《dot.》18: In the Broom Cupboard


a/n: i can't write romance and it shows 💔 forewarning for badly written romance ( there is no smut i promise )

Nimue pov

"Tiro! Tiro, wait for me." Nimue jogged after the man, chasing him down until she caught up to him and grabbed his arm.

Why had he not responded to her?

When she took hold of his arm he jumped and spun round, his face the very picture of terror before he noticed who it was and removed his headphones ( Ah, so that was why he didn't say hello sooner ). "You're back."

It was an awkward greeting, but luckily much less cold than the one Dot and Felix had granted her.

"Yes, I am."

"Where have you been?"

"Doing... stuff."

"O-oh." Tiro looked downwards and scratched the back of his neck, cheeks reddening slightly. "I, um. I missed you." He mumbled, staring off to the left of her.

Her face broke into a smile and she relaxed her grip on his arm. "I missed you too."

Nimue hugged his arm closer to her before dragging them both into a nearby broom cupboard and hugging him tight. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, um, uh," Tiro pulled at his shirt collar and stared up at the ceiling, his face tomato red and his voice an octave higher than normal. "It's a bit- um- hot, in here, don't you think?"

"Hm," Nimue rested her head against his chest, ignoring his squeak of surprise, and hummed happily. "I don't think so." She took his hands into her own and tugged them around her waist, smiling at the way he lost all sense of how to formulate a sentence. She stared up at him, brown eyes to green, and pulled their bodies closer together. "Do you seriously want to leave me?"


He shook his head frantically and hugged her back as tight as possible, giving a cute little sigh of content when she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. For what I did to Dot, I mean. I shouldn't have." He spoke with his face buried in her hair so she couldn't see him blush, desperately trying to keep a secret that had already been unveiled.

She knew he liked her- that was why he was so easy to manipulate.

The music still blasting from his forgotten headphones filled the space, giving a quiet background tune to the moment.

"I forgive you." Nimue said, keeping her head where it was. "Just ask me before you do anything to him."

"I will." Tiro insisted, letting his hand drop down to her lower back.

"You sure?"


"You sure you're sure?"


She giggled and pushed their noses together, rendering Tiro a whole new level of speechless before whispering a quiet "Thank you" into his ear.

The song coming from his headphones finished, replacing the upbeat pop music with a delicate piano number.

"You listen to classical?"

" Yeah, uh, it's... I don't know. It's calming."

"You don't seem very calm right now." She kept her voice just above a whisper, putting their faces so close together that their lips were almost touching, but not quite. The combination of jubilation and overload drew a very strange sound out of the man, a weird strangled squeak: not dissimilar to the noise she imagined a squirrel getting hit by a tricycle would make.

Nimue came closer and closer to him until it looked like their lips would finally meet, but pulled away at the last second, letting the man finally exhale. His relief didn't last for long, however, as all the air was forced back into him when she fondled the hem of his shirt, tugging it downwards slightly.


"Ur- I, hehs." Tiro let out another squirrel death rattle and stared at the woman in adoration, simply unable to take his eyes off her.

"What is it, Tiro?" She moved her hand up and fiddled with the collar of his shirt, smoothing all the creases and wrinkles that decorated it.

"Urm. P- heah, Please."

Nimue looked up into his eyes again, not expecting him to give that answer. "Please what?" She asked, lowering her voice to something below even a whisper.


The poor man seemed unable to think straight, let alone ask a coherent question, and so she put him out of his misery and asked it for him.

"Do you want to kiss me?" She rubbed her foot against his ankle, keeping one hand placed on his back while the other continued to smooth out his collar.

"Y-es." His voice crack was a little embarrassing, but Nimue didn't mention it. She didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Hmm," She closed her eyes and pressed her head into the crook of his neck, pressing her lips against the skin softly. "You want me to kiss you."

"Yes." Tiro repeated, much more confident this time.

"Huh." She stopped smoothing out his collar and sent that hand over to join the other, where she linked them together and pulled his body closer than ever before. "Make me, then."

"M-make you?" Tiro was completely breathless, eager to oblige but not knowing how.

"Uh-huh." She made things easier for him by throwing her arms around his neck and pushing him back against the wall, lowering her face over his so their lips were as close as they had been earlier.

Surprisingly, the dying squirrel did not make a third appearance as Tiro slowly edged closer, and closer- and then froze. "Are you sure you w-"

"Oh, Tiro." She cut him off, loving how he was on a complete high from her presence. "You really are an idiot."

And with that, she gave one last push and pressed their lips together, delighting at how even the most gentle of kisses made his entire being melt. After they had separated she went back to his lips again, and again, until he had no choice but to kiss his love back just as passionately.

I nbetween some of the kisses Nimue would ask him questions, some such as "Are you happy?" or "Do you like it?" All of which he would respond with a messy "Absolutely." Before impatiently pulling her towards him again.

Once they were finished and tumbled out of the cupboard together, Nimue felt certain that, if his giddy smile was anything to go off of, he would be more than happy to help her with whatever she wanted.

Truth be told- although she'd never admit it aloud- she did think Tiro was quite cute. If only he'd stop hurting her precious baby, then maybe she'd even give him a chance with her.

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