《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》445-446


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

The elderly steward handed the vase to his master with great respect.

Taking the Whistling Vase, the sagacious old man pressed a palm to the base and examined it with his spiritual essence. His eyes flickered.

What an impressive formation.

The girl had set it up with such dexterous hands while chatting casually at the same time… Her formation skills were unfathomable.

At that thought, the sagacious old man gave his steward a look.

The elderly steward then tossed a bag of a thousand low-grade spiritual stones to Master Bian. “We’ll take this Whistling Vase. Off you go.”

Master Bian’s eyes lit up.

A thousand low-grade spiritual stones was a considerable amount for him and he was more than happy to trade this lousy vase for that much money.

“Sure, of course —” Master Bian agreed right away.

The sagacious old man smirked as he watched Master Bian leave. “What a fool.”

“Master.” The old steward grimaced. “I think Miss Feng was going to send a message to his master with that vase.”

As it turned out, Master Bian was unlucky that way and had sold off such a precious vase just like that.

“Xiao Wu —”

Outside Elegant Ink Gallery, Chaoge took Feng Wu’s hand and her eyes glistened with tears. “Xiao Wu, I knew it! You’re the best! You turned things around all by yourself, you surprised everyone, and you totally defeated Mr Mo! Even Master Bian had to admit his failure and run away… Oh my god, Xiao Wu, you’re awesome!”

Feng Wu looked at her childhood friend. The girl used to be a little more than skin and bones, but now —

Before Feng Wu could ask about it, Ye Yafei spoke.

“Feng Wu, that was unexpected. I didn’t know you had such sharp eyes.”

Leaning against a column outside Elegant Ink Gallery’s entrance, Ye Yafei looked Feng Wu up and down. “Although, appraising antiques and repairing them is all that you can do now, right? What else can you do? Can you cultivate? You’re still a useless cripple.”


“Shut up!”

Seeing Feng Wu being insulted made Duan Chaoge feel more infuriated than being humiliated herself. Her chest heaved with anger.

Feng Wu patted Duan Chaoge on the shoulder, then turned to Ye Yafei with a calm face.

Ye Yafei hadn’t learned anything from her failed attempt to frame Chaoge. Feng Wu had already forgotten about the girl, but she just wouldn’t go away. Since Ye Yafei was so eager to have her face slapped again, Feng Wu was happy to oblige.

“Miss Ye, how can I help you?” Feng Wu glanced at her.

“It’s nothing, really. I only have one question for you: do you still remember Zuo Qingluan, the girl who was less capable than you back then?”

The girls and boys behind Ye Yafei roared with laughter at those words.

Zuo Qingluan was also born with True Phoenix Blood, but back then, she was nowhere near as famous as Feng Wu and hardly anyone knew about her.

“Have you heard? Zuo Qingluan is already a Spiritual Elder now,” said Ye Yafei. “Whereas you, well, you don’t have a speck of spiritual essence. How could you bring yourself to come back to the imperial capital at all? I would have hung myself if I were you, instead of asking to be humiliated here!”

“Shut up!”

Chaoge felt so sorry for Feng Wu and she believed that Xiao Wu could only feel even more upset.

She tried to jump at Ye Yafei, but Feng Wu stopped her.

“Duan Chaoge, you have no right to be so arrogant.” Ye Yafei looked bemused. She then pointed at Feng Wu. “Do you think Feng Wu will be able to protect you like she did when you were little? Even if she wants to, can she?”

“Xiao Wu is the best! I won’t allow you to insult her like this!” Chaoge was so enraged that the rims of her eyes turned red!

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations


“Xiao Wu, let’s go!” Chaoge took Feng Wu’s hand and wanted to leave. These people weren’t worth talking to.

“Duan Chaoge, where are you going?” Ye Yafei stared at Chaoge with a half-smile and stopped the latter in a casual tone. “Didn’t you agree to work as my maid for the day? You still have two more hours to go.”

Feng Wu turned to Chaoge in bewilderment.

Chaoge almost burst into tears, but she managed to fight them back. She said to Feng Wu, “Xiao Wu, you can go back. I’ll catch up with you later.”

She could handle the humiliation, but she wouldn’t let Xiao Wu be insulted like that.

Feng Wu shook her head with a wry smile. She knew perfectly well what was going on in Chaoge’s head, and because of that, she wouldn’t stand there and let Chaoge be bullied.

Chaoge would be even more humiliated if she was asked about her weight in front of these people, so Feng Wu turned to Ye Yafei. “What do you want?”

She knew that she was Ye Yafei’s real target, not Chaoge.

“Miss Feng Wu, that’s very smart of you.” Ye Yafei gloated and gestured with a wave of her hand. “Follow me.”

The other boys and girls with Ye Yafei all giggled in satisfaction.

Feng Wu used to be famous as His Royal Highness’s one-time fiancee. Hence, humiliating her felt exceptionally satisfying.

“Sister Yafei, where are we going?” Huo Yin, Ye Yafei’s minion, asked in excitement.

Ye Yafei showed them an ornamental plate.

“Wait, that’s an entrance card for World Tower,” said Huo Yin in an agitated tone. “And it’s the one to the sixth floor!”

“That’s right,” Ye Yafei said in a matter-of-fact tone. “It belongs to my father and he can enter the sixth floor with it. However, the owner’s children have to move a floor down, so we can only go as high as the fifth floor.”

“The fifth floor!” Wen Ling, another of Ye Yafei’s minions, pressed her hands to her chest. “World Tower is so hard to get into. Even the first floor requires a person to be a seventh-ranked official or the owner of a medium-sized business!”

Huo Yin added, “Plus, the entrance card only applies to immediate family. Uncles can’t lend theirs to their nieces.”

She gave Feng Wu a contemptuous glance when she said those words.

Feng Yanfeng, a third-ranked official, held the highest position in the Feng clan. Unfortunately, he was Feng Wu’s uncle, not father.

“Let’s go.” Ye Yafei had come up with a number of ways to make Feng Wu miserable. She hadn’t said anything for a couple of minutes because she was trying to decide which method she would use first. Or, should she use them all at once?

Seeing that Feng Wu was going to follow the group, Chaoge tugged at her sleeve in a hurry. “Xiao Wu, don’t —”

Feng Wu tilted her head and looked at Chaoge.

Chaoge shook her head repeatedly.

However, Feng Wu only smiled at her. “Why not? Let’s go.”

Ye Yafei darted a contemptuous look at Feng Wu. Poor yokel. If only you knew that His Royal Highness is the owner of World Tower…

She could foresee a party where everyone would have so much fun humiliating Feng Wu.

Ye Yafei presented her plate at the entrance to World Tower.

“Miss Ye, welcome to Dancing Floor.”

Each of World Tower’s floors had its own name, and the fifth was known as “Dancing Floor.”

A teenage girl with lithe and graceful movements led them all the way up to Dancing Floor.

World Tower was as incredible as it was said to be. The head waitress was exceptionally attractive and looked as pretty as Ye Yafei and the other young ladies.

However, despite how pretty she was, no one dared to take liberties with her. Even flirtatious words were off-limits.

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