《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》Sleeping



It's a natural thing

It's something everyone needs

It's something everyone does


Almost everyone

You don't that's for sure

You don't sleep

Can't sleep

You lay down

Shut your eyes

Let your mind clear

But nothing works

Even when the exhaustion is weighing on your bones

Even when you feel like you could fall over at any moment

You can't sleep

You don't know why

Why you can't sleep

And when you do sleep

It isn't pleasant

Plagued with nightmares and bad dreams

Sleepwalking and waking up somewhere strange

You just one night

One night of peace

Of undisturbed sleep

A night where the exhaustion finally leaves

A night where you don't get frightened by the simplest thing

You just want one night

You just want sleep

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