《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》The Man


(So, don't know if I need to put a trigger warning on here. If you think I do lmk. Also, this is actually just me calling out that weird-ass shadow in my closet that won't leave.)

There is a shadow

A man

In the corner

He isn't moving

Isn't speaking or breathing

But you see him

You feel his eyes on you

Well not really eyes

He has none

No one else sees him


You brought it up once

And got told you were crazy

Maybe you are

Maybe you are crazy

Maybe it's all in your head

But it doesn't change the fact that there is a shadow there

In your room

And he won't leave

You want him to leave

You want the shadow gone

Why is he there

Why is he staring


He can't stare

There are no eyes

But it feels like there are

You feel like there are eyes everywhere



For what

You aren't quite sure

But you are sure he's there

The shadow man is there

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