《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》505-506


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“Xiao Wu, why are you smiling? Seriously, you wear such simple and modest clothes. How did he come to that conclusion? That’s a mean old man!” Chaoge said indignantly.

Feng Wu only smiled at first, but she was so amused that she soon broke into laughter.

Chaoge stared at her in bewilderment. “Why are you laughing? You were told off!”

Feng Wu chuckled. “My beautiful master was right. Priest Wu is an upright man who hates it when people let formations go to waste. That man was Priest Wu, alright.”

“Beautiful master? As in that beautiful master from your dreams?” Chaoge was intrigued.

But Feng Wu didn’t want to talk about her beautiful master with Chaoge, for her master was her own secret and she didn’t want to share it with anyone else.

Feng Wu grunted proudly. “I’m not going to talk about it.”

Chaoge said in resignation, “What about Priest Wu, then? Where did you hear about what he’s like? And whoever told you that sounds so superior.”

Feng Wu said stubbornly, “I’m not telling you.”

Chaoge stared at Feng Wu. “Every time you ‘don’t tell me’ something, it has to do with that beautiful master in your dreams.”

Feng Wu gloated. She then gave a wave of her hand. “Let’s go.”

“Where to?”

“The Fang manor.” Feng Wu grinned. “That’s where Priest Wu went and that’s where we’re going.”

Chaoge was dubious about that plan. Priest Wu was at Grand Secretary Fang’s place as a guest; there was no way they would be invited in as well.

She heard the conversation between Feng Wu and Steward Fang.

The steward said, “Miss, I’m sorry, but we’re not accepting visitors today.”

Chaoge looked at Feng Wu. I told you. See?

Feng Wu said matter-of-factly, “Isn’t the manor for sale? We’re not visitors, but buyers.”

Chaoge was speechless. She hadn’t seen that coming.

Why were they going to buy the manor? Xiao Wu was clever! Chaoge didn’t worship the genius girl for nothing!


Steward Fang hesitated. “But we’re entertaining an honorable guest today. I’m afraid you’ll have to come back another day for the house tour.”

Feng Wu smiled. “That won’t be necessary. I think the manor looks great.”

Steward Fang thought to himself, “Of course you do. Everyone thinks this manor is great.”

He said with an impassive face, “The manor is selling for 100,000 taels of silver.”


“And a thousand-year-old ginseng, a 5000-year-old lingzhi mushroom, and a ten thousand-year-old Chinese knotweed as well.”


“Moreover, you’ll only qualify to purchase the manor if you can answer the question on this piece of paper in three days.” Steward Fang handed Feng Wu a piece of paper.

Feng Wu had seen him give Ye Yafei the same piece of paper when she had sat on the wall the other day.

Feng Wu had planned to take a peek at Ye Yafei’s paper when she followed the latter to World Tower, but after everything that happened, she forgot all about it. Now, she finally knew what the question was.

Seeing Feng Wu read the question on the spot, Steward Fang said grumpily, “You have three days to think about it. There’s no need to rush. Miss, you should leave now.”

He tried to shoo Feng Wu out the door after that.

However, Feng Wu only gestured at Chaoge. “Give me a pen, please.”

Chaoge had come prepared and she took out a ready-to-use writing brush from her chest pocket. Unlike a regular writing brush, which had to be dipped into ink to use, this one came with a soaked tip and could be used instantly.

Whoosh —

Feng Wu started writing right away. She gave the pen back to Chaoge a minute later and handed the paper back to Steward Fang.

“I don’t need three days. I’ve solved the problem already. Mr Fang, please give the answer to your master.” Feng Wu clapped her hands.


Steward Fang didn’t check the answer, for he didn’t understand it.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

But, the look he gave Feng Wu wasn’t friendly at all.

For he thought that Feng Wu was being disrespectful and that she had only written down some random nonsense.

“Quick, give it to your master.” Chaoge prompted him.

Although she had no idea what Feng Wu had in mind, Chaoge never questioned Feng Wu’s decisions.

Steward Fang frowned.

Of all the potential house buyers he had met, this girl was the only one who treated the test so casually. All the others had been very serious.

At that thought, the steward disliked Feng Wu even more.

Hence, he waved Feng Wu off. “I’ll show it to my master later. Go back and wait for further instructions.”

Meanwhile, in the Fang manor.

Grand Secretary Fang and Priest Wu sat on their knees facing each other. Both kept their backs ramrod straight and had tranquil looks in their eyes.

Between them was a burlywood tea table.

On the table stood the porcelain Whistling Vase.

Master Bian knelt next to Priest Wu, while a teenager stood at Grand Secretary Fang’s side.

The teenager had a refined and elegant air about him. With a glance, one could tell that he was from a noble family and that he was one of the eminent offspring.

If Feng Wu were here, she would recognize him right away, for it was none other than Xuan Yi himself.

Xuan Yi was very respectful toward Grand Secretary Fang, who was his maternal grandfather.

Right now, Grand Secretary Fang wasn’t paying attention to Xuan Yi. He was staring at Priest Wu.

Priest Wu, on the other hand, was completely absorbed in that Whistling Vase.

He listened to it attentively and there was a serene look on his face.

A while passed before Priest Wu slowly opened his eyes, which were limpid and sagacious.

“What a mind-calming formation. It reminds me of a warm spring day and makes me feel as if I’m strolling in a sea of flowers with a spring breeze brushing past my cheeks. It can cast all anger away and calm one’s mind. This is definitely a Master Level formation — and maybe even more advanced than that.”

More importantly, this mind-calming formation was perfect for Priest Wu, who was irascible and prone to agitation.

Priest Wu had always been a step away from the Supreme Level because of his short temper.

“Grand Secretary Fang, is it possible for you to part with this treasure?” Priest Wu asked.

Master Bian blanched at those words!

He had broken into a cold sweat as soon as he recognized the sagacious old man, and a chilly sensation ran down his spine when he heard how highly his master spoke of this Whistling Vase.

As expected, Grand Secretary Fang glanced at Priest Wu. “You like it?”

“Brother Fang, you know me too well. I get grumpy so easily; if I have this Whistling Vase with the mind-calming formation in it, I might be able to rise to the Supreme Level.”

Despite his superior status, Priest Wu was still a junior to Grand Secretary Fang. He cupped his fists and smiled bitterly. “Brother Fang, I apologize for offending you in the past. Please forgive me and sell me this Whistling Vase.”

Grand Secretary Fang smiled cryptically, but said nothing in reply.

“Brother Fang, how about this? You know my collection very well. May I trade one of my pieces for this vase?”

The formation in this vase wasn’t exactly advanced, but the design was so intricate and sophisticated that it was worth studying. Moreover, it met Priest Wu’s needs.

And that wasn’t something that could be measured with money alone.

Grand Secretary Fang darted a glance at Master Bian, then casually said, “This Whistling Vase should have been yours.”

“What?” Priest Wu was pleasantly surprised. “Mine? How so? Why don’t I know about it?”

Master Bian couldn’t stop sweating.

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