《Ennard X Reader: Tubes and Wires》Ashes


You ducked as dirt was unintentionally flung in your direction. Fredbear had made multiple attempts to dig underneath the tin gate, but to no avail. It was thicker and deeper than what he'd originally thought. He sneezed dirt from his nose and then shook himself off, sending dirt flying everywhere once more. You shielded your eyes from the stray grains of earth and then peered up at the large bear awaiting words. Fredbear only sighed. "Well... It seems we won't be digging our way in... That gate must go down for a ways. No matter how deep I dig, that tin is riding my tail." He sadly spoke. You gave a disappointed sigh and slunked your shoulders. Your eyes trailed off to spot the many, many attempts that the bear had made at an entrance. But they all had the same outcome- Nothing. Fredbear half-heartedly dusted his large paws off on his fur and then paused to peer around. He was thinking. "We've walked halfway around this place with no luck of spotting any doors. William may have completely barricaded himself in there..." He mumbled. Fredbear began a slow pace along the tin wall, his ruby gaze staring along the metal barricade as he went. You followed suit. "...But... If we can find a piece of tin that's misplaced or bent..." Fredbear came to an abrupt stop and then hastily strode backwards- Almost plowing over you. You stumbled out of the way just in time to avoid having the large animatronics foot stepping on yours. You gasped. "Hey! Fredbear..." You'd glanced up at the frozen animatronic after he had fell silent. His eyes widened as his ears lowered, his ruby gaze staring through a thin break in the wall.

"...Freddy..." He breathed.

Freddy laid under a small shed. He'd rested his frame against the metal wall behind him. His system ached with trauma from when Wolf had attacked him. The scene had caused a stir amongst the other three. They'd distanced themselves almost- Either from fear of being attacked next or from sympathy for their brown allie. Either way, Freddy couldn't tell which it was... Foxy had occasionally made a quick visit, glancing at Freddy for a moment and then slowly stalking off. By the way the fox held his ears low, Freddy knew that he held some kind of guilt for not helping him fend off the wolf. His shoulder was in shreds almost, a large chunk of it missing. The bear knew that trying to stop the horrible canine was an awful idea, but he could only hope that it'd bought those two endos some time...

Freddy pressed himself against the cool wall and took a deep inhale, and then exhaled. His blue eyes glanced at the other two, who were stalking about, before they slipped shut. Bonnie was on patrol, and Wolf... Well, he was pursuing Ennard and Yenndo...

'I hope you two escape this awful place...'

Freddy groaned and then inhaled the cool night air. But there was something that made his eyes open. A smell. A familiar smell. It was the faintest scent of ginger... Freddy slowly craned his head towards the direction of the aroma and inhaled once more, attempting to track the scent. It lead towards the wall. Freddys blue gaze lingered on a thin break in the tin. For a moment he thought he'd seen something staring back at him, but it had vanished. He must've been hallucinating... After Wolf had bit into his shoulder, he had been having vision cutouts. And his nose had been catching onto strange scents, some that he knew weren't even there. He must've been hallucinating those red eyes and the smell of ginger... The bears head lowered and then turned to stare at the deep wound at his shoulder. He could've cringed at the large gash if he hadn't of continued his staring. Something on his endoskeleton caught his eyes- And it made him go completely blank. There was a small black disk on his inner frame- And it was cracked. Freddys gaze went wide. 'The Power Module...It's broken...' The small black disk sparked as it sat mauled in its place on Freddys endoskeleton. The red power indicator on it blinked dully, indicating that it would soon quit working- And that it would no longer have control over him, or full control, anyway. That made the bear question if those eyes from before were actually there or not... Freddy glanced back over to the small break in the wall and then glanced over to his two allies. They were busy tearing up an old car, too busy to notice that the bear had gotten up and stalked over to the wall, hiding himself behind a pile of drum barrels. Freddy raised his head to look through the break, almost reeling backwards when another pair of eyes raised to meet his own from the other side. Freddy froze when he saw a golden bear gazing back at him.



