《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》Parents


You don't know what happened

It was like a switch was just flipped

You don't know when 'mom' became 'mother'

Or when 'dad' became 'father'

You guess it was when you became more distant.

Because you don't know when the term for your mother changed.

And you don't know when you started noticing the littles things she did.

The small glares when you say something she doesn't like.

The grip she had on your arm getting tighter.

The way she gets angry more and more often.

But as the days go on you see her in a new light.

One you wish you never saw.

Your father isn't much better.

You notice the way he gets irritate easier.

The way he raises his voice when speaking to you.

The way he jokes about you not speaking with him anymore.

But while you notice these things, you don't speak about them.

To your parents.

To your friends.

Not even your own brother.

Because even though you notice these things.

Most people don't.

Most people think your family is nice, perfect.

Most people say you're ungrateful for saying such things.

Most people aren't you.

You know what you see.

You know what you feel.

And you notice these things.

You just don't know when you started.

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