fang, Mr Wu, may I have a minute alone with Mr Lu?”

Mr Lu smirked. “Feng Wu! I don’t care what you’re going to say. I said no, and no it is! Moreover, registration has closed, and at least for this year, you’ve lost your chance!”

He practically shouted those words.

He hoped that he could make Feng Wu see some sense that way.

However, what he didn’t know was —

Because of the earlier incident, many were eager to know what was going on with Feng Wu, so much so that quite a few students were lingering outside the principal’s office.

Among those students were Guan Jing and Rong Shixin.

Guan Jing grinned when she heard the principal’s words!

She dashed off toward the Year 1 cultivation room.

“I’ve got news! Big news!”

Her voice reached the room before she did.

“What is it?”

“Guan Jing, didn’t you follow Feng Wu out to see how defeated she would be when she left?”Read more chapter on our vipnovel.com

“Has she gone already? Did she really get into the principal’s office?”

Everyone was curious.

Feng Sang was in the crowd and she looked at Guan Jing with unblinking eyes.

Guan Jing went up to Feng Sang, and only when all eyes were on her did she say in a gloating voice, “I think everyone knows what Feng Wu did just then.”


“I followed Feng Wu out just then and saw her go all the way to the principal’s office.”

“Wow! She really went there? How?”

“Then what? Did she register?”

Guan Jing shushed the others with a hand gesture.

A hush fell over the crowd.

It turned out that Guan Jing was unable to hold back her laughter. She laughed and laughed until she trembled all over and tears streaked her cheeks.

Everyone was bewildered.

What on earth happened? Why was Guan Jing laughing so hard?

“Tell us!”

“That’s right. Stop laughing!”

“Tell us now! You’re killing me here!”

Guan Jing finally managed to stop laughing, and in a trembling voice, she said, “Feng Wu did indeed see Mr Lu, and Mr Lu talked to her.”


Everyone was jealous and excited!

Mr Lu was such a superior figure that one couldn’t just see him as they pleased.

But Feng Wu had been granted an audience?

They would be lying if they didn’t admit that they were jealous.

Guan Jing went on. “Feng Wu did indeed see Mr Lu. Why am I so certain? Because I heard Mr Lu talk to her.

“Mr Lu said, ‘Feng Wu! I don’t care what you’re going to say. I said no, and no it is! Moreover, registration has closed, and at least for this year, you’ve lost your chance!’”

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