《Forced To be a Redfox》°TwentyTwo°



°Levys POV°

Gajeel and I's face was still inches apart, our foreheads touching.

"AWEEEEEE!!!" A bunch of girls from the guild squealed. Gajeel and I pulled apart quickly and Gajeel sighed annoyed but almost humorously. I rolled my eyes. We looked at the sight of most of a guild packed in front of a doorway. The boys, particularly Bickslow, Laxus, Natsu and Gray were all making fake gagging noises. I giggled. Gajeel just groaned.

"LEVY THAT WAS THE MOST ADORABLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN." Lucy Squealed. Gajeel was glaring somewhere I leaned over a little bit and Lily was Air humping and mouthing "you're gonna bang! You're gonna bang!" Over and over with a look that says 'you are and you know it' when he saw me looking he quickly stopped and Gajeel laughed out loud, I shook my head and giggled. We all were happy. I felt so much at home. Gajeel picked me up,

"Alright, alright. I know you wanna see her. But she's coming home for a bit. She's gotta nap in a real bed." Gajeel smiled and everyone 'awed or pouted' Gajeel continued to carry me out of the guild, me waving to everyone behind me. I grew tired and just sat with my eyes closed as Gajeel hugged me through the car ride.

°Gajeels POV°

In the car ride home, I was battling with myself. I was being overflowed with joy. But I also had a lingering sorrow. I got levy home. Jet has been labeled dead, in the news it was labeled "Death from fall while Hiking" I guess they through him off a cliff or something. But. Droy. Droy was working with us, and he took a bullet for me. And Died.


I clutched levy a bit tighter. Nobody will die anytime soon. Not again. I didn't even know him. He didn't know me. A FUCKING STRANGER TOOK A BULLET FOR ME AND LOST HIS LIFE! My vision blurred a bit from unshed tears. I took a shaky deep breath. I looked down at the center of my universe. I smiled so big I felt a tear fall. I playing with a piece of her hair. I grabbed her hand and leaned my body over hers,

"I've completely fallen head over heels for you shrimp. Everything you do, everything you say, I fell for you. Everything that's you. You're my first thought in my head when I wake up. You're the last thing in my mind before I fall asleep. You're in every other thought in my mind. My mind always drifts to you. Your latched onto my mind. I have to admit. I don't really mind that." I kissed her cheek. Than her nose, than her forehead.


"Your Face makes you pretty. Your body makes you sexy." I chuckled "very sexy at that. But your personality. Your personality makes you beautiful. I could never get bored at the thought of you. We could be doing absolutely nothing. And still my heart will race."

I felt my eyes starting to tear up. I stopped. I sniffles.

"So." I heard Lily say and I looked at him through the rear-view mirror.

"When are you going to say that to her when shes awake?" Lily asked.

"Tonight. No doubt." I said seriously.

"Do you even have a ring?" Lily asked looking at the rode.

"My dad gave me one to present at the wedding." I admitted.

"But I want it to happen now. I'm proposing tonight."

"You better have a good idea." Lily warned.

"Heh. I got something in mind."

•TIME SKIP -About 9PM-•

°Levys POV°

I woke up and saw a little dress hung up on my door and a small piece of paper attached to it.

When you wake up. Put this on. Meet Lily downstairs,

-Your Sexy Lover Babe

PS. Lily wrote this note. My handwriting is better than Gajeels.

I giggled at the note. But I stripped a little night gown and got the dress on I looked in the mirror (The media picture) I looked at it a bit and than ran to the Bathroom. I grabbed a yellow headband lined in black. I grabbed a read pair of flats and made out on a little makeup.

When I was happy with it, I made my way downstairs. Lily was waiting on the couch in a suit.

"Hello levy, you ready?" Lily asked standing up,

"Sure! But I have two questions." I looked up at him.

"Ask away." Lily smiled

"What time is it? and what are we going to?" I asked curiously, Lily pulled his sleeve up a bit and looked at his watch.

"It's around 9PM and for your other question. It's a secret." Lily smiled and opened the door for me. I laughed and walked.

"Gajeel and I aren't married yet you don't have to treat me like royalty you dork." I looked back at him and all he said was "mhm." Smiling.

Lily opened the door for me and Gajeel wasn't there.

"Where's Gajeel?" I asked getting comfy in my seat.

"He had to finish some stuff so he's going to meet us there." Lily said as he pulled out of the long driveway. I saw him pull out his phone and text something quickly and shove his phone back in his pocket. It made me a little confused and nervous. But it's Lily we're talking about. I calmed down a bit. Lily drove for a while and stopped in town. He turned around.


"Sorry but Gajeel wants you too wear this." Lily handed me a thick black ribbon. I looked at Lily confused.

"Put it over your eyes." Lily sighed. I slowly put it over my eyes and tied it.

"This is all going to be fine nobody's kidnapping you." Lily chuckled. I heard a door shut and I heard the door next to me open. "Put out your hand." Lily ordered nicely, I did as I was told, and someone grabbed my hand and help me out of the car, Lily had a hand on my shoulder. And he lead to into a building, and I heard the sound of dinging and we moved upward.

"Are we in an elevator?" I asked curiously,

"Yeah we're almost there." Lily assured and after waiting a long while, I hear another ding, and I heard the movement of the doors, Lily lead me about six steps with one hand and I heard Gajeels Voice.

"You can take off your Blindfold now Levy." I slowly untied my blindfold and we were on a roof a semi long pathway covered in Rose Pedals and a few little stands with objects on them. I walked over to the first one

The First Time I ever noticed your beauty

When you whooped that guys ass at the casino on our first date.

I giggled and walked to the second stand

When I realized you were the funniest shorty ever.

When you had to jump to close the trunk.

I couldn't help but smile.

And I went to the next one.

The time I realized I was in Love with you.

Sadly you had to be ripped from my grasp for me to realize that You were the love of my life.

I teared up. This is so beautiful.

I walked to the next one

When I realized I would never let you go again.

When you were back in my arms again.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I hurried to the next one.

When I realized I the happiest person in the entire world.

This. Very. Moment.

I sniffles and went to the last one.

The only other people I'll ever love as much as you,

Flipped the page. It was a blank image that said 'insert future family photo here'

I looked at him and I ran into his arms. After a long lovely hug, he pulled away and nodded over to the side of the building, I looked and on the roof of the building said

"WILL" In extremely big letters, I looked to the next rooftop,

"YOU" in Huge letters.

"MARRY" Me on the rooftop is big letters

"ME??" In big letters. I looked at Gajeel quickly. He was on one knee holding the most beautiful ring.

"What about it?" Gajeel smiled, I felt tears roll from my eyes.

"Yes Gajeel! Yes!" I threw my arms around him and hugged both of us falling onto the ground. Gajeel was smiling and slid the ring onto my finger while I was straddling him. Than he sat up and hugged me tightly.

I pulled away and tugged Gajeel into a huge kiss, and he kissed me in a way I've never been kissed before, it felt demanding but gentle. It felt rough but Loving. It was a kiss I'll never forget.

After we pulled away we just sat in each others arms. And I snuggled into his arms,

"Levy I love you more than you'll ever know. I just wish you could see you through my eyes. You'd know how truly fucking perfect you are to me. Your my Everything. You don't understand the way I love you. I promise. The only ever girl I'll love is someone who'll call you mom. So I guess your stuck with me forever. Cause I'll never let you go again." Gajeel sniffles.

"I don't think that sounds too bad." I giggled into his chest. Gajeel got up and we went home together.

1600 Words! Thanks for reading! No, it's not over! More to come!


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