《HIS SECRET OBSESSION》Chapter 9: Spoiled brat


"You sneezed just once."


"See that's twice now. I'm definitely sick." Yo said burrowing deeper into his blanket and squeezing his teddy bear tight. Kit sighed, his baby brother was being a lazy ass and refusing to go to work no matter how much he tried to convinced him otherwise.

Yo could feel his brother judgemental eyes on him but he didn't care. He was tired of his boss behaving hot and cold with him. He couldn't understand his behaviour so he was running away like the coward he was. He needs time to think and to clear his head so he decided to take a day off by feigning sick, this way his parents also won't force him. He needs this distance from Pha because whenever he gets close to him he starts to daydream, lost in a word where only they exist. If he would by chance inhale his scent then it's worst, his legs would turns to jelly and he becomes light-headed.

He felt that he had enough drama these past two days to last him a lifetime so a day off wasn't that bad, he refused to feel guilty over the fact that Pha has a very important meeting this morning and needed him. He will manage, after all he did before Yo came to work for him. Yo consoled himself on that fact and closed his eyes, ready to sleep till late.

"You get out of this bed right this moment else you will get such an ass whooping that you will not be able to sit properly for the next few days."

Yo didn't even bother to open his eyes, he shook his head and muttered, "go ahead do it. I know you will never get the courage to lift even one finger on me. Stop with your empty threats, I'm your baby you won't hurt me."

His mother deflated, there was no one who can change her baby's mind once he's set up on something. It was true, she would never hurt him, in the past even scolding him was painful because he would blink his big teary eyes at her and wobbled his lips. He would looked so cute and precious in those moments that she would stop her scolding immediately. But now he has grown up too spoiled and stubborn because of her inability to stop him from doing whatever he ever wanted. However in the end he wasn't a bad boy, and she was proud of her two sons in every possible ways.

She gave up and left his room to prepare him his favourite chicken soup. Even if it was a fake illness she has to do her motherly duties and take care of him.

"Tell dad to inform the office of my absence today, don't forget ok?" Yo shouted from behind her and she nodded, "yes I heard you. He will call, you take care and rest. I will bring your soup later on."

Yo nodded happily and covered himself from head to toe, catching up on all the sleep he lost these past two days due to waking up too early for work. He turned off his phone for his bipolar boss to not disturb and threaten him again. He smiled smugly, there was no way for his boss to reach for him at home, he was no longer in his office and under his supervision now.

However he couldn't sleep as the whole previous night. He stayed awake the whole night wondering about his dilemma with his boss and now he could feel a headache coming on with all his overthinking. He could always forget him and moves on, letting him get married like planned. After all Yo was young and very handsome, he would get many more people in his life but just the thought of not seeing Pha almost got him into a panic attack. He would start trembling and his heart would refuse stubbornly. He gave up trying to sleep and started thinking again until he he heard some talking voices.


He frowned, he recognised his Mother's voice but the other one was unknown. He sat up in his bed when he heard them approaching rapidly to his room. His door opened and his mother came in followed by a man behind her. He looked around until he found Yo on bed. He smiled widely and stepped forward.

Yo's mother indicated for him to follow her as she walked over to Yo, " ohh you're still up baby, that's good. You have a visitor."

The man came forward and shook his hand, he was very handsome and has a charming appearance that will make you want to befriend him instantly. He was dressed in slacks and was holding a big squared suitcase. Yo looked at him carefully from head to toe, trying to access of why he was there to meet him. He stiffened when he noticed a stethoscope in his other hand. A doctor!

Yo turned to his mother curiously but the doctor spoke, surprising Yo with his super smooth voice, "Hello Wayo, I am doctor Baramee but you can call me Beam. I heard that you are sick? Phana sent me to you. Let's examine you shall we?"

Yo shook his head quickly, "ohh no I'm ok. And why P'Pha send you here? We have our own family doctor."

Beam smiled, "well I don't know about that quite frankly. But since I'm his best friend he trusts me and wants me to check you up properly and to get you admitted in his family's private hospital if the needs be."

Yo didn't hear about the rest, his mind got stuck in one thing only, "best friends? P'Pha has a friend?"

Beam burst out laughing at Yo's funny expression, "I'm not surprised that you find it shocking to know that Phana the work alcoholic has friends but yes he does has a few and I'm the closest to him since high school. He might looked severe but trust me he is very soft hearted, he just doesn't show it."

