《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》The Woman You Fear In The House You Grew Up


The place you sit is not your home

It's simply the house you grew up in

Those pictures on the walls are not family photos

They are pictures with strangers you happen to know

And the woman who sits in the living room

She is not your mother

She is a woman who happens to have a child

She is a woman who created rules to obey

And she is a woman that you fear

You don't fear her because she hurts you

She doesn't

No, you fear her because she controls your life

She controls your friends

Your parties

Even what you like

You fear her because if she decides to, she could ruin you

Shut you off from the world

Fill your head with lies

Tell you what she wants you to know and break you

Till you are nothing but a minion of her own design

But you don't want that

So you follow the woman's rules

You listen to the woman who happens to have a child

You act nice and sweet, good and obedient

Because like it or not, this is not a home

This a house

And it just happens to be the one you grew up in.

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