《The Untold Truth (Kakashi's Little Brother) *COMPLETED*》Chapter 31: Finally at Peace (Finale)


Satoshi now stood in front of Kaguya without a hint of fear. In his eyes, he didn't care for who stood with him or against him. All he could see, was her. Kaguya, the one who was now temporarily blinded by the young male as she tried her best to counter against it. Team 7 and the others watched the angered expression Satoshi held. The screams of Kaguya grabbing their attention.


Kaguya blasted a force of air towards the others. She was trying to counter against Satoshi. She managed to break free from her little imprisonment and glared daggers at Satoshi.

"Edo Tensei or not, you be dead and out of my way for good!" she said.

"I won't be able to leave until are gone. But you can try to get rid of me.. you can that is." Satoshi said bluntly.

"You fool! You think you can stand against me?!"

"I don't know.. but tell me how it goes for you."

Satoshi then brought out his Icha Icha book to show Kaguya his lack of respect for her. This caused her to fume at the audacity he showed to her this day. Zetsu, he watched his creator in fear. He didn't know how he suddenly gained such confidence.

Kaguya stared down at the child and scoffed at him. To think that someone far below her thinks they can actually take her down. Kaguya began to form the tailed beast-mass into a giant Truth-Seeking Ball. Satoshi immediately took action with his allies close behind. They launched a group attack that corresponded to their respective abilities. Kaguya was being hit left and right from them, which caused her to become far more than angry.

"Zetsu!" she called out.

Zetsu looked at his creator wondering what she had wanted him to do. She eyed Naruto which gave him the hint. Zetsu burrowed under the ground and silently made his way over.

Everyone were all now feeling drained from the lack of chakra. But Satoshi had it far worse since he didn't give his body a chance to regenerate his chakra. Exhausted, Satoshi sat up against a rock to take a small break.

"You okay Satoshi?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm fine, focus on the battle."

Kakashi nodded his head and turned to face Kaguya. The others were becoming slower. Sooner or later, they might have to do tag teams. Kaguya sends a jutsu blasting its way over to Obito, but with a palm of Satoshi's hand, he used his newly found powers to split that jutsu making it go around him instead.

Kaguya finally grows tired of Saoshi seeing that with his newly found power, she couldn't take him on anymore, so she decides to attack who she targeted in the first place, Naruto.


Naruto tries to move out of the way, but he was bounded by something. He looks down at his feet, Black Zetsu was holding him down. Naruto tries to beat him off, but still Zetsu remains. Satoshi couldn't do anything to help because he was still regaining his chakra.

He couldn't use his eyes to save him, but he tried to get there to protect Naruto. Ignoring the pain that shot throughout his body, he was slowly making his way there. But his body told him otherwise. With the lack of chakra, Satoshi collapsed face down and tightly closed his eyes, unable to watch the scene before him. At this rate, Naruto is done for...



Satoshi immediately opened his eyes.

'That didn't sound like Naruto, so that's good! But.. who risked their li-'

Satoshi's thoughts were cut off when he looked up. Maasaki stood in front of Naruto, his back facing Kaguya. Maasaki slowly rose his head up with that smug look on his face.

"Why did you-"

"Because... I believe that you are our last hope for peace." Maasaki said. "Besides.. everyone is counting on you, I can't have you die an untimely death."

Maasaki's limbs were now beginning to deteriorate, making Satoshi unable to comprehend what just happened. Everything seemed like it was happening all too fast! Black Zetsu's eyes widened at his sacrifice and quickly retreated to his mother.


That was what could only escape Satoshi's lips. Maasaki looked over at his partner and gave him his usual goofy smile.

"You worried about me?" he laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not afraid of death, not anymore that is..."

"If my chakra could have restored faster.. I could have prevented your death." Satoshi mumbled quietly.

"Please don't blame yourself for my death.. this was my own decision." he said.

Maasaki collapsed to the ground due to his legs were no longer there. Satoshi shed a few silent tears as he watched the suffering of his close friend. Maasaki used his arms to help him crawl over to Satoshi. His body was crumbling faster and Maasaki stopped to reach out towards Satoshi. Satoshi did the same and held his hand for comfort.

"Cya on the other side... buddy."

Maasaki gave him one last smile as it soon turned to ash, and the hand Satoshi held finally crumbled.

Satoshi sat up still frozen at the fact Maasaki had died right before his eyes. The silent breeze passing by as the ashes of Maasaki was being swept away.

Satoshi was now bubbling with anger. His chakra began to swirl around him like a wild storm. His entire body being covered in some type of writing. He clenched his fists as he closed his eyes. Kaguya watched the child transform causing her to feel something she has never felt before, fear.

Satoshi's allies stepped back a few feet as to not get caught up with the swirling chakra. Satoshi reopened his eyes, but it wasn't the eyes, he normally had. His eyes were orange with red outlining it. His eyes representing a clock to what the Okada holds. This... was the final form of his eyes.

"I've lost..." Kaguya whispered in fear.

"What can we do?" Zetsu asked.

"Nothing.. those eyes... we're done for."

With Satoshi's new eyes, he was able to bend time. No longer does he see the slow effects of its use, but instead, time was now frozen. Walking through the chaos, he can only see Kaguya sealed away. He now stood in front of her with glaring eyes.