Yo was surprised to hear that Pha is soft-hearted, somehow he can't imagine him being nice to a puppy or cooing at a baby. Yo grinned at the comical image, imagine severe, unsmiling Pha calming a crying baby! His smile disappeared completely when he finally gasp the reason of why Beam was here for.

Oh shit

Beam put his bag on the bedside table and asked Yo seriously, "what are your symptoms?"

Yo looked at his mother in panic, Pha would find out that he pretended but he couldn't lie to the doctor else he might really get him admitted to the hospital. His mother looked between them and left quickly, saying that she will bring something up for Beam to drink.

Yo looked up to find Dr Beam looking at him expectantly. He blushed and looked at his fidgeting hands and muttered, "I sneezed..."

Beam was about to put on his stethoscope on but he paused, "what? You sneezed?....ohhhh are you sneezing a lot? Maybe you are allergic to something, so tell me when you started sneezing and if you calmed down a bit by now."

"I sneezed twice this morning....and i didn't sleep the whole night" Yo was still refusing to look at him in the face.

Beam narrowed his eyes at him, the little man was definitely pretending to be sick. He checked his heart rate, his blood pressure and his temperature. Everything was normal. And to think Pha forced him to leave his critical patients behind to check on this cute boy. Beam suspected that there must be something going on between them rather than just a working relationship because Pha never sent him to tend to other workers before and certainly not with such urgency. He collected his equipment in his bag and crossed his arms, looking down at Yo.


"Well Yo you are definitely not sick, at least not according to my examination. So please be honest with me. Do you have any medical complications that you don't want to share? Like maybe...a sexual disease?"

Yo shook his head rapidly, "no Dr Beam. I am completely fine. It's just that I wanted to sleep in today."

"Is that the only reason?" Beam looked down on him knowingly.

Yo turned red and stammered, " an...and maybe to avoid P'Pha for a little while."

Beam nodded, his suspicions was right. There was definitely something between them. He has to talk to Pha about this because he was engaged and Yo was a cute innocent boy who doesn't need to get dragged into his dirty affairs.

Beam took out some sleeping pill and gave it to Yo, "if you really want to sleep in then eat first and take one pill. Make good use of your day off and try to relax. Don't stressed too much and one more thing, no more laziness from now on. Whatever happens, your work should not be affected. You need to separate your private life from your working life, ok?"

Yo nodded and bow respectfully to him, "yes Dr Beam. Thank you for your time. I really appreciated it."

Beam smiled and walked to the door but Yo stopped him, "Dr.."

He turned back, "yes?"

"You are a good friend. Whatever happens please be by P'Pha's side always. He needs someone like you badly in his life."

Beam's heart skipped a beat, he nodded and left the room murmuring under his breath, "no Yo, he needs you to save him from the darkness but I'm afraid you're too precious for that."

Yo watched him leave, he totally underestimated Pha, he would never have guessed that he would have send a doctor. He guessed that he was bursted but he shrugged and fall back on his bed. No matter what, Pha wasn't going to disturb his free day. His mother entered again but this time with his soup. He accepted it with a huge smile, he loved his mother's soup so much.

He took Beam's advice to heart. He went to the bathroom to freshen up and finished his soup before taking one of the pills. After one hour of playing game on his mobile he started yawning. It was time for Yo to sleep but just as he was about to get in bed his door opened again. It was his mother but this time Josh was behind her.

Yo brighten up considerably as Josh came in with a huge arrangement of gorgeous yellow and orange flowers.

"Hey buddy, I heard you got sick." Josh said joining him on the sofa.

Yo laughed, "no, I was just tired from working and needed a day off."

Josh eyebrows went up to his forehead, "tired! From only two days, you're something else Yo. But I can't blame you, even I want to take a break now and then. Enjoy your free time because when you will really starts working you won't have any time for yourself at all."

They chatted for a few minutes as Josh drank the juice that Yo's mum brought up for him. Saying that he has a important site visit to do Josh left shortly afterwards. Yo put his beautiful flowers on his bedside table, admiring it before getting in bed. He yawned loudly and wished that he has gone to work today. He was missing Phana too much already. He consoled himself over the fact that he will see him tomorrow but still he can't help regret being so impulsive, he wanted to clear his head but now he can't get him out of his mind. He just lost a day of work and a day less with his boss. Sighing he covered himself with his baby blanket and fell asleep gradually.

