《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》447-448


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Because this was World Tower. His Royal Highness’s World Tower.

Ye Yafei frowned. “Yan Yue, is Moon Room taken?”

Yan Yue nodded slightly. “Yes.”

“What about Pine?”

“That’s taken as well.” Yan Yue glanced at Ye Yafei. “Inky Rain is the only left. Miss Ye, are you going to take it?”

World Tower was the only place that dared to treat its customers in this manner.

Ye Yafei had put on airs in front of Feng Wu, but she couldn’t even raise her voice to a waitress of World Tower.

The person behind World Tower was simply too powerful for anyone to defy.

Inky Rain Room.

The private room was as wide as several hundred square meters.

Tables were set on the left side and customers could entertain themselves however they wanted.

Rush cushions were scattered around on the floor on the right side of the room and a painting known as “Inky Rain” hung on the wall. Other than those, there was nothing on that side of the room.

The right side was as tranquil as it was boisterous on the left side.

The left side was for mundane activities and the right for cultivation.

The difference was as stark as Yin and Yang.

“Let’s eat. We’ll go study Inky Rain afterward.” Ye Yafei gestured at her friends to sit down. Her gaze shifted to Chaoge and she was going to ask Chaoge to stand behind her like a maid, but —

Feng Wu acted first and pressed Chaoge down in a chair. “Chaoge, take a seat.”

Ye Yafei smirked. She hadn’t even started yet. Well, sit all you want. Let’s see how long you can keep your seat!

Feng Wu and Chaoge sat at one corner of the table.

Ye Yafei was enjoying her conversation with her friends.

They were obviously shutting out Feng Wu and Chaoge, but Feng Wu couldn’t care less.


“Sister Yafei, you said you were going to tell us great news. What is it?” Huo Yin played along.

Ye Yafei glanced at Feng Wu with a gloating smile. “It’s not settled yet, but I’m sure I’ll get that manor!”

“Which manor?” Wen Ling asked curiously.

“Well… I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you that Zuo Qingluan told me about it in a letter. She said that the manor had great fengshui and was perfect for cultivation. So, she said she had to have it.”

“So, you’re not buying it, but Sister Zuo is?” Liu Hao asked in excitement when he heard Zuo Qingluan’s name.

“That’s right. It’s going to be Sister Zuo’s house and I’m only buying it on her behalf.” Ye Yafei switched to a mysterious tone. “Can you guess which manor it is?”

“Which one?” all her friends asked curiously.

“Feng Wu, aren’t you curious?” Ye Yafei stared at Feng Wu with a half-smile.

Grand Secretary Fang’s manor was right next to the Feng manor and only a wall away from Feng Wu’s Fallen Star Yard.

How angry and scared would Feng Wu be if she knew that Zuo Qingluan was going to become her next door neighbor? Ye Yafei was greatly satisfied by the thought!

Who could have expected that the haughty, aloof Feng Wu would one day live under such conditions, hahaha —

Feng Wu glanced at Ye Yafei casually. “Nope.”

“Heh.” Ye Yafei snorted. “You’ll cry your eyes out after the purchase goes through!”

Feng Wu shrugged indifferently.

However, she was secretly alarmed.

Feng Wu had thought that Ye Yafei was the other bidder and hadn’t taken the competition too seriously. But Zuo Qingluan? If that was the case, would Feng Xun be influential enough? Should she ask for Lady Northern Feng instead? Feng Wu pondered the matter.

Then, Ye Yafei and her friends —


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

“Feng Wu, aren’t you a little bit worried about what you did in Elegant Ink Gallery?”

Seeing that Feng Wu was unaffected by the mention of Zuo Qingluan, Ye Yafei brought up Young Master Mu instead.

“Why should I be?” Feng Wu said lightheartedly.

Ye Yafei snorted. “Young Master Mu owns the eastern side of the city and he’s on friendly terms with people from both the legal and lawless worlds. Even the governor of the imperial capital addresses him as ‘Young Master Mu’ with great respect. Mentioning your connection with Young Master Mu can get you out of any trouble on the eastern side of the city. He’s the boss behind Elegant Ink Gallery. Feng Wu, you’ve just offended him.”

Liu Hao frowned. “I met Young Master Mu once. He’s about our age, but why is he doing so much better than us?”

Mu Qing said, “He has a father who is a lord. Do you?”

Liu Hao rubbed his chin. “You have a point. I guess a lot of things are decided before you’re even born.”

Ye Yafei snapped, “It has nothing to do with his family! That title is the only thing Lord Mu has and there’s very little he can do to help his son. Young Master Mu’s five older brothers are as ordinary as the next guy, and the only reason he’s doing so well is because —”

Ye Yafei dropped her voice to a whisper. “It’s because he’s Young Lord Feng’s friend!”

“Young Lord Feng? Sister Yafei, are you referring to Young Lord Feng Xun?” Huo Yin and Wen Ling exchanged looks and both saw excitement in each other’s eyes.

“As in Young Lord Feng, the most famous playboy of the imperial capital?” Liu Hao was equally excited.

Ye Yafei nodded. “That’s right. Young Lord Feng is so well-connected.”

Huo Yin and Wen Ling were very interested in Feng Xun and they immediately asked, “What’s Young Lord Feng like? Is he handsome?”

Ye Yafei didn’t know Feng Xun that well and she had only met Young Master Mu a few times. Friends of the crown prince didn’t socialize with commoners like Ye Yafei.

However, Ye Yafei assumed an enigmatic air. “Of course he’s handsome. He’s one of the ‘Handsome Four’ of the imperial capital and he can be nothing but stunning.”

Feng Wu was busy eating her meal while rolling her eyes inwardly. Stunning my ass. Even a pig looked better than little Feng Xun’s bruised face.

“Wow —”

Huo Yin and Wen Ling were impressed. “Young Lord Feng must be so smart and so wise!”

Ye Yafei nodded repeatedly. “Of course! Young Lord Feng is so smart that he can do anything!”

Feng Wu was speechless. Feng Xun? So smart? There would be no idiots left in this world if that goofball could be considered smart.

“Is, is Young Lord Feng very capable in his cultivation?”

“Yes! He’s incredible! I heard that his capability is unfathomable!”

Feng Wu thought, “Your ‘unfathomable’ Young Lord Feng is probably getting beaten to a pulp by Jun Linyuan as you speak.”

Feng Wu put down her chopsticks. The intelligent, capable, invincible Feng Xun these people were talking about didn’t sound like the same Feng Xun she knew.

“Young Lord Feng is too superior for us to even fantasize about. What about Young Master Mu?”

Then, Ye Yafei started lavishing praise on Mu the Sixth.

Feng Wu couldn’t take it anymore. She led Chaoge to the other side of the room to look at Inky Rain.

She couldn’t leave for another two hours and she had to find something for her and Chaoge to do.

“Give me your hand.” After sitting Chaoge down on a rush cushion, Feng Wu took another one and sat down next to her.

Feng Wu was as excellent a doctor as she always was. Examining Chaoge closely, she drew her conclusions in less than five minutes.

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