《The Untold Truth (Kakashi's Little Brother) *COMPLETED*》Chapter 30: Embracing the Adachi Side


"Have a seat." my father said.

He patted his hand onto the earthy soil. I walked over to him and took a seat. My father's eyes were watching me as if he were judging me. Despite me being angry about what he did, I was a bit afraid of his presence.

"There must be many questions that are filling your head." he said. "Why I left you, where did I go, how I died, and who are you exactly. And for these purposes, I was stuck in limbo because I couldn't move on until I told you what I've wanted to say."

He paused and took a deep breath.

"The day your mother gave birth to you, I was ecstatic to see you into this world. But because of who I was and the status I possessed, I couldn't be seen with either of you." he said.

"What was your status?" I asked.

"I was the clan leader."

"So you left the both of us over a clan status?" I said getting a bit angry.

"I understand that you may be angry with my decision, but I assure you that this was for your own good." he said.


"If my clan were to ever find out that there was a child that held our blood lineage and wasn't a pure blood, they would be executed at once. I didn't want that to be your fate." he said.

"But you could have changed the rules. You were the clan leader!"

"Even so, as a clan leader, we had limited powers. Our clan worked differently than others. But enough of the clan, when I had left both you and your mother, that didn't mean I didn't come to see you two from time to time."

He then looked at the ground and smiled to himself and chuckled.

"I remember how happy I was when I watched you grow up. You were always so curious with everything you saw."

"I want answers, not a memory lane." I said bluntly.

I know I'm being harsh to my own father, but he deserves it.

He coughed. "Of course.. when I left the two of you, I stayed in my compound in hopes they never find out about a child with the Adachi blood. But of course, they had caught on."

He took another deep breath.

"When they found out our blood has been passed on to a female who gave birth, they went out to search for her and dispose of both her and her child."

"I'm guessing this is my mother.." I said.

"Yes, now, for a year, I hid the two of you from regions there were searching in. I would send them off to areas far away from your location. However, they had found your mother's location and she hid you." he said. "I guess this is where you will know that was the end of your mother. But they never found the child. Annoyed and angry, they returned to the compound and told me of this news. Although, they came back with an offering."



"The offering to our ancestors. The head of the birth giver." he answered.

"Th-that's inhumane!" I said.

"Yes, but it was a symbol to forgive the sins of one of our own. But technically, we're supposed to have both the birth giver, and the bastard child's heads to the gods." he said.

"Did you let them kill her?" I asked shakily.

"No, I would never do that." he said truthfully. "I loved your mother very much. That night where they had killed your mother, was the day they snuck out to go into places they haven't visited before."

"So they went behind your back..."

"Precisely." he said. "The sight of your mother's head... I just.. I've never felt so much anguish in my life before."

I sat there a bit uncomfortable talking about my decapitated mother. But the look on his face, he truly did care for my mother.

"So how was I found?" I asked.

"Well, when I noticed they didn't retrieve your head, I had forced my members to tell me where they killed your mother. Scared of my towering figure, they told me the information." he said. "Not wasting any time, I took off to the location. I searched in the cottage like house in the woods and tried my best to find you, but I couldn't sense you at all. It was like your chakra didn't exist, or that someone had took you. So just when I was about to leave, I heard your cries. You were underneath the floorboards. It was like a secret room that had seals all over the walls."

"Mother did all that.. for me?" I said quietly.

"Of course, she loved you very much."

"But what about Kakashi-nii?" I asked. "Did she not love him?"

He chuckled. "Are you kidding? She never stopped talking about him! She was so proud of him when he became jonin! But.. she always wished that she could go to him just to give him even the slightest bit of comfort."

"But she couldn't, because she was always on the run with me.. right?"

He hummed in response. "I then took you to your half brother in hopes he would raise you to be a fine young man, and in return, give him the happiness he desperately needed."

"So, what happened to you?"

"Me? Well, I returned to my compound and committed the most heinous of crimes in our clan."

"And what was that?" I asked curiously.

"I murdered them of course."

My eyes widened. He killed his entire clan?! I mean, despite what they do is wrong in general, but they were only doing what they normally did.

"The gods were not pleased with my crime, so they stripped me of my life." he said.