He was dreaming again, dreaming about Phana. He could smell him and overwhelming desire run through him. Crying out he reached out his arms to him, wanting to touch him, to taste him and to attach himself to him forever and ever. He could feel him getting closer by his scent and warmth.

"Shuuuh, I'm here." Pha whispered and Yo calmed down. He was here, he was finally in his arms. Pha lay down on top of him and Yo attached himself to him, hooking his arms around his broad shoulder and linking his legs to his. Pha grapped his legs with his strong rough hands and lifted them to his waist. Yo immediately opened his legs wider allowing Pha to settle himself between his legs. He then hooked them around his waist and breathe in deep his masculine scent that drives him so crazy. Who would have guessed that sweat would smell so good. Phana always smell good to him, whether sweaty or not.

"I missed you P'Pha." Yo whined putting his face between his neck.

"I missed you too, I thought I would go crazy without seeing you. Don't ever do this to me again." Pha replied roughly as he bite him everywhere on his neck and chest. Yo let out a moan, he liked it when Pha do this to him. He let Pha do whatever he wants to do to him, he likes to give him complete control in his dreams because in real life he has to think about the consequences afterwards. In his dreams they were the only ones in the world, with no worries and stress.

Pha unbuttoned his shirt and attacked his chest, licking him all over and sucking on his nipples. They were both rock hard and sweaty already. Yo lifted Pha's head to him and joined his lips to him, conveying his every emotions and desires about him. They kissed deeply, for a long time until Yo felt his lips going numb. Pha lifted his head up and looked down at the flushed boy beneath. Yo opened his eyes to find himself staring into his heated ones.

How he wished this in real life, this passionate and loving Phana. He was staring at him as if he was the only one for him and there was even love shining in along with extreme possessiveness. Yo stared back at him with hope, hope for a future together and the love that he feels for him with every single beating of his heart. Still staring intensely at him Pha started moving, rubbing their members together. He moved sexily and slowly, getting Yo excited and giving him a taste of what's coming.

Yo throw his head back and let out a deep moan, the friction was overwhelming. He felt all his blood rush downward toward his member and started feeling a heat down there. He knew he was close and Pha knew it too. Pha took out his huge manhood out of his trousers and then slowly descended Yo's pyjama bottoms. He let out his member from his boxer as Yo hiss at the contact of cold air. Pha grapped both their members in his big hand and expertly started moving them together.

He gradually increased his tempo and soon he was moving fast against him. Yo turned his face to the side to block out his loud cries against his pillow, even Pha was grunting.

"P'Pha..." Yo cried out and Pha lean down to him growling, "don't ever do this to me again. I waited and waited, I was dying to see your face and to hear your sweet voice."

Yo nodded, tears running down his cheeks, "Never P'Pha, i thought I needed this distance but I can't. I can't stay without you."

Pha smiled smugly, he looked down on him with an indescribable heat in his eyes, "good, do it again and I will tie you to my bed for life, understand?"

Yo nodded and Pha increased his movement until Yo let out a loud cry and came messily all over his boxer. Pha gave a final grunt and came hard, spouting semen everywhere on Yo's stomach and upper tights.

Yo fell back on his bed, panting. He rolled over and promptly fell asleep, too tired to even change out of his clothes.

He woked up again disoriented at an uncomfortable feeling down on him. He sat up slowly and glanced down at his boxer. Seeing his wet underwear he groaned, e had the dream again and wet himself in his sleep. This was becoming almost a daily occurance but at least he was getting his release from the daily sexual tention he feels at the office. However, this time the dream was different. It felt almost too real and Pha never talked to him before. This time he did and that also concerning his absence today. Yo shook his head, he was going mad. His dream was now evoluting to conversations and different sex positions. He discarded his blanket slowly and proceeded to get out of bed. Halfway through he froze and his blood turned cold.

The yellow and orange flower arrangement was replaced by an enormous black roses bouquet. Confused he stared at it for a few seconds before realising something else.

He could felt Phana's scent all over on him and in his room..

Author's note:

This one took too long. I first wrote it with 3000 words then erased the last 2000 word completely and rewrote it. Then I went back and proceeded to edit the first 1000 words also, changing them completely. I hope you like it, this chapter was a bit difficult for me but I tried my best😉

Concerning the silly mistakes, I'm sorry but I'm still writing on my PhaB and it doesn't recognize errors like in a laptop. I will edit it later on.


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