《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》523-524


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

After he got into Imperial College, he had become even more popular.

However, Feng Wu had just turned him down outright.

But Rong Shixin believed that Feng Wu was only playing hard-to-get.

Girls like her were so much fun to court, weren’t they?

Feng Wu frowned at the hubbub. She took Chaoge’s hand, then turned to leave.

“Xiao Wu —”

Rong Shixin ran after her.

Feng Wu cast a stern look at him!

“Erk…” Rong Shixin felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart. He got the creeps and he stumbled back involuntarily.

That was strange…

Hadn’t Feng Wu lost all her cultivation ability? Why was she so scary?

“Feng Wu! What are you doing here in Imperial College? Are you here to hit on guys?!”

Feng Sang’s voice rang out behind them.

Guan Jing chuckled. “Is she here to tour the school? She won’t be able to enroll anyway, so why not use the open day to enjoy the view?”

Many of the girls snickered at those words.

They looked at Feng Wu in such a condescending manner.

So what if she had once been a genius? She was completely useless now. She wasn’t even qualified to take the exam, let alone become a student of Imperial College.

“If I recall correctly, our school is recruiting new students in a few days, right?”

“That’s right. You have to be a Level 9 Spiritual Master at least to take the exam. Too bad that some people don’t even meet that. All they can do is lure guys in with that pretty face.”

“Hahaha — now I know why Feng Wu is here.”

“Why is that?”

“Because — since she can’t get into Imperial College herself, she has to depend on that pretty face. She’s going to find a rich husband here, isn’t she?”


“Hahahaha —” Many girls laughed upon hearing those words.

Feng Wu was so beautiful that the guys couldn’t help but take her side. As a result, many girls turned Feng Wu into their imaginary enemy.

“Rong Shixin, you’re just one of the potential moneybags she’s digging into, hahaha —”

“Rong Shixin, wake up. She’s casting her net all over the place.”

“Rong Shixin… are you seriously going to take a useless girl back home? That’s just humiliating!”

Rong Shixin’s face turned livid!

Exasperated, Chaoge rested her hands on her waist as tears welled up in her eyes. “Shut up! Xiao Wu can’t get into Imperial College? Says who? We’re here today to register!”

Wow —

A hush fell over the crowd at those words…

Everyone gave Chaoge strange looks.

Feng Sang rubbed her ears. “What did you say?”

Sticking out her chest, Chaoge said righteously, “I said Xiao Wu is here to register for Imperial College’s entrance exam! And she’s not the only one! I’m going to take the exam as well!”

“Pfft —”

“Hahahaha —”

“Oh god, that’s hilarious. My tummy aches, help —”

“Hahahaha, I’m cracking up here. That has to be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard —”

Many girls laughed until their stomachs ached.

Oh god…

A useless girl without so much as a streak of spiritual essence was going to take the exam?

As for that silly girl Chaoge, she was a Level 7 at best. How dare she talk about taking the exam as well? That was preposterous!

Rong Shixin also looked at Chaoge strangely. “You…”

Chaoge was furious!

What was wrong with these people? She and Feng Wu were here just to register for the entrance exam! Xiao Wu was so smart and brilliant that she could surpass them without breaking a sweat! Where did their sense of superiority come from? And what made them think that they could laugh at Xiao Wu like this?!


That pissed Chaoge off. She made up her mind that she would become an excellent cultivator; one day, she would be strong enough to sneer at all those people who used to laugh at Xiao Wu!

“Hahaha — just look at that butterball. She’s cross. She looks so funny with her cheeks puffed up.”

“Hahaha, are you seeing this? The butterball wants to kill us with her eyes.”

“Oh my, I think the butterball wants to fight us to death.”

By “butterball,” they were obviously referring to Chaoge.

All those “butterballs” infuriated Chaoge!

No teenage girl would want such a nickname, especially one that used to be so pretty.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and her back looked both stubborn and sad.

Feng Wu’s hand landed on her shoulder. Chaoge turned around with red-rimmed eyes.

“Silly girl.” Feng Wu rubbed her head. “You’ll soon be as fit as you were. I promise.”

Chaoge beamed at Feng Wu with tears in her eyes.

Wiping away her tears, Chaogo looked up at Feng Wu, whom she trusted, and nodded with a smile. “Yes!”

However, Rong Shixin was looking at Feng Wu in a sympathetic way.

“Are you really going to register for the exam?”

“Yes.” Feng Wu nodded.

Rong Shixin didn’t know what to say.

Guan Jing snickered all of a sudden. “What? Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t registration closed already?”

“That’s right! It closed at noon, didn’t it?”

“It’s already the afternoon now, hahaha —”

Many gave Feng Wu funny looks.

Some even sneered. “If you’re really going to find an excuse, at least find a plausible one. How are you going to register when the deadline has already passed?”

“Well, maybe she really is here to do that. Don’t be so harsh.”

Guan Jing said, “She really is here to do that? Don’t make me laugh. One is a Level 7 at most, and the other has no cultivation ability whatsoever. You’re telling me that they’re here to register for the exam?”

“Pfft —”

Guan Jing went on, “There’s one possibility, though.”

“What’s that?”

Guan Jing said, “I heard that the school has a special rule. If a person can get recommendation letters from three members of the board of education, they can be treated as an exceptional case and be registered.”

“Hahahaha —”

Many onlookers laughed until they were in tears.

“Those two? Get letters from the bigshots? And three of them? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

No way. No one was going to believe that.

Chaoge trembled with fury. “You snobs! Two of the big guys already gave us letters, and we’ll get the third one!”

However, the others only guffawed.

Feng Wu shook her head and tugged at Chaoge. “Let’s go.”

There was nothing more to say to these people.

Feng Wu then led Chaoge toward the president’s office.

Many were looking forward to making fun of her.

“Look, hahaha, Feng Wu is going to the president’s office.”

Guan Jing said, “Well, after what she said, she can’t just leave, right? The least she can do is make a show of it. Where else can she go if not the president’s office?”

“Hahahaha —”

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