《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》495-496


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Yanfeng didn’t know how to explain the fact that he had smashed into the tree because he tried to kick the door open. It would sound ridiculous…

“Feng Wu!” Feng Yanfeng switched to an authoritative tone. “Do you have any idea of the consequences of what you did in the Yan manor?! Sir Yan holds a lot of grudges against us now, and I’m going to lose my job! Do you know how hard it is to work as a government official nowadays? The entire Feng clan has been implicated because you wouldn’t swallow your pride!”

Feng Yanfeng had already been drunk on his way back, or he wouldn’t be so talkative.

Cheeks flushed, he pointed at Feng Wu. “You should never have come back! What were you thinking? Go pack your things and go back to Northern Border City now!”

What was happening in Fallen Star Yard soon got out.

Flying Snow Building had been rebuilt and Lady Wang was instructing the servants to put things back in the building when she got the news.

“My lady! My lady! Great news!”

Ruyu went up to Lady Wang in a hurry, sounding exhilarated. “My lord went to Fallen Star Yard and he’s telling Miss Feng Wu to pack her things and get out!”

Lady Wang couldn’t bear the sound of Feng Wu’s name, but her face lit up when she heard the report. “Really? He really said that?”

“Yes! Very loudly. We heard it ourselves, every word of it.” Ruyu nodded in excitement.

“That’s great —” Lady Wang tossed aside the things in her hands. “Let’s go have a look.”

Granny Gui followed Lady Wang out immediately.

Feng Yiran and Feng Sang had gone back to Imperial College, but Feng Liu was at home. She was just as thrilled and went along with her mother.


The idea of seeing Feng Liu getting kicked back to Northern Border City was so uplifting! Feng Liu was overwhelmed with excitement.

She arrived at Fallen Star Yard to hear her dad ranting at Feng Wu. “Pack your stuff! Go back to Northern Border City! Don’t come back ever again!”

Feng Liu rushed to her mother’s side and whispered, “Mum, what’s going on? Why is Dad so mad?”

Instead of whispering back, Lady Wang raised her voice. “Your dad was implicated for what happened in the Yan manor and he may lose his job in the Ministry of Rites. That position he was trying to get at the Ministry of Official Personnel was given to someone else. None of that would have happened if it wasn’t for a certain person. All was well before they came back. If they still have any consideration left for the clan, they should pack up and leave the imperial capital now!”

Lady Wang had at least pretended to be nice, but after Yu Mingye took Flying Snow Building apart, she couldn’t be bothered anymore.

Feng Wu gave Feng Yanfeng a half-smile. “Uncle, I see that you’ve forgotten our deal.”

“What deal? You mean that 100,000…” Feng Yanfeng smirked. “Don’t be so naive. The political world is so much more complicated than you think. That 100,000 taels of silver —”

Feng Wu took out that note and tossed it at him before he could finish his sentence.

Feng Yanfeng’s eyes lit up. He saw immediately that it was from one of the ministries, and the format indicated that it was a letter of appointment.

He took another look and was dazed on the spot.

Meanwhile, Feng Liu and Lady Wang were only getting started.

“Feng Wu, who the hell do you think you are? Shut your mouth and get out of the imperial capital now!”


“Smack —”

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations


There was the crisp sound of a slap!

The others thought at first that Feng Yanfeng had slapped Feng Wu, but —

Lady Wang pressed a hand to her cheek and stared at Feng Yanfeng in disbelief. “You… you… you hit me?”

She thought she had said all the things he wanted to hear. What was wrong with that?

Lady Wang almost collapsed.

For she had always flattered herself to be Feng Yanfeng’s beloved wife, which was how she had always presented herself to others. However, he had just slapped her in front of everyone. She thought she was going to lose her mind!

Feng Yanfeng liked Lady Wang well enough, but only when it didn’t damage his interests.

Not to mention that Lady Wang was from an influential family herself.

The guy sat on the fence and was always after material gain. At the sight of that letter of appointment, Lady Wang was tossed aside.

Feng Yanfeng glared at her. “You’re just a woman. What do you know? Apologize to Xiao Wu now!”

Lady Wang’s eyes widened in disbelief!

Not only had she been slapped, she had to apologize to the girl?!

She wouldn’t have it!

Feng Wu darted a casual look at the letter in Feng Yanfeng’s hands. “I can give it to you, I can also take it back.”

Feng Yanfeng had examined it already. The letter was genuine, from the paper, the format, the seal — everything!

And it had bypassed Sir Yan. The order had come directly from His Majesty!

What did that mean?

When Sir Yan was outright against it, Feng Wu had still been able to get him an appointment from the emperor… whoever made this happen had to be very well-connected!

Feng Yanfeng broke into a cold sweat.

He shuddered and wiped his sweat.

He then glowered at Lady Wang. “What are you doing standing around? Apologize!”

Feng Yanfeng shoved Lady Wang; she had never seen such a fierce look in his eyes before.

Frightened, Lady Wang stared at Feng Yanfeng with a blank face.

Feng Liu was equally stunned. She watched in bewilderment and only came back to herself just then.

Rushing to her father, she screamed, “Dad! What’s wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? Why are you on Feng Wu’s side now? She should be kicked out! She’s such a bi-”

“Shut up!” Feng Yanfeng broke into a cold sweat again.

For he saw that Feng Wu was going to tear the letter in half.

No! That was his appointment letter and his way into the Ministry of Official Personnel! Moreover —

Judging by the part he had read —

Holy shit!

It wasn’t a letter for the position of assistant minister.

It was for the minister of the Ministry of Official Personnel!

Feng Wu had to have done it on purpose!

Feng Yanfeng was obsessed with getting promoted and he would willingly trade his soul for a higher position.

If he had still hesitated a little over the position of assistant minister, the idea of becoming a minister swept away all his hesitation.

Feng Wu had taken that letter back; she wouldn’t give it to Feng Yanfeng that easily.

Moreover, it was like Feng Wu said: she was able to get him the letter, and she could destroy that opportunity just as easily.

Feng Liu had no idea what was going on and was still screaming. “I don’t understand! Why? What’s so incredible about this woman? Dad, why are you on her side? You said you were going to kick her out yourself!”

“Why, Master Feng, you really are going to kick me out?” Feng Wu put the letter into her chest pocket and clapped her hands. “Alright. I’ll take my family back to where we came from.”

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