《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》Halloween


(*Places this in your candy bucket* Happy Halloween witches, yes it's early but I have a little event this weekend and I know I'm gonna forget to write a poem for Halloween on Halloween. Also a little happiness after *gestures at my last poems* that.)


It's your favorite holiday

And the only one you recognize

You decorate

Dress up

And collect candy to your hearts desires

You love Halloween

It's precious

It's your constant

A thing to look forward to

And something for you to do

You change your costume too

Never wearing the same one twice

This year

You're Alice

The girl trapped in wonderland

You got with your best friend

And you made a wonderful

Pun intended


They're going as the queen

The one of the cards

The dynamic duo

Matching costumes

You plan to scare the little kids

Because you always plan to do that

But really you're just happy

Happy for candy

Happy for your best friend

And happy about Halloween

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