《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》The Beach


The waves crash as you stare at the water

You're really starting to regret this decision

You only came for your friend

She's laughing at something beside you

You don't look over

You want to

But the sun glares on your face

You glare right back

You never liked the beach

It always left the lingering smell of salt on you

You hate the smell of salt

You hate the feeling after too

You move your toes

The sand moves with them

It feels odd

Sand always felt odd to you

It's an odd texture in an odd place

Because that's what the beach is to you

An odd place

You never understood the appeal

Never understood why people would willingly deal with the sun

With the sand and shells

With the smell of salt

The sun shines on the water

Your friend hands you another shell

You add it to the others in your pocket

You regret this decision

But not the time with your friend

You missed them

You talk every day, but you find a way to miss them

Today was her decision

You wouldn't pass up the chance to see her

So you went

And man, you really regret the decision

You regret going to the beach

Because you hate the smell of salt

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