"How does that even work?"

"Well, when you're traditionally like us, those who are crowned as the new leader, you inherent the spirits of our gods." he explained.


"Does that mean I'll have it?!" I said in a panic.

He laughed heartily at my little comment before calming down.

"No, you won't get it. They highly dislike Okada blood, so you'll be fine." he said with a smile.

"I see... so I really an Adachi." I mumbled quietly.

"Being an Adachi isn't so bad, we mean well, we just don't do it in ways people wouldn't normally approve of. A religion that was too gruesome for others to grasp. That is why we only held pure bloods, we didn't want outsiders to talk down upon our beliefs, so we enforced them on our younglings." he said.

"That sounds a bit much, don't you think?" I said.

"Not if you grew up with it." he said with a slight chuckle.

"But the others said Kaguya knows the Adachi tricks on the Okada's, how am I suppose to go up against her? My eyes would just give out on me." I said with a frown.

"Then maybe you should start thinking like an Adachi." he said.


"She it from us, and you yourself are an Adachi. You can push her out." he said. "You're stronger than her when up against our own sealings."

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"You'll know.. now go, end this war Satoshi." he said.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" he asked.

"Once I leave.. what will you do then?"

"I will finally be at peace, of course."

"So, you said all that you wanted to say?"

"Not quite yet.. I told you what I wanted to say as a leader and as your guidance. But I haven't quite told you what I wanted to say as a ." he said softly.

He then pulled me into a tight yet loving hug. He nuzzled into my hair as I felt something warm hit against my spiritual body. He was sobbing, making me return the hug in hopes I can help comfort my broken father.

"I'm sorry that both you and your mother lived such short lives... it's my fault that you've ended with such terrible fates. I truly did try my best to make sure you were both safe and grow up old... but look at how that turned out. But no matter, I can't change the past."

He then pulled away from the hug and held me at arm's length. A small smile formed on his saddened expression.

"Now, I want you to show them what a Adachi can do."

"But what if I can't?" I said sadly.

"I'll be with you... so don't be afraid. Every step you take out there is every step I take with you." he said reassuringly.

"That's not what I meant.." I croaked. "What if I can't do it, because I want to stay here with you?"

"Satoshi, I promise you that by the end of this war, we will be united once more.. and hopefully we will be with your mother as well, as a ." he said.

"But our family wouldn't be truly complete." I mumbled.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because, Kakashi-nii is family too, and Sakumo-san should be counted as family as well because he makes Kakashi-nii happy." I said.

He smiled. "Of course they are family. Now, are you ready to go back?"

"Not yet.."

I hugged my father once more as he gently pet my hair. Even though the two of us didn't want to leave, we had to part our ways. For now that is...

"I love you.. otou-san.." I mumbled.

"I love you too... musuko." he said softly.

My body then began to feel lighter. My body glowed blue as I could no longer feel my father as a physical being. I looked at him as he smiled at me. I then felt my body being dragged backwards. The image of my father growing smaller and smaller and soon, I was back in reality.

My eyes opened as the sounds of jutsus rang in my ears. I looked down at my pierced body. It seemed it was still deteriorating, but slowly now. I grabbed both bones that pierced my body and began to pull them out.

The bones stung the palms of my hands, but I ignored the pain and threw it off of me. Once the bones left, my artificial body was now rebuilding itself. When my legs finally returned, I stood up and took a deep breath in.

'Calm yourself Satoshi..' I said. 'You can do this... father is watching you. Let's make him proud now.'

I reopened my eyes and took off towards Kaguya.

"Back for more are we?" she smirked.

I stayed silent and continued to run.

"Silent too now? Well, you're no fun. Let's punish you for your rudeness."

I then felt a slow rise of pain, making me close my eyes.

"No..." I said quietly. "I'm not letting this happen again! I won't succumb to this repetitive outcome! Take this!"

I opened my eyes and a blast of force was physically seen that bounced out of me and towards her. It felt as if my father was truly there for me and used that to help me.. thank you father, for looking after me. Just when it hit her, her eyes twitched and soon she screamed in agony.


"Because.. thanks to you, I've embraced my Adachi side."


"As will I to you.." I said. "Now, let me show you the true powers the Adachi clan holds."

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