《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》The Anniversary


(TW!Death implied. Fun fact actually really really sad fact, when I wrote that poem yesterday i didn't realize the anniversary was today so yeah...enjoy)

How did this happen

The date must have snuck up on you

How could you not realize

How did you forget

Forget the day it happened

The day of hiding

The of sobs from strangers

The day you lost someone important

You forgot it

The anniversary of her death

Whether it was intentional

A way for your brain to cope and forget

Or it was accidental

You don't know

But you know something

Your parents didn't tell you

They had every opportunity

Every moment on this day to tell you

To let you know what today is

What happened those few years ago

But they didn't

They didn't say a word

They told your brother

Your grandfather

But they didn't tell you


You had a right to remember what happened

To remind you of today

To remind you of when you lost her

To remind you of when you lost the only constant in your life

But they let you forget

Forget what happened

Forget the anniversary

Forget the anniversary of her

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