Fredbear smiled and pressed his head against the break after hearing his name. "Freddy! Is that really you- You're alright? Where are the others?" He quietly asked. Freddy rechecked on the other two before pointing. Fredbear peered through to see Chica and Foxy ripping the fenders off of a car. He hissed awkwardly at the sight. "Ah... I see... W-what about Bonnie?" He furthered. Freddy replied quietly. "On patrol... We were ordered to..." Freddy fell silent after he'd glanced past Fredbear and saw you. His ears lowered sadly. "...I'm terribly sorry about capturing your friends... I didn't have a choice... I have to obey William... I don't have a choice..." He softly spoke. You maneuvered past Fredbear and peered through the break and up at the large brown bear. "I... I understand... Are they alright? Please, I'm so worried about them..." The auditable break in your sad tone was evident. Both of the bears lowered their heads at it. Freddy slowly blinked, then acknowledged your question. "I don't know... They had escaped where William had placed them, but Wolf had fell into pursuit." He spoke. Your eyes widened at that dreadfully. Freddy almost wined at your teared over gaze. He rumbled softly. "I tried to stop him... I attacked him, but he overpowered me..." Freddy mentioned to the large chunk missing from his shoulder. It made you cringe. He tried to help them. "He tore all of this out, and it cracked the Power Module that William had injected me with." He said. Fredbear perked up at that. "He cracked it... Then... That means it won't be as effective... Freddy, if that dingo cracked it enough, then it'll stop working soon- You'll be free from Williams command." Fredbear spoke. Freddys eyes lit up the slightest at that. The bear glanced down at you. "The others are too far under Williams control to come to their senses. I can't offer much help, but I'll do what I can to help rescue your friends... I promise..." He gently spoke. You gave a grateful smile. Before you could thank the bear, a loud ear-piercing shrill echoed through the scrapyard, sending all three of you clutching your ears. Freddy swirled around to see Bonnie come dashing into the area. The rabbit peered at Foxy and Chica and then let out another shrill before turning and rushing off. Freddy twisted back around to glance at the two of you. The panic in his wide eyes was unmistakable. "Wolf's found them- They're after them!" He gasped. Fredbear peered through the break. "We need to find a way inside! Where's the entry gate, Freddy?" He hurried. Freddy turned and dashed off in the direction of the others. "FOLLOW THE WALL!" Came Freddys reply. Fredbear couldn't turn quick enough to see you sprinting along the barricade. "No, Y/N, wait! COME BACK!" He roared after you. Your shoes pounded against the ground as your eyes frantically searched for a way inside the scaling wall. Panic was flooding your head as you ran. 'He's going to catch them! I need to find a way inside! I have to stop him!' You'd tripped over your own feet once or twice as you ran, but that never stopped you. You sprung to your sore soles and rushed forward- Faster than the pace that Fredbear was chasing after you. You couldn't tell where he was, but you were a ways ahead of him at the moment. The poor bear was absolutely terrified. Here you were, trying to run into a pen full of animatronics that were about the size he was- Animatronics that had teeth and claws, and way more strength than you did. After seeing the wound that Wolf had made on Freddys shoulder... Fredbear fought hard to dismiss the gruesome thought of what such an animatronic could do to you...


You heaved dryly as you ran. You could've thought that you'd already passed the others who were headed in the same direction that you were, and the truth was that you did. Your feet skidded to a halt when your eyes landed on a hole in the tin wall. You tripped over to it and peered inside. A broken wire fence blocked your entry, but that didn't stop you either. You gripped the rusted metal wiring and hauled back with it using all of your strength, the wire fence coming out with you as you tumbled backwards. You grunted as you yanked the remainder of the fence out and forced yourself through the small hole. Fredbear rushed over to the gap and made an attempt to grab you, but to no avail. You'd already disappeared. "Y/N! STOP!" Fredbear dug and tried forcing himself through the gap, his metal claws frantically pulling and clawing the tin as he called after you. "Y/N, NO! THEY'LL KILL YOU!" After no reply, Fredbear forced his head from the small gap, and ran alongside the wall, searching for a way in. He had to stop you. His chest heaved and his paws paunded against the dirt. He was more than certain that he'd torn his fur when he'd pulled his head from that break, but that didn't matter to him at the moment. He had to find a way into the scrapyard and get you out of there before the others found you.


"Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my..." The man known as Henry jumped into the parked dually and fumbled to turn the ignition key. The old truck rattled a few times before it thundered to life. The man shut the door and buckled his seat belt, then put the truck in reverse. Baby watched as the red and black dually sped backwards and out of the parking lot, then raced forward and back out onto the road. Lolbit, who stood beside her, shook his head with a 'tsk'. "Now, I understand this is an emergency- But I didn't expect a guy like him to drive like Jeff Gordon... Especially in a truck like that. I'm surprised that the bedshell is still attached." The fox stated. Baby's eyes followed the truck until it had fully disappeared and then turn to acknowledge the orange and white animatronic. "I'm troubled that he'd brought the news he did... Ennard and the others might've bitten off more than they could chew..." The female clown spoke. Lolbit gave a silent sigh, now having a tad of regret for 'complimenting' the man and his driving. "But... He said he was going to find them. He knows the scrapyard, and where it's located- He just didn't know that was where Afton was hiding. And by the way he's driving, I wouldn't doubt it'd take him long to get there, either." The fox reached out a hand to gently grasp Babys in his own. She glanced at him. "Circus Baby, they'll be alright. Mr. Henry will find them. They'll be alright..." Baby gave a weak smile. "I can only hope you're right..."


Wolf had the two endos blocked off as he awaited for the others to arrive. A ladder connected to the building rose from the ground, all the way to where the two were staring back down at the grey canine. Yenndo had found the ladder, but he wasn't quick enough to climb down- Wolf had dashed over to the metal object and had been guarding it. Yenndo leaned over to Ennard and whispered to him. "Do you think we should make a break for the doorway?" He asked. Ennard glanced back at said door and studied it. He glanced back down at Wolf. "...If we try leaving, he'll be on us in no time. And we might run into the others." Came the endos murmered reply. Yenndo frowned. "Then... W-what are we gonna do...?" Ennard continued to stare downwards. "...I don't know... If we try to leave, we're dead... If we stay here..." "We're dead. We're dead, we're dead, we're dead!" Yenndo finished. The endoskeleton cupped his ears with frustration. "We should've just stayed in that room... Now we're gonna be torn to bits by Cujo down there!" He grimaced. Ennard casted the endo an angry sneer. Yenndo only shrugged defenselessly. Down below, Wolf glared at the two as they bickered with each other. He quietly growled. "Yeah, that's right... Have your final words, you two... William will soon get what he wants..." The wolf growled before his ear perked upwards. His attention was drawn to the sound of running, which was headed in his direction. His blue eyes widened after seeing, not his twisted allies- But you running towards him. You didn't even seem to notice that he was there. The wolf cracked a wicked smile and then stalked off to crouch behind an old rusty tractor. "Perfect... Dinner and a show..."

You'd ran until you'd heard talking, or arguing. It wasn't the arguing that'd made you stop though. It was the fact that you knew who the arguing was coming from. Those two voices were unmistakable. Your eyes traveled until they landed at the bottom of a building, then traveled upwards. To your astonishment, the voice belonged to none other than two familiar endoskeletons- One who wore a white clowns mask. A big, happy smile filled your face as you ran forward. "ENNARD! YENNDO!"

"You decided to take that route, not me!" "Well, I was just trying to find a way out, unlike you who decided it was a smart idea to attack that crazy canine!" "Yenndo, you did the same thing! I was only-" Ennard froze after hearing a familiar voice yell his name. He reeled his head and spun until he'd found where the source was coming from. He almost let out a screech when his eyes landed on you. He grabbed Yenndo and spun him around, throwing his hand out to point at you. Yenndo gasped and smiled with surprise. "IT'S Y/N! ENNARD, IT'S Y/N!" The endoskeleton cried. Ennard raced to the edge of the building before stopping himself. His excitement had overshadowed the situation. Ennard threw his attention to the ground, and he froze with fear.

