《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》503-504


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Seeing that she had successfully confused Chaoge, Feng Wu chuckled. “You don’t have to understand everything. All you need to know now is that we can start from this Grandmaster Wu and work our way up to Grand Secretary Fang.”

Once they made Grand Secretary Fang’s acquaintance, all would be easy. They could borrow as many past papers as they wanted!

Moreover, Feng Wu was trying to purchase Grand Secretary Fang’s manor and she had been looking for a chance to meet the old man, but she hadn’t been able to find one until now.

Feng Wu had thought about using Feng Xun as a go-between, but she then realized that Jun Linyuan didn’t like her interacting with Feng Xun too often… although she had no idea why.

Hence, she had to depend on herself now.

“But how are we supposed to get to know Grandmaster Wu? Will Master Bian recommend us to him?” Chaoge found that approach rather unreliable.

“That’s right!” Chaoge smacked a hand on her thigh and cried out. “I remember!”

“You remember what?” Feng Wu looked at her in bewilderment.

“Master Bian participated in the creation of Imperial College’s essence-gathering formation, right? I just remembered that someone told me that his master was a guest advisor at Imperial College and a bigshot in the formation department. Come to think of it, they were referring to Grandmaster Wu!”

Chaoge sighed with emotion. “Both Fang and Wu are valuable assets of the empire, and I’d be over the moon if they were to somehow appreciate our capabilities… But they’re such superior figures that I can’t see how we’re going to get ourselves noticed. Sigh —”

Feng Wu smiled. “Not necessarily.”

Just then, Uncle Qiu came in and looked at Feng Wu in a strange way.

Feng Wu was confused. “Uncle Qiu, what’s wrong? Do you have news for me?”


Uncle Qiu said awkwardly, “Miss, didn’t you tell me to ask around about where Grandmaster Wu lives?”

“If I’m not mistaken, Priest Wu is coming this way —” Uncle Qiu didn’t know how to describe his feelings at that moment.

Exactly how lucky could Miss Wu be? As soon as she wanted to find out where Grandmaster Wu lived, Grandmaster Wu was on her doorstep!

“That’s a happy coincidence.” Even Feng Wu was surprised and she rose to her feet involuntarily.

Chaoge’s eyes widened. “Uncle Qiu, are you talking about THE Grandmaster Wu? The treasure of the empire?”

Uncle Qiu nodded in a solemn manner. “Yes. Master Bian was with him, so it has to be the guy.”

“Are they coming here?” Chaoge cried out in surprise.

“No. If I’ve guessed right, they’re going to the Fang manor.” Feng Wu looked pensive.

Please don’t tell her that Priest Wu had his eye on the Fang manor as well!

“Xiao Wu, this is a great opportunity. What are we going to do?” Chaoge tugged at Feng Wu’s sleeve in excitement.

Talk about sheer luck. Priest Wu and Grand Secretary Fang were under the same roof now, and it would be such a waste if they didn’t seize this opportunity.

Rubbing her chin, Feng Wu walked back and forth in the room.

Her head was spinning and several ideas came to her, but she ruled all of them out.

All of a sudden!

Feng Wu’s eyes lit up!

She knew what to do —

At the same time.

In the Fang manor next door to the Feng manor.

Grand Secretary Fang stood in front of a window and was examining the Whistling Vase in an affectionate way.

He had noticed the unusual characteristics of this Whistling Vase yesterday, which was why he had decided to buy it. However, after examining it closely last night, Grand Secretary Fang realized in surprise that —


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Grand Secretary Fang realized that although the vase itself was a fake antique, the formation within was very profound.

Every time he listened to it, he had a different feeling.

It was amazing.

Grand Secretary Fang was a gaunt old man. He beckoned at someone behind him.

Almost instantly, his old steward showed up.

“Find out who that young lady is. Be thorough about it.”

“Yes —”

The steward left as quickly as he had shown up.

“How amazing…” General Secretary Fang sighed with emotion. “At such a young age, she could come up with such an intricate formation in such a short time. She’s a genius. There’s no doubt about it…”

Grand Secretary Fang had seen his fair share of the world and had met more than enough geniuses. However, none of those could compare with the Whistling Vase girl.

“What a spectacular girl… I wonder if I’ll be able to see her again.” Grand Secretary Fang regretted not taking her more seriously earlier.

Grand Secretary Fang held some old grudges against Priest Wu from back in the day, and he had decided that he would use this opportunity to laugh at the latter.

Outside the Fang manor.

Master Bian helped Priest Wu out of the carriage.

Priest Wu was an old man with white hair and a goatee. Despite his age, he was hale and hearty and had a youthful look on his face.

Just then —


A rock hit the carriage.

Priest Wu dodged to the left and everyone looked up at the top of the wall.

Feng Wu sat there with her legs dangling over the wall.

“Are you Priest Wu?” Feng Wu only knew the man by name and had never met him in person before. Hence, she asked the question curiously.

Feng Wu sat there against the light and the evening glow limned her figure. With the halo around her, she looked like a fairy.

Priest Wu didn’t linger on Feng Wu’s face. He saw what Feng Wu was holding and frowned. “That’s too valuable a thing for someone this young to play with. How wasteful! The moral degeneration of the world is getting worse day by day!”

He walked off, shaking his head.

Master Bian followed Priest Wu everywhere.

Chang Yu, his senior martial brother, was the one who usually did the job. However, Chang Yu had been ill in the last few days, and the honorable task had landed on Master Bian’s shoulders.

It was such a rare opportunity that Master Bian spared no effort to make Priest Wu’s life as comfortable as possible. Delighted, Priest Wu had decided to teach his student an advanced formation later.

Master Bian had realized that as well and was feeling very smug.

He recognized Feng Wu immediately!

“It’s you?!” Master Bian frowned.

Priest Wu darted a look at Master Bian and sounded displeased. “You know her?”

“Yes, master,” said Master Bian. “She’s the girl I told you about, the one who swindled me out of 1000 top-grade spiritual stones. Master, do you not know her?”

Priest Wu frowned. “Why should I know such a vain girl?”

That settled Master Bian’s mind.

This Miss Feng Wu had mentioned Priest Wu that day, which had flustered him quite a bit as he feared that she somehow knew his master.

Master Bian smirked. It was a good thing he hadn’t given his master that Whistling Vase as the girl had said to.

As he helped Priest Wu into the Fang manor, Master Bian darted a contemptuous look at Feng Wu.

Chaoge was upset. “What did that old man mean? What vain girl? How could he say such things about Xiao Wu?!”

Feng Wu only smiled.

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