《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》Biggest Fear


(really old poem that was marinating in my drafts and I kept posting over)

'What's your biggest fear?'

It's a simple question

Often asked through ice breakers and sleepovers

To get to know someone you are first meeting

Because it is a simple question

And with simple questions

Come simple responses


"The Dark"

The occasional "Ocean"

But to me

To me it's not so simple

A simple response is not "Footsteps"

It's not "My name being called"

It truly isn't "My grades"

These aren't simple

They can't be simple

To be simple requires no explanation

It is simply


It's simply simple

An already understanding answer

But you can't hear the words

"My biggest fear is my parents being around"

You can't hear those words and believe you understand

Because you don't understand

No one can truly understand

No matter how much they say they do

They don't understand my answers

My not so simple answers

To an oh so simple question

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