《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》451-452


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Wu frowned.

Those people were so loud!

As she stared at Inky Rain, the dots splattered all over the paper seemed to turn into tadpoles, which made her dizzy and she had to turn her gaze away.

But Feng Wu found a pattern before long.

She realized that staring at the entire painting would make her head swim. However, if she focused on a single dot, it would begin to expand —

And she could see something resembling a film reel in that dot.

In it, a man was performing swordplay.

That was it!

This Inky Rain contained a set of stances known as Inky Rain Swordplay!

Once she figured that out, Feng Wu began to search for the right sequence to the stances.

There were 36 stances in total and they were scattered randomly throughout the painting.

Soon, Feng Wu figured out the right order.

“Found anything yet?” Feng Wu asked Chaoge, who was staring at the painting with a blank face.

Chaoge turned to Feng Wu in bewilderment. “No.”

They were just inky blobs, weren’t they? And someone just splashed them everywhere, hadn’t they? What more was she supposed to find in the painting? Chaoge thought she was going to get a headache.

Feng Wu was speechless.

Seeing Feng Wu’s frown, Ye Yafei thought that the latter was angry because she couldn’t figure out the painting. She snorted. “The most important reason why people go crazy over World Tower is the existence of these paintings in the private rooms.

“It’s said that each painting is a manual for a set of martial art stances. Those who can figure them out will greatly benefit from them.

“If one gets an epiphany in World Tower because of the paintings on the wall, they’ll be rewarded by World Tower.

“Moreover, they stand a chance of being recruited by the imperial guards and becoming His Royal Highness’s personal guard. There was a person who had an epiphany in Moon Room next door and got into the imperial guards after being evaluated by the general of the imperial guards!”


“Oh god, His Royal Highness’s personal guard?!”

Huo Yin and the others covered their mouths and cried out in surprise.

Working for His Royal Highness was something they didn’t even dare to imagine!

“If I can see His Royal Highness once in my life with my own eyes, I’ll die with a smile on my face!” Huo Yin took a deep breath.

Ye Yafei thought grumpily, “I want the same thing, okay? I’d totally pass out if I can see His Royal Highness!”

Feng Wu smacked her forehead, speechless.

These people just wouldn’t shut up. How annoying.

She could only whisper something in Chaoge’s ear.

Chaoge’s eyes lit up. “Really?! Is that true?!”

Feng Wu nodded. “I’ve suppressed the Degenerative Powder toxin in your body. What you need to do now is improve your cultivation, transform the toxin into spiritual energy, and use it for yourself. That way, you’ll make progress very soon.”

Having been suppressed for so many years, Chaoge would make a frightening leap in her cultivation once she made progress.

Chaoge nodded in excitement. “Yes! Yes!”

She felt much closer to Feng Wu than to her biological sisters at home. Feng Wu had saved her life when she was little and Chaoge had made up her mind then: as long as she lived, she would do anything for Feng Wu.

She knew it! Xiao Wu was incredible! Xiao Wu was the best!

Xiao Wu had solved the problem that had nagged Chaoge for years as if it was nothing.

Xiao Wu had to be a fairy who had descended to the moral world, one that could turn stone into gold, Chaoge thought cheerfully to herself.

Seeing that Feng Wu had closed her eyes and entered a state of meditation, Chaoge closed her eyes as well.

She had lost track of time when —

“Hey, Duan Chaoge, are you really cultivating now? Aren’t you afraid that your level is going to drop again?” Ye Yafei smacked Chaoge’s shoulder with an open palm as she spoke.


Just then —

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Just then, Duan Chaoge shuddered violently!

“Phhh —”

A sound of something deflating came out of Chaoge.

And it went on and on —

She was releasing gas.

It caught Ye Yafei right in the face and she was dumbfounded!

“Cough, cough — retch —”

Ye Yafei was so disgusted that she threw up!

Huo Yin and the others also covered their mouths and noses and rushed out of the room.

“That stinks!”

“Holy crap! Has Duan Chaoge saved all that for five years before farting all at once?!”

“Is she trying to kill someone with it?”

“That gas has to be toxic!”

Once they were out in the corridor, they threw up everything they had eaten.

The clamor in Inky Rain Room even startled the waitress a short distance away.

Yan Yue, the waitress for Inky Rain Room, arrived at the scene with a frown.

“What’s going on?” Yan Yue asked coldly.

Ye Yafei gestured at the room. “Miss Yan Yue, I’m so glad you’re here. There are two people releasing toxic gas in there. We don’t know how they got in. Please take them away!”

Yan Yue frowned and stared at Ye Yafei with brooding eyes.

“Someone is really releasing toxic gas in there. Miss Yan Yue, will it ruin the painting?”

It was said that each of the paintings in the building contained a set of sword stances, and some even said that His Royal Highness had created the paintings himself. No one could afford to have them damaged!

Yan Yue could act as arrogantly as she wanted in front of Ye Yafei, but that painting was worth a hundred times more than her own life.

She pushed the door open and entered the room at once.

However —

Yan Yue found no such toxic gas when she walked in.

She only saw two girls sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed in front of Inky Rain. They were cultivating.

World Tower’s rules stipulated that no one was to be disturbed while they were cultivating.

Yan Yue was about to back out of the room when Ye Yafei rushed in. “Miss Yan Yue, the gas is really toxic. And those two —”

“Where’s that gas you were talking about?” Yan Yue cast a stern look at Ye Yafei.

“What?” Ye Yafei was dumbfounded when she looked inside. Duan Chaoge had farted for so long just then and the smell was abominable. But now, nothing seemed to be out of place.

What Ye Yafei didn’t see was a tiny tiger in Feng Wu’s sleeve, which seemed to be drunk on self-satisfaction at that moment…

Yan Yue cast a stern look at Ye Yafei and said in a cold voice, “Miss Ye, as a young lady from a respectful family, you should be more discreet in your behavior. Making a scene like that is highly inappropriate.”

A waitress was lecturing her now? Had it been some other place, Ye Yafei would have erupted with rage by now. However, this was World Tower and she didn’t dare cross the line one bit.

Her only option was to accept the reprimand. “Sorry.”

Yan Yue turned to leave.

However, Ye Yafei turned to look at the two friends, and to her surprise —


Duan Chaoge, who had to weigh around 100kg before, now looked only 75kg!

She had lost 25kg of her weight by releasing all that toxic gas?!

What did that mean?!

Had Inky Rain really helped her?

Despite her reluctance, Ye Yafei had to recognize the fact that Duan Chaoge had learned something from the painting, or she would never have eliminated all that toxin and lost so much weight!

She then realized that she had brought Duan Chaoge here herself to humiliate the latter. As it turned out, she had helped the girl instead… Ye Yafei almost had a heart attack!

“Miss Yan Yue —”

Ye Yafei called after the graceful waitress.

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