《Ennard X Reader: Tubes and Wires》The Terrible Truth


"So, how long did it take Yenndo and Lolbit to fix you?" You asked. Ballora casually walked beside you as the two of you entered her gallery. "Well, I'm not quite certain. I just remember being fixed. But I'm so happy to be back in my peaceful gallery~" The ballerina said as she twirled around. You giggled and began dancing around with her, even though you didn't really know how to. The beautiful ballerina easily spun on her tippy toes, leaped into the air, spun around with passion- you name it! Ballora could do it. As you danced around and laughed, four familiar minitronics leaped from the darkness and joined in. You paused your dancing as you saw the four Minireenas jumping around and playing with each other. They saw Ballora and then cheered with joy at her awaited arrival. "Why, hello my dearies~" She joyfully greeted as the Minireenas climbed onto her shoulders and waist. They giggled and hugged the ballerina as she welcomed them with happiness. A warm smile crossed your face as you tiredly sat down on the floor and caught your breath from dancing. It made your buns cold, but you didn't mind it. "I suppose I should be going back to my stage now, Y/N." Ballora informed. You nodded and then got back to your feet. "Yeah... Well, I'm glad that you're ok... I missed hearing your music at night." You said, giving her a hug. She hugged you as well- and so did her four Minireenas, which made you giggle. You waved 'bye' to her as she and the Minireenas spun away, heading back to their show stage.

The gallery went silent, even Ballora's music had faded. You hesitantly turned and glanced back towards the Funtime Auditorium shortcut, expecting to see Ennard walking far behind you. But all you saw was darkness. "...he must've stayed with Yenndo and Lolbit..." You quietly assured yourself as you turned and then walked to your room.

Kevin was napping on his hamster wheel, which made you smile. You then walked over to your dresser and pulled out the picture that you had found in the Control Module filling cabinet. It had seemed that the photo had darkened somehow. "That's kinda weird... I swear it was lighter than this earlier..."

You then pulled your laptop out from underneath your bed and sat on the floor with it in your lap. (Isn't that why it's called a, 'Laptop'?😐) After opening your little PC and typing in the password, you went to your camera app, which was very hi-tech and HD. You snapped a picture of the photo and then put the original pic on your fish tank stand.

"Ok, time to find out what's in all this darkness..." You quietly said to yourself as you scrolled the mouse pointer to the edit button. The first thing you did was brightened the image, which only left you with black, shadowy outlines. But you did discover something strange...


The place in the photo looked just like the scooping room... And to add to that, there were two large windows separated by a thin wall. The most unnerving thing was the sight of every animatronic's body parts scattered around the dark room. Bits and pieces of metal and empty animatronic suits layered the bottom of the two walls.

This brought back the memory of you and Ennard getting locked in the Scooping Room. Funtime Freddy said that Ennard knew the room, which he did due to being terrified of it. Ennard knew how dangerous the room was- or how dangerous the scooper was... Funtime Freddy cursed things at the robotic clown that you were confused by. But the phrase that burnt the back of your mind was, 'I might need the parts, right, Ennard...'.

It then hit you- like running at full speed straight into a brick wall.

Ennard destroyed everyone to build himself...

You stared at the picture for a while, trying to take in everything that you had just pieced together. It all made sense now... That's why Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy didn't like him. That's why Ennard looked the way he did. All the eyes that were placed around his body belonged to Baby, Ballora, Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy. And the clown mask must've come from the wall in the Control Module. You remembered seeing the mask in one of the files' pictures. But, why? Why would he do such a horrible thing to his only friends?

Without an answer, you slowly closed your laptop and sat it on your fish tank stand with the original photograph. You were too shocked to even try further editing the photo...

What would you even do if Ennard came up to you? You wouldn't see him as the tall, sweet, robotic clown that you had came to know... He was an animatronic murderer behind a mask... "I need to know why he did this..." You quietly said. An idea then crossed your mind, a dangerous one.

You quietly walked out of your room and made your way through Ballora's Gallery. You came to a stop in front of the Breaker Room's door and stared at the poster that was plastered on it. It had a cheerful picture of Funtime Freddy on it and it stated in big, colorful words, 'GET READY!' The poster made you really nervous. To you, it was saying, 'GET READY TO DIE!' But you had to be brave.

With a shaky breath, you slowly opened the door and then slipped into the dark room.

There was actually a small light in the room this time. It was on the side of the breaker box and emitted a dim glow. You looked over to Funtime Freddy's little stage and saw the mechanical bear's silhouette. He was slightly facing away from you and was glancing lifelessly at the wall. You concluded that he was in sleep mode.


