《The Ninja Of The Family ( A Loud House Ninja Fan Fiction)》Chapter 4


We see Hunter and Jonathan fly through the night on there way back to their home and Jonathan notices a person who looked to be a 20 year old woman trying to break in their home.

Jonathan: Hunter, be quiet, a woman is trying to break in.

Hunter: Ok I think I have a plan

Hunter then explains the plan to Jonathan.

Jonathan: Ok

A Few Minutes Later..................

Hunter went downstairs pretending to yawn and sees Jonathan and says hey dad, and turns on every light trying to scare the unknown woman but it did not work so they did plan B so Hunter got in a blue tux pretending to go to a fancy party and opens the door revealing the woman and the woman was Hunter's main target,

Lynn Loud Jr.

Hunter: I knew it.

Lynn: Hello stincoln.

To Be Continued.................................

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