《Political Relations (Book I of the BWWM Political Series)》I Have A What?


A few weeks later...

Oliver had started mending his marriage which had been broken long before Lucille came along. He was spending more time at home with his son and less time at the campaign headquarters. It was obvious he didn't care much about the election.

But that's what Lucille and Shane were there for. And of course James Reed wasn't too far behind. Lucille and Oliver's break up, if you'd call it that, was partly his fault. Not so much the break up as much as their possibility of not getting back together. When Oliver was ready to mend things with Lucille it was too late; she was now dating Shane, James Reed's pit bull.

Even though Oliver didn't care about the election, all of Lucille's hard work was finally going to pay off in one short week. Next week was Election Day. Oliver was polling 16 percentage points above Hayes. It was a given that Oliver Reed would be elected governor of Texas.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Shane drove up to the empty parking lot and waited for James' car to show. When the black Escalade stopped next to him, the driver hopped out and opened the back door for Shane to get in.

"Has the situation been taken care of?", James asked.

"Yes sir. There's been no contact made outside of work for weeks", Shane answered. "At work, it's strictly work."

"How sure are you that they're not still in contact?", he asked.

"Lucille and I are dating, I know who she's in contact with", he responded. "I bugged her phone."

James nodded. "After the election, we're still moving forward with the next part of this plan."

"Sir do you think that's really necessary? I mean, it-it's taken care of." Shane stumbled over his words.


"I said what I said", James spat. "Now get the hell out of my car."

Lucille rolled over in bed to see Shane next to her. He was sitting up in bed. Obviously he had something on his mind.

"I didn't hear you come in last night", she said.

"Yeah I took a drive alone", he answered.

Lucille laughed. "Alright then Ghostrider."

She leaned over to the nightstand and picked up her phone, checking her work emails.

"I have to tell you something Lucille."

"Please don't say the L word I am not ready for another complicated-"

"I found your brother", he said.

"What? I don't have a brother. Stop being silly", she said as she got out of bed to get ready for work.

Shane followed suit getting out of bed. "Lucille, please stop for a minute and look at me."

She laid her clothes out across the bed to give Shane all her attention.

"I had a background check run on you and I found your dad", he paused when he saw the look on Lucille's face.

"My dad?", she asked in the softest tone. "Wh-who is he? Where does he live?"

"His name was David Sulkin", he said.

"Was?", she asked.

"He died in a car crash 2 years ago."

She nodded her head. She never knew him and for a second she thought she'd finally be able to.

"But you have a brother who is really interested in meeting you. He wants to tell you all about your dad and I think this would be really good for"

"Please leave", she said.

"Wait what?", Shane asked. "I thought you'd be happy about this."

"Please get out. Now!"

Lucille stormed into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her.


When she heard the apartment door open and close she went back into her bedroom. She went to her laptop and opened Safari.

She typed David Sulkin into the search bar. Many pictures popped up but they were all..

"White", Lucille said out loud.

She scrolled down until she found an obituary. The description matched what Shane told her. Car crash, 2 years ago.

David Sulkin, 47 years old. Lucille pressed on the button to open up the photo album attached to the obituary.

"I'm half white?"


Hey everyone! Long time, no update. This was a filler chapter! More to come.

What do you think about Lucille meeting her brother? Should she meet him or let it go?

What about Oliver mending his marriage though? Will he end up back at Lucille's front door begging for another chance?

Stay tuned!

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