《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》1:23am


(TW! Slef Harn, this is an old poem I found in my google doc)

It's 1:23 am

Everyone is in bed

You didn't want to do it

But the voice started screaming in the back of your head

You just want to sleep

For the day to be over

You have somewhere to be tomorrow

You have to wake up early and be ready

But here you sit

On the bathroom floor

With a blade in hand

And blood on your hips

You hate it

You fucking hate it

You hate this

You hate yourself for doing this

And you hate the way you crave it

Crave for the blade to brush your skin

Crave for the blood to run down your leg

Crave for it to just stop

But you can't stop it

So you push it all away

You push yourself off the floor

You push the rag to the bottom of the trash

And you push your way to your bed

Because it's 1:23 am

And you have somewhere to be tomorrow

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