《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》When They Stopped


(You guys get 2 poems today because I had a breakdown in the shower and thought about some stuff, also I really like this poem for once so....once again enjoy.)

You don't remember when your parents stopped caring

There isn't really an exact moment

You think it happened bit by bit

When they stopped asking if you ate lunch

When they stopped telling you to sleep

When they stopped asking if you were okay

They slipped away

Disappearing in every way except physical

You don't know why

You try and solve that question almost every day

Why did they stop caring

They care about your brother

They love him

But they don't care about you

They don't truly love you

Their actions don't equal their words

And you know those aren't true either

But you really don't know why they stopped

You try your hardest

You keep the house clean

You do as you're told

You work in school till you can't process the words on the screen

And yet

They still don't care

They still don't love you

You wish you knew when they stopped

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