《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》My Funeral


(*Throws this* Quick, take this poem I wrote at 2 am with nothing else to do with my life. *Scurries away like a mfing raccoon *)

I imagine my funeral way too often

To the point that I know how every step must go

I know what flowers will be around

I know the time and place

Who will give speeches

and who won't be allowed to stand

I know how it will go

And I know that my funeral

will not be a sad affair

A shock, perhaps

The twisting of grief still fresh in their minds

The realization that I'm gone slowly setting in

But it will not be sad

I don't want it

Nor need it

To be sad

People shouldn't cry

They shouldn't mourn for my life

They don't need to

For there is nothing to mourn

Simply a sad kid who left a bit too soon

They have no need to mourn for me

I want them to move on

Find new people to fill my spot

To fill the gap in their hearts

The one that shouldn't be there

The one that probably isn't there

I have no gap to leave

No place for them to fill

I have no need to be mourned

And I have no need for my funeral

to be filled with sorrow

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