《Ennard X Reader: Tubes and Wires》A Short Dream


Ennard gently moved Baby to the side and then picked up Ballora. He looked at you and baby and then gurgled, mentioning for the two of you to follow him. You and Baby exchanged confused looks but followed the robotic clown anyway. With that, the three of you walked out of the so called 'Scooping Room' and made your way through a large, dark space that was similar to Ballora's Gallery. "This is the Funtime Auditorium. It's were the children have their parties." Baby explained as you walked. You gulped nervously at the thought of that name. "I-If this is Funtime Auditorium,...t-then shouldn't Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy be in here?" You stuttered as you sped-walked to catch up with Baby. (Don't wanna be too far behind... Something might get you!😆) "Well, yes... But they will not be bothering us anytime soon." She replied. "Funtime Foxy is truly the only one that prefers to stay in here. Funtime Freddy prefers the Breaker Room." Baby explained. You gave an understanding nod as you glanced into the darkness, checking to see if the animatronic fox was lurking around. Thankfully he wasn't. If he was lurking around, then his glowing, yellow eyes would surely give away his position. And besides, Baby did make her point clear to him and Funtime Freddy back there. The three of you soon came to another door. This one was slightly smaller than the Scooping Room's door and less rusty. "Wait here, (Y/N). Ennard, let me get the door for you." Baby insisted. Ennard gave a gurgle and allowed his clown friend to do as she insisted. Then, both Ennard and Baby walked into the room with you still outside the door...in the dark... "ENNARD! WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED?!" You jumped in shock at the outburst of another animatronic. He was somewhere in the new room that Baby and Ennard had gone into. You were going to walk into the room but another animatronic began to speak. "Don't tell me you did it again, Ennard! It didn't work last time and it's not going to work this time, either!" You heard Ennard grumble at the new animatronic's words, but then you saw Baby look out from the doorway and mention for you to come in, which you did quickly. The two new voices did belong to two new animatronics. There was an animatronic fox who looked exactly like Funtime Foxy but was orange and white instead of pink and white. His eyes were also black with white pupils instead of yellow. The other animatronic was an endoskeleton. He closely resembled Funtime Freddy, but seemed a bit taller and a little more slim, almost like Ennard. His eyes were also yellow, not blue, and he didn't wear a hat or a bow tie. He also didn't have a hand puppet like Funtime Freddy did. The two animatronics stopped talking and glanced over at you. "Uh... Who is this, Ennard?" The bear endoskeleton asked with a suspicious look. Ennard rolled his eyes and gurgled. Baby then spoke. "This is (Y/N). She has been living here with us. (Y/N), this is Yenndo and Lolbit. They're our 'animachanics'. They fix what is broken." Baby explained. Yenndo and Lolbit gave a small smile in response. "Well, (Y/N), it's wonderful to meet you and everything, but we've got to fix Ballora, promptly! Baby, we're going to need your help." Yenndo explained as he carefully took Ballora's mangled body from Ennard and laid her on a nearby table. Baby turned back to you and Ennard. "You two may leave now. And please stay out of trouble this time!" Baby said. You and Ennard nodded and then left the room. The two of you made your way back through Funtime Auditorium and back into Ballora's Gallery where your room was. The new silence of the gallery was terrible to you. "I feel...guilty, now..." You said in a saddened tone as you came to a stop. Ennard, who was a little ahead of you, came to a hault and turned around, looking at you questioningly. He walked back to you and crooned as he saw you wipe a tear from your eye. "...I-I should've never went into the Breaker Room in the first place! This never would've happened to Ballora..." You whimpered. Ennard's posture stiffened as tears poured down your cheeks. He didn't really know what to do, but he knew why you were sad. It wasn't your fault... And Ennard knew that. He stood still for a second but then gently pulled you into a hug and patted your back as you cried. You cupped your hands over your wet eyes in and effort to quiet your sniffles and whines, but sadness was eating you alive. In an effort to calm you, Ennard made his chest survos whirr, which produced a purr-like noise and a faint vibration. For some reason...it did soothed you. It made your crying slowly fade. His wired frame even seemed to have heated up- and it wasn't from your body warmth. He processed his own warmth. Ennard gently scooped you into his arms (Did I REALLY just use that word...😑), criss-crossed his legs, and then sat down with you in his lap- still hugging you. You sniffled once more and then gave a sad sigh. With half opened eyes, you glanced up at Ennard, who was now gazing off into the dark room. He was processing things, it seemed. Maybe he was pondering something he did? The thought made you question the animatronic clown. Why was he a bare endoskeleton who only wore a mask? Why did he have five extra, different colored eyes on his animatronic frame? And most of all, why did he fear the Scooping Room? Of course, it's something terrible to experience, but Ennard seemed to have been terrified out of his mind when he woke up in the Scooping Room with you... Your head soon began to hurt from trying to process all of these thoughts, so you just closed your eyes and cleared your mind. As Ennard's servos continued to whirr, you felt yourself being dragged into a dream. A tired yawn escaped your lips, letting Ennard know that you needed to sleep. He quietly got back to his feet, gently picked you up and then walked to your room. But little did he know, was that there were two pairs of eyes watching his every move. You had dozed off before Ennard made it to your room, so he just laid you in your bed, as well as tucking you in with your ice cream pillow. A chitter from a familiar pet made Ennard croon with joy. Kevin was in need of his midnight meal. The robotic clown walked over to the hamster's cage, took out his food bowl, and then refilled it. The hamster happily ate the food, with a chitter of thankfulness to his clown friend of course. Ennard was about to lay down but he looked over to your fish tank and noticed that the fish were glaring him down as if to say, "If you don't feed us, then we'll come and eat you in your sleep!". The robotic clown shivered and then quickly fed the fish. He watched them, from a distance, as they zoomed around the big tank and ate the colorful food flakes. He wondered how they swam that fast and how they went forever without drinking water- Wait! They're IN water... Ennard gave a little facepalm at his obviously answered question. He then walked over to the bed and climbed under the covers with you, being careful not to wake you up. You mumbled something in your sleep and then scooted closer to the clown as he settled in. He held back a giggle as you let out a loud snore and then clutched your ice cream pillow to your chest, mumbling, "Now I've got you, Ice Cream...". Ennard soon dozed off to sleep as you continued to mumbled about your ice cream victory. It must've been some dream you were having!


But it didn't continue to be a good dream... You stood in front of Baby. The female clown animatronic had frozen in her place after you had asked for an ice cream cone. The blank room around you faded as Baby's stomach plates opened and a metal arm thing came out. It was holding an ice cream cone, the one you had asked for. You happily reached for the frosty

treat and took it from the metal arm. As you were about to taste the frozen dessert, something terrible happened... The metal arm shot out further, clamped around you, and then dragged you into Baby's stomach! It all happened so fast... So fast that you didn't even get the chance to scream.

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