《Political Relations (Book I of the BWWM Political Series)》This is... It?


Shane flipped through the photos of Oliver outside of Lucille's apartment.

"These photos were taken last night. I thought you said you were taking care of this", Mr. Reed said. "I'm not paying you to sit back and let my son shack up with some young slut looking for an easy exit."

Shane tugged at his tie trying to loosen it a bit. "I'll take care of it. Don't worry."

Mr. Reed got into his car and drove out of the parking garage. Shane let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding.

He didn't want to do anything that would hurt Lucille because he genuinely thought she was a good person. He's never disobeyed Mr. Reed and he wasn't going to start now just because he had a soft spot for Lucille.

Shane pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. After one ring someone answered.

"I need information on someone", he said. "The name is Lucille Johnson."


That was the second text in 10 minutes Oliver had sent. Just like the last one, Lucille ignored it. She was entirely too busy with getting Oliver more public appearances before Election Day. She had been on the phone all day with over 20 different organizations. She had no time for shenanigans.

"Lexi, get the director of the children's hospital in Dallas on the phone."

"I'm on it", Lexi answered turning on her heel and going in the direction of their workspace.

Lucille's phone went off again with another text message.

Lucille sighed in frustration and marched over to the elevator. She loved Oliver's clinginess most of the time but not at work of all places.

The elevator chimed and the doors opened. Everyone rushed out in different directions. Oliver was the only person left standing against the back wall. Lucille walked in and pressed the 5th floor.

"I am working", she said in a rough tone.

She was about to continue but a large crowd of volunteers entered the elevator, probably headed for the ballroom to make calls to voters.

"Hi, Mr. Reed", they all greeted simultaneously.

Lucille exhaled and leaned against the back wall of the elevator. Oliver inched closer to her and intertwined his hand with hers.

The door chimed for the 3rd floor and the volunteers stepped out. The door shut again.

"I'm sorry", Oliver whispered, bringing her hand up to his lips he kissed it.

"It's okay, I'm just under a lot of stress right now."

The elevator chimed and the doors opened. Lucille removed her hand from Oliver's and they walked down the hall to his office.


"I had a surprise for you but right now I just want to give you a massage."

"Oliver I don't have time for.."

He kissed her not even giving her the chance to finish what she was saying.

"Please", he whispered against her lips.

She nodded her head. He locked the door and took her by the hand, leading her over to the sofa. She sat down and he sat behind her.

"5 minutes", she said. "Then I have to get back to work."

Oliver smiled as he started rubbing her shoulders.

"That feels really good", she admitted. She let out very discreet moans.

"Do you mind if I unzip your dress?"

"Oliver", she scolded. "We are not doing this here."

"For the massage", he said. "It'll be better for your back."

She sighed. "Okay, only a few more minutes."

He pushed her hair to one side and slid the zipper down her back. He started rubbing her back. Adding more and more pressure making Lucille extremely grateful.

He pressed soft kisses against her neck and upper back.

"Oliver", she warned.

He moved his head to the crook of her neck and started kissing her there.

"Oliver", she moaned out. "You know that's my sweet spot."

He continued kissing her there while he slid the sleeves of her dress off her shoulders.

"Oliver", she moaned. "You fucking bastard."

He smiled to himself as he was content with the hickey that was already appearing on her neck. This wasn't his initial plan but he was okay with that. He really just intended to give her a massage to get her mind off work but she was irresistible. He was addicted.

She turned to face him and kissed him. As they continued making out, Oliver lifted her onto his lap.

"We are not having sex in your office."

Oliver slid his hand under her dress and into her panties.

Lucille moaned loudly as he started rubbing her. The moans got louder and louder so he kissed her to silence them.

Lucille reached down and started unbuttoning Oliver's pants.

"We don't have to if you don't want", he said.

"I want to", she answered. "Now."

Oliver helped her in getting himself freed from his pants. As suspected he was ready to go. Lucille eased herself down onto him. She wrapped both her arms around his neck as she moved her hips back and forth.

"You feel so good", Oliver groaned as he threw his head back against the sofa. "Fuck."