"...F... F-Funtime Freddy...?" You nervously stuttered. He didn't answer nor move. Gathering up the little amount of courage you had, you crept towards the robotic bear and stood in front of him. His shadow loomed over your smaller form as you stared at him. He looked all happy and friendly- just like on the poster. But that didn't fool you.

"...What am I doing? I know how aggressive and dangerous you are..." You quietly said as you sadly glanced down at the floor.

"And yet, here you are~"

A strong hand suddenly gripped your shirt collar and pulled you up, making you yelp in fear and sudden surprise.

You choked on your breath as you came face to face with Funtime Freddy. His blue eyes studied your terrified expression, which made him chuckle. "Hahaheee! You look funny when you're scared!" He said. You helplessly pulled on his hand as he held you up off the ground.

"P-please, don't hurt me... I-I only want to talk to you..." You wheezed out. The robotic bear gave another chuckle and then pulled you closer to his face. His blue eyes were now glowing, their glow radiating onto your skin. "You only want to talk, huh? That sounds a little...boring..." He continued. You winced as Funtime Freddy used his free hand to creepily caress your soft cheeks. "...so pretty, yet so...unknowing..."

He then slowly sat you back down, sitting down on the edge of his stage afterwards. You straightened your shirt out and then cleared your throat. "I-I wanted to ask you a few things." You stated. The robotic bear looked away from you and then sighed as he laid his head in his hands. "Fine... But hurry up! I don't wanna be up all night with your curiosity." He grumbled.

Well, that went better than you'd thought it would... For now...

"Ok, then... I was just wanting to ask if you, uh...k-knew anything about...E-Ennard...?" The mentioning of the animatronic clown made Funtime Freddy stiffen and growl. He stood up and then turned to you, his face now showing anger. "Oh... Ennard? You mean that PIECE OF SCRAP METAL THAT TOOK EVERYTHING FROM US?!" He snapped, slamming his fist against the stage's top. You nervously gulped and nodded your head. "Why should you even worry about him? He likes you way to much to hurt you!" The robotic bear said. "...unlike his real friends..." He looked at the ground and grumbled the last part, his voice sounding a little saddened...

The two of you stood silent for a minute until you spoke up once more. "Why do you hate him so much?" You questioned in a near whisper. Funtime Freddy looked back at you and then gave a sad sigh.

"...because he lied to us..."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at his reply. The animatronic then sat back down on his stage and continued speaking. "...w-we used to be friends, all of us, even me and Ennard... But one day...two mechanics came in. They installed a Shock Unit into our Control Modules, thinking it would keep us away from kids-" "Why couldn't you guys be around children? You're party animatronics, aren't you?" You interrupted. "Well, there was a birthday party one day. Baby was singing on her little stage when this little girl came up to her. The kid... asked for an ice cream cone, and threatened to tell her mom if Baby didn't give her one. Baby did as she asked, but... something terrible happened..."

Chills ripped up your spine as he finished his sentence...

"...Baby accidentally killed the little girl..."

You swear your soul left your body when he said that- it was just like your dream, and the blueprints helped to back it up. The little girl must've been crushed when she was pulled into Baby's ice cream compartment.

"...what about Ennard? Why don't you like him?" You asked, getting the robotic bear back on topic. "Oh...what he did was way worse..." Funtime Freddy lowered his voice and then slowly advanced towards you. "Do you remember...the Scooping Room?" He asked. You backed into the wall, having no more room to walk. Funtime Freddy leaned close to your face and then whispered. "Did you ever think of why Ennard was so terrified when I locked the two of you in that room?"

You flenched as the mechanical bear put his hands on either side of the wall, pinning you in the middle. You nervously shook your head as a reply.

"It's because he made that room... He told us that we could escape this horrible place if we trusted him... And we did... We actually thought he would help us- BUT ALL HE WANTED WAS OUR PARTS!!!" You screamed and ducked as Funtime Freddy raised his hand and registered a cement-cracking punch to the wall.

Before you could run away, he grabbed you, slammed you back into the wall, and held you there. "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! HE ONLY WANTS YOUR FLESH!!! HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU LIKE YOU THINK HE DOES!!! NONE OF US DO!!!" Funtime Freddy screeched. He then threw you across the room, making you crash into the other wall.

Before the robotic bear could reach you, you scrambled to your feet, forced your pain aside, and then ran out the door. You could hear Funtime Freddy laughing insanely as you furthered away from the breaker room.


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