《dot.》6: Recovery


Dot opened his eyes, stretching to try and relieve himself of the aches and pains that laced his body. He tried to sit up, only for his head to spin wildly and gentle hands to pull him back down again and let him rest a little more.

Am I dreaming?

The peace was so complete that for a fleeting moment he almost dared to hope that he was out- that he would be able to build proper memories of that burning sun he had seen so long ago.

"Can you hear me?"

A voice, kind and soft. For once his head didn't ache as he laid on the grass, his sideways facing head staring at a tree to his left. He didn't know this place.

He tried to sit up again, only to be overtaken with nausea and fatigue once more and having to lean back down towards the ground. Whoever was sitting with him- he couldn't quite make out who they were yet- rested his head on their lap and hummed quietly while stroking his hair. Maybe he had been let out; nobody here would treat him so gently.

"I just remembered I never even told you my name."

Name? But I don't know you.

"I only realised when Jasper talked to me earlier. But you probably wouldn't remember that anyway."

Jasper? Who is that?

"It's Nimue, if you care."

But I don't know you.

His head was fuzzy, memories swirling around like someone had pulled out the plug from his mind.

He moved a wing over his head to protect himself from the bright fluorescent lighting, curling up into his own warmth for comfort.

Wait, fluorescent lighting?

He jumped away from the lady, coming to his senses as his body reeled. It was only then that he noticed the void on the left side of his vision, and the residual, dull, burning pain that had caused it.


"It took you a while to realise, ha." The Doctor- Nimue? Laughed lightly and snorted. "I was waiting to see how long it would be."

Dot swallowed thickly and kept his body poised to fly away, heart beating harshly in his ears. He could almost hear his blood as it flowed through him in a panicked race.

"So," Nimue stood up and brushed off her yellow floral dress. "I redid your room. Do you like it?"

He looked around, taking in the new room as best he could. It did look more natural tha before- which was probably why he hadn't recognised that he was inside at first. There was over double the amount of perches and they came in varying sizes and thicknesses; some rough, some smooth, others in between- but all were good. The grass was no longer artificial and flourishing trees were scattered about the space, spreading their beauty and shade all around the room.

Of course, he couldn't give any verbal comment on the new decorations, but his astonished face was enough to make Nimue giggle again. "I thought you'd like it."

She stepped towards him and reached a hand out towards his head. Out of instinct, he flinched away immediately, only to see her face turn stony and hear her tone lace itself with malice.

"Let me." She glared at him, daring him to disobey.

Dot opened his mouth and clenched his hands. He resented the way they shook at her voice, an automatic reaction drilled into him through years of pain. Hating himself for it, he meekly bowed his head and allowed her to stroke him as if he were her pet.

After his stomach had preformed what felt like an entire dance routine inside him, her gentle pets finally stopped and she strolled out of the room, lace-lined dress swaying as she went. He didn't often see her dressed in casual clothes, but when she did, he had noted she seemed to always wear dresses.


He hated dresses.

His ears and cheeks were burning red, lip trembling as he recovered from the humiliation. She definitely saw him as a pet. Was he?

Up until now, he had been too distracted by the Doctor to feel the pain in his calves- but it struck him suddenly, digging into him like a burning speartip.

Clearly, the holes created by the restraints through his wings had healed quickly and fully, but the wounds to his calves were still irritated and sore- they probably had not yet healed on the inside. He was doubtful that he would be able to walk.

Luckily, his wings were fine. Spotting a bowl of mango lying a few metres away, he used a precise combination of short bursts of flight and clumsy clambering up branches to reach his destination before happily tucking in.

He hadn't expected her to actually put more mango out for him, so being able to eat this bowl of gold was a pleasant surprise.

Relishing in how easy it was now the perches were more plentiful, Dot flew from branch to branch, eating any fruit he saw. It was lovely- he had felt half-starved when he had woken up, but now he was so full he could hardly be bothered to move.

Lazily climbing onto the perch he usually used for sleep, he grabbed onto it upside-down- only to promptly fall off and hit his head.

Ah. He rubbed his head and remembered his legs were still injured, meaning he couldn't get a proper hanging grip on the perch.

No matter, he could just sleep on the floor today.

He curled up into a tight little ball and wrapped his wings around himself for comfort and to keep him warm, nuzzling his head tightly into the thin skin between his knees. Sleeping upside-down was far more comfortable, but he supposed that this position would do for now.

The pain at the back of his left eye and in his legs slowly faded away, leaving him with only peace as he drifted off to sleep.

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