Wolf was gone.

Ennard gasped and threw his hands forward, frantically shaking them. "NO, Y/N! TURN BACK! YOU'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" He yelled. You came to a stop and furrowed your brows, confused. "What do you mean? We need to leave before William finds us!" You cried. Before Ennard could say another word to warn you, you heard metal shrieking. A tractor yards from you fell over as a mass of grey fur launched itself from behind it, straight in your direction. You weren't quick enough to run away as the being slashed a paw out and swiped your feet out from beneath you. It all happened too fast for you to react. You hit the ground with a 'thud' as the being let out a cackle and gripped the collar of your shirt. You were effortlessly lifted up and brought to be face to face with a maw that unmistakably belong to none other than Wolf. You grimaced at the hot air that came from the canines nostrils. It smelt like burnt oil and metal. "Well, look who it is~" He drawled out sourly. You pulled at his grip and casted him an angry glare. "LET MY FRIENDS GO, YOU JERK!" You shouted. The wolf seemed a bit taken-aback by your 'fearless' tone, which made him growl. "Someone's a bit brave, aren't we..." The wolf growled before turning to stare up at Ennard, smiling grimly at the angry fear that he struck into the masked endoskeletons eyes. "Oh, Ennard~ Am I bothering you? Hmhmm~" You gritted your teeth and reeled your head back as the wolf used his slimy tongue to slowly lick up the side of your face. You could've puked at the putrid smell and feel of it- And why did he even have a toungue? Ennard shot to his feet and fumed. "LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU HALF-BRED MUTT!" He threatened. Wolf only laughed. "Or WHAT, Ennard? You're gonna fight me? Haha! You must've forgot that it didn't work earlier, now did it? And, besides..." Wolf turned to glare at you. "I think your little friend here would make a great test subject for William- But... I might need to put her to sleep first." You let out a cry as Wolf bared his sharp teeth and pulled you towards his maw.

The canine had abruptly paused as he heard a loud bang. Then another one. Suddenly, a section of the large tin wall came crashing to the ground at the third bang, sending dust flying everywhere. Wolf used his free hand to shield his eyes from the cloud that blew his way and then coughed. He grunted angrily and peered into the dust. Someone had knocked the wall over. A pair of red eyes blinked to life, and Wolfs frame slightly slunked as he saw the silhouette of a large animatronic, the one whom the ruby eyes belonged to. The canines expression went blank as the animatronic came into full view. A small smile made its way across your face. 'Just in time...'

The large, golden frame of Fredbear appeared as the dust settled- And the angry expression plastered on his face was one that could send a wolf running. You glared at the grey canine. "You're in trouble..." He shot his eyes to stare at you and then back at the golden bear, taking a few steps back as Fredbear advanced towards him. On the roof, Ennard had ushured for Yenndo to follow him down the ladder and onto the ground. Ennard couldn't be more thankful. The two endos distanced themselves from Wolfs range and stalked around until they were against the tin wall, the side that still stood up anyways. Wolf shook himself and let out a feral growl. "How did you get out of that box?" He spat. Fredbear released a feigned laugh. "I had some help. But a good question gets straight to the point, like: Where are my friends?" The bear rumbled. Wolf growled then slowly placed you on the ground, and let you go. You wasted no time in darting away from him, and over to your two friends who awaited you. Ennard instantly wrapped you in a tight hug and fell to his knees with you. Yenndo joined the show of affection. "Ennard, Yenndo! Oh, my goodness, you guys! I-I thought you two were goners..." You cried. The hug was released and that was when you'd noticed the large gashes across Yenndos chest. "Oh, no... Yenndo... What happened?" You'd asked, getting back to your feet. Ennard stood up and answered for him. "He got slashed by Wolf, right after he'd hit the guy in the face with a pole." Came the endos answer. Yenndo smiled sheepishly. "Aha... Uh, well, he had it coming?" You smiled with relief. They were alright, and that put you at ease.

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