《Ennard X Reader: Tubes and Wires》Who's Who


You looked at the clock on your nightstand to see what time it was. 10:35 pm. You remembered your self-asked question from earlier. 'Was Ennard always alone? Did the other animatronics not like him?' You did find out that not every animatronic liked him, or liked each other for that matter. Ballora seemed to be fine with Ennard around but when Funtime Foxy attacked the two of you, Ennard and Ballora attacked him. You had many questions, but limited answers. Baby was really the only animatronic that could give full answers. Ballora was limited with her words and phrases, Funtime Freddy would probably give you some silly riddle that wouldn't make any sense, Funtime Foxy is not friendly and Ennard couldn't speak at all but could give clues like; yes's, no's and shrugs. You would go and ask Baby about it tomorrow. But to start with, you wanted to see what answers you could get from Ennard, who was currently watching your hamster run endlessly on it's wheel. "Hey, Ennard?" You asked, making the said animatronic turn to look at you. "I was wondering...are you always alone? Because you're never with anyone." You asked. Ennard thought for a moment and then nodded. "Well...Do the other animatronics not like you or something?" You continued. Ennard shrugged his shoulders, but then held up 2 of his fingers. "...Two...? Um-Oh, you mean, 'two' animatronics are your friends?" You said. Ennard nodded and waited to see if you knew who. "Is... Funtime Freddy?" You asked. Ennard shook his head and stood up, giving you a clue by opening his faceplates. "...F...Funtime Foxy...?" You asked, rubbing your arm in confusion. Ennard facepalmed himself, closing his faceplates in the process. He then lifted his leg, put his touching hands in the air and spun around the best he could. "...uuum...dancing? ...hmm...OH-What is...Ballora!" You said, acting as if it were a game show. Ennard happily nodded and then looked around your room for another clue. He spotted a movie case with a scary looking clown on it and held it up, pointing to the clown. You stared at the movie in disgust. "Eeehhh- IT™!?" You asked. Ennard nodded. He pointed to the picture of Pennywise. "...a clown?" You said, confused. Ennard once again nodded. This was confusing for you. Ennard was a clown. Surely he didn't mean himself. "...I don't get the clue, Ennard." You said, shrugging. The said animatronic looked at the movie and then remembered that he was also a clown. He needed another clue. Ennard put the movie back and searched for another item. There was an ice cream shaped pillow on your bed. Ennard limped over to your bed, picked the pillow up and handed it to you. "...Ice cream...?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. What does ice cream have to do with anyone? Ennard saw your frustration and tried thinking of an easier clue. He found a pair of pompoms and held them to the sides of his head. "Piggytails? Uh...Oh, that would be Baby!" You said. Ennard nodded and happily clapped his hands together, putting the pompoms on your dresser. "Ok, so Ballora and Baby are your friends but Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy aren't?" You asked. Ennard nodded as he sat back down beside you, letting a tired, robotic sigh escape his metalic mouth system. "Wait, you guys can get tired?" You asked in amazement. Ennard looked at you and nodded. It was fascinating. Ennard was basically programed to be like a human, not to mention how his body closely resembled a human muscle system. You wondered if the others were built the same way, but you didn't want to ask Ennard. He was already falling asleep, one side of his mask was slowly falling open. It made you giggle. "Ennard." You whispered, gently shaking his arm. He made a clicking noise and woke up, glancing around the room and then looking at you. You smiled and pushed his faceplate back into place. "You can sleep in here if you want to, my bed's pretty big for one person." You insisted, pulling the covers from under the pillows. Ennard nodded in thanks as he laid down, leaving room for you as well. You reached over and turned your lamp off, scooted back towards Ennard and pulled the covers over both of you (he could probably also get cold so why not?) You laid on your back and stared up at the ceiling. You weren't particularly dozing off. You were tired but the thought of your questions was pinballing around in your head. Through the corner of your eye, you glanced at Ennard. To your surprise, he was staring at the ceiling as well, his blue eyes glowing in the dim room. He slowly blinked from time to time but never closed his eyes to go to sleep. You remembered how he earlier mentioned that Baby and Ballora were his friends. This made you wonder if you were his friend. "... hey, Ennard. One more question before we go to bed. Don't worry it's a 'yes' or 'no' answer." You said, smiling. The animatronic would've fainted if he had to play anymore Shurades! Ennard glanced at you, awaiting the question. "So, I was just wondering. Do you...consider me your friend?" You asked nervously. Ennard blinked once and nodded. You smiled in relief. "...Ok, I was just making sure...Your my friend, too." You replied as you turned over and closed your eyes. Ennard turned over his way and did the same, both of you back to back as you fell asleep.

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