Oliver flipped them over so he was on top. He thrusted himself into her.

"I'm close", Oliver said through shallow breaths.

"Kiss me", Lucille said.

Oliver leaned down and kissed her as he continued moving inside of her.

"Oh", he groaned out. "Oh my god."

"Lucille I just.."

She smiled. "It's okay."

A relieved expression washed over his face. She pecked his lips.

She tried to separate herself but Oliver grasped onto her waist.

"Already?", he asked.

"What do you want me to stay here so we can cuddle and talk about our feelings?", she joked.

They both laughed it off and started getting dressed. Lucille turned her back to Oliver so he could zip her dress.

"If I weren't going to be governor would you still wanna be with me?", he asked. "I mean what if I were just normal?"

"If you were normal we would've never met", she said as she turned around.

"But we did meet", he said. "I guess I'm asking, if I would just drop out of the the race, would you be with me?"

"Oliver don't be stupid. You sound insane right now."

He scoffed. "Wow."

"No I didn't mean it that way", she said. She checked her phone. "Can we talk about this later, please? I have to go."

Lucille scurried out of Oliver's office leaving him with a lot to think about.

If he was going to be governor, there was no way he could be with Lucille. At least not in the way he wanted to be with her. So why not end things between them now?


"Well hello there Ms. Johnson. I was starting to think you were avoiding me."

"Hi, Shane", Lucille greeted him as she stepped into the elevator.

"You just coming from meeting with Oliver?", he asked.

She quickly pulled her hair to the side to cover up the dark purple mark that was proof of her recent encounter.

"We were going over his speech", she said.

Shane nodded. "So when can I expect our dinner to be rescheduled?"

The elevator dinged and opened on the second floor. Lucille stepped out.

"Well?", Shane said using his hand to stop the elevator doors from shutting.

Lucille smiled. "Shane as much as I would love to go to dinner with you, I just"

"You just what?", he interrupted her. "One dinner won't hurt. It's just something to eat."

She exhaled. "I guess you're right."

"Ruffino's tonight. I'll pick you up at 8."

"Alright, see you later", Lucille said as the doors shut.

She couldn't shake that strange feeling she felt at that moment. It was definitely weird but she didn't know what made it come about. Almost as if she had a sixth sense about Shane.

"Lucille, I've been looking all over for you!", Lex called out as she walked toward her.

"I'm so sorry, I totally forgot", Lucille said as she started walking down the corridor. Lex followed closely.

"Did the director ever come to the phone?", Lucille asked.

"Yes, he did", Lex answered. "And I handled it."

Lucille came to a halt. "You handled it?"

Lex stopped. "Yes. The director wants to meet with Mr. Reed tomorrow at 3."

"Way to go Lex", Lucille praised. "I'll write it into his schedule. Thank you."

"My pleasure", she said.

"What do you say we take an early leave", Lucille stated. "We've worked hard today."

Lex had no complaint about that so she gathered her things from the office and headed out. Lucille instead headed back to Oliver's office.

She knocked on the door before entering. He was sitting at his desk flipping through a stack of papers.

"You have a meeting tomorrow. 3 PM at the Children's Hospital in Dallas. I was thinking you take Anne Katherine and Noah. It'll be a good look."

"Okay", he said.

As she remained standing near the door, they entered into an intense stare down.

"Is that all?", Oliver managed to ask.

"What you asked me earlier", Lucille said, "that wasn't fair. If you would drop out of this race to be with me, you would look at me every day thinking 'what if'. You'd think 'what if I hadn't dropped out of the race because I thought I loved her' and I deserve better than that, Oliver, I really do."

"Lucille I would never do that to you", he approached her. He cupped her face. "I am in love with you. What I feel for you right now is more than I've ever felt for Anne Katherine or for anyone. Don't you believe me?"

"Oliver I believe that you mean what you say right now but what if you don't mean those things in a year, even a month?"

His hands fell from her face. "So that's what you think about us? Just some fling?"

Lucille didn't answer.

"Well then I guess this is it, then", he said.

Lucille bit the inside of her cheek before responding. "I guess so."

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