《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》One Of Two


You are one of two kids

The sibling to the brother

The second decision of your family

You are one of two

And you are the least loved of two

Your brother is cared for more

He has achieved more than you ever could

He is better than you could dream to be

He is loved

You are not

They say you are

Your parents

They say they love you

They tell you they don't pick favorites

They say they love you both equally

They say

And say

And say

All they do is say

It's all just words

They don't show their love

Not to you at least

You wished they would

You wish you could get a hug

One actual hug

One that isn't immediately pushed away

One that is cherished and reciprocated

One that is real

Because to you isn't truly real

All that is real is that you are one of two

A mishap in a family full of greatness

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