《The Ninja Of The Family ( A Loud House Ninja Fan Fiction)》Chapter 2


7 years have passed since Lincoln had met Landon. Lincoln became an apprentice and a son to Landon. They are now partners in crime. And Lincoln changed his name to

"Hunter Dylan Matthews"

And Landon had changed his name to

"Jonathan Dylan Matthews"

Hunter: Dad! I'm gonna go to the cafe, want anything?

Jonathan: Get me a bagel and a cappuccino when you get home!

Hunter: Ok Dad!

Hunter was wearing a blue leather jacket, black jeans and blue sneakers with black stripes on them. Hunter was heading to the grocery store to buy some stuff for their new house since they've moved back to royal woods and moved into the biggest and most luxurious house in royal woods.

1 Hour Later................................

Hunter just got home from the grocery store and from the cafe.

Hunter: Dad I'm home!

Jonathan: Great! Just in time for dinner!

After dinner..................................

Hunter and Jonathan just got done eating dinner and heading for the living room to watch their favorite show, The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. An hour past since they finished the episode of Jimmy Fallon.

Jonathan: Hey Hunter, We have to assassinate the most famous ninja clan led by one of several people that you want to kill..............that person is Clyde McBride. Hunter just smirked when his father said his ex-best friend's name

To Be Continued...............................

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