He began to unfreeze time, which made Kaguya widened her eyes. She began to hear the ticking of clocks in her head. She looked at the boy in front of her. His face showing disgust. Her vision was slowly swirling as if she was on something. She closed her eyes and gripped her head.


"No..." she said. "I'M THE STRONGEST! NOT YOU!"

She opened her eyes and attempted to land a hit on him. But every time she swung, he would end up somewhere else.

"Just die!" she screamed.

With one last swing, Satoshi caught her arm. Kaguya is frozen in fear watched her captor with the same expression he always wore.

"You lost this fight the moment you told me who I was." Satoshi said. "Your time here ends.

Satoshi charged up a chidori that transferred over to her. Her screams of pain filled the stuffy air. Wasting no more time, Satoshi released her arm and landed the final blow into a place her so called heart was.

Madara and the tailed beasts were ejected out of her as she ultimately reverts back into the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and begins to be resealed within the moon. This surprises Zetsu immensely. He had never anticipated that Satoshi would gain such a power and defeat his creator. However, Zetsu was waiting for another opportunity to revive Kaguya and to restart what they wanted to claim in the beginning.

Naruto arrived in front of Zetsu claiming that he hasn't forgotten about it. Naruto created a Rasengan and hurled Zetsu to be sealed along with its creator to prevent her from ever being revived again.

Silence filled the air as the dust particles fell to the ground. Satoshi deactivated his eyes and fell onto his knees. Those eyes took a huge toll on him since he doesn't have a clue about them. Kakashi patted his little brother's back as everyone began to wake up from the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

"You did great Satoshi..." Kakashi said. "It's finally over."

"What about Madara?" Satoshi asked.

Kakashi looked over at the laying Madara who was being confronted with Hashirama.

"I don't think he'll be getting up any time soon." he said.

Kakashi pulled Satoshi up and walked him over to the others.

"WE DID IT!" Naruto shouted.

Everyone cheered in happiness and hugged each other. Seeing the smiles on these shinobis' made Satoshi happy. This is what he dreamed of. For the Five Great Nations to be together as one instead of enemies. A dream where there will be peace amongst them.

"Hey! Satoshi!" two voices chimed in.

Satoshi looked up to see two grown males. He looked at them wondering who they were.

"Are you kidding me? You don't remember us?!" a boy with brown shaggy hair said.

"Honestly, he's been everywhere where names shouldn't matter to him." the other boy said. "Besides.. we might have not made a big impact on his life for him to remember us."

"Tsk, he remember me!" the brunette said. "It's me! Kosuke! We met in both the written and preliminary chunin exams!"

"And I was the one you let win in the last chunin exam, Katsuo." he said with a smile.

"Oh..!" Satoshi said. "I'm glad to see that you two are alright."

"Tch, I would say the same to you, but you died before I could even fight you again!" Kosuke said.

"I thought you wanted to kill me?" Satoshi said.

"I didn't mean it literally." he muttered.

"Kosuke, Katsuo!" a voice shouted. "We need your help over here!"

"Coming!" they said in unison.

"Well, it was nice to see you again" Katsuo said. "I really wished we could have been friends."

"I... I want to thank you as well." Kosuke said. "Without you being so harsh on me, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now."

Satoshi chuckled. "I wish you both the best of luck in the future."

They both nodded their heads before taking their leave.

"They're pretty nice." Kakashi said.

"Hm, they are."

"It's time to go back Satoshi." Orochimaru said.

Satoshi looked over at Kakashi, who looked like he wasn't ready to let go of him just yet.

"Don't worry about me so much nii-san." Satoshi said softly. "I'm happy where I am, but I can't be at peace if I feel you in grief."

Kakashi chuckled. "I'll try."

"Oh! I almost forgot, here is your book."


Satoshi smiled at his comrades as they all gave their goodbyes. Sasuke looked at him before avoiding his eyes. He didn't want Satoshi see the tears that were welling up.

"I better see great things out of you Uchiha." Satoshi said, with a smirk.


Satoshi rolled his eyes at him and pulled him into a hug. Sasuke awkwardly wrapped his arms around him.

"Be happy once in awhile Sasuke." Satoshi mumbled. "And stop being a stick in the mud."

"Shut up... loser." Sasuke said.

Satoshi chuckled and released Sasuke. Satoshi lined up with the other edotensei's as Orochimaru released them. Everyone surrounded them, watching them fade away.

"By the way nii-san.." Satoshi said. "I'm not sure you heard me from when I was getting Purazuma, but I'll say it again. I love you, onii-san!"

Kakashi shed a few tears as a small smile formed on his face. "I love you too, otouto."

Satoshi gave him a close eyed smile before he finally disappeared. The remains of the edotensei piled into nothing but ashes. Kakashi looked up into the sky and kept that smile on his face. The image of his brother smiling back at him.

'I miss you already... but I'm glad you're happy now.'

"Come on Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said as he shook him out of his trance. "We gotta help the injured now."

Kakashi chuckled. "Coming."

Kakashi walked with Naruto and the others while Satoshi watched them happily.

"Let's go Satoshi!" Maasaki said. "They'll be fine now!"

"I know.." he said. "I just worry from time to time."

Maasaki dragged Satoshi by the arm and into the gates of heaven where his parents awaited him with loving arms. Satoshi was happy where he was. To have his family and close friend by his side. Not to mention Kakashi's father was there as well. Satoshi couldn't ask for anything more.

This is where his chapter has finally come to an end, a sad yet blissful end.

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