《The Untold Truth (Kakashi's Little Brother) *COMPLETED*》Chapter 29: No! I'm a Hatake!.. Right?


'Crap, crap, crap! I can't freakin' see!'

I don't even know where I'm going! My eyes won't open! First, it was shooting pain in my left eye, now it traveled to my right eye! So now, I'm temporarily blind! I hear a battle going on near me, but this is just plain out ridiculous!

"Satoshi!" I heard Naruto call out. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, no, I'm fine!" I shouted sarcastically. "It's not like my eyes won't open or anything!"

"Good, because I-"


"Oh.. maybe bringing you in here was a bad idea..." he said sheepishly.

"YOU THINK?!" I sneered. "Naruto, if Kaguya doesn't kill you, I will!"

A swoosh ran past me, but it didn't attack me so I guess it was an ally. Either that, or it was the enemy trying to plan something out for me. However, another breeze made its way to my face and out of fear, I punched it.

"How dare you punch my mother!" Zetsu cried out.

"Oh shut up you little brat." I spat. "I may not see it, but I can hear that you're just a mama's boy trying to please her!"

"You worthless scum! I'll dispose of that temporary body of yours!" he said.

"Do it." I mocked. "You'd be doing me a favor."

"Tsk, quiet down Okada." Kaguya said.

Just then, a blast of pain surged through my eyes once more.

"Your clans are pathetic." she sneered. "I can smell it.. two enemy clans mated and not only granted you a gift, but a downfall to it as well."

"The hell are you on about?!" I said.

"What was it that they call you?" she asked.

"My name?" I said confused. "Satoshi Okada Hatake, you idiot!"

She let out a low growl and spoke.

"Such rudeness.." she said. "That must come from the Adachi side of you."

"Adachi?" I snorted. "I don't think you heard me right, my last name is Okada Hatake!"

"No, you're not." she said. "Because if you weren't, I wouldn't be able to do this!"

I screamed in agony as the pain in my eyes now felt like they were throbbing. It made me want to dispose of my eyes and toss them out!

"You feel that pain?" she chuckled. "That comes from your Adachi side to weaken the Okada clan."

"You're making that up!" I yelled. "I never heard of an Adachi clan!"

"Really? Well, they must be extinct then. But I can assure you, you are in fact, both Okada and Adachi." she said.

"I won't believe you until I ask my brother!" I said.

"Believe it or not, you are what I told you. You're just in denial." she said.

"Your idiotic mind is in denial!" I said. "You try to overlook this war, but thinking you're bringing peace, when this is just making worse! Besides, there are villages out there who were once considered enemies, but have joined up to stop yourdumbass!" I shouted in anger. "And to top it all off, I'm all out of character, because it's people like you that pisses me off! Screw my eyes, screw my lineage, and screw you lady, because frankly, I don't give a rats ass anymore!"


I ignored the pain coursing in my eyes as I tried to rely on my hearing. I never trained with my eyes closed, so this is all a new experience for me. I got hit here and there, but I at least got some hits as well. I can just only hope that I'm not accidentally aiming at my allies.

"Mother!" Zetsu called out. "They are too dangerous! It would be an easier route to just kill them!"

"As much as I dislike that idea.. I suppose you are right." she said.

"Not if I kill you first!" I shouted. "I-If I can find you that is!"

"U-Uh... more to your left Satoshi." Naruto deadpanned.

"I knew that!"

I began to run to my left, my hearing was slowed. It was if it was like my eyes, only with my hearing. Everything sounded slow, and it muffled out the loud noises, and I was able to hear the echoes of moving bodies. I heard Kaguya smirk and raised her hand, ready to smack me. But I surprised her by diving down and gave her a low kick. I heard a thud and immediately a kunai against her neck, or so I hoped it was.

"Good job Satoshi!" Naruto said.

"It'll be nice to help the pained blind guy over here!" I shouted.

"O-Oh, right!"

I heard Naruto came running towards us, but because if my eyes being damaged, I wasn't able to catch Kaguya pushes me off. I mean I can kind of hear her movements, but I'm fairly new to this so you can't expect me to perfect this can you?

"All-Killing Ash Bones!" Kaguya yelled.

I then heard fast fires zooming past me. I then heard it hit something. My eyes would have widened at that moment, but you know.. I can't. It sounded as if it hit Naruto. I then heard crumbling of something hitting into the ground.

'Nope! I'm out of here! Forget all this! A comrade dying is a great sign for me to leave!'

I put my hands in front of me and tried to find my way out if the hell hole. I heard something open up which I tried to go and find. I was surprised that Kaguya and Zetsu didn't attack me. I guess they know I'm not a threat while I'm like this.

As I was walking to where the portal was getting louder, I was getting cautious because I don't want to fall. But I guess I jinxed myself because I did. I fell into the portal that lead to the normal dimension because I hear Kaguya angrily shouting to herself.

I landed onto the hard ground and just decided to stay there. I can't help if I can't see, so it's better to stay out of the way. I heard clones being destroyed and then a few pairs of feet next to me.


I grunted in response.

"Get up you lazy!" Maasaki said.

"Maasaki?" I questioned. "How are you back here?"

"Obito's clone went to go get both Sasuke and I." he said.

"That was a clone?" I said.

"Yup! Now get up, we have a war to finish!" he said, trying to pull me up.

"But I can't help fight." I said.


"Why not?" Sasuke asked.

"My eyes won't open. I think Kaguya is doing something to them." I replied.

"I know why." Obito's clone said. "You're part Adachi. The Adachi clan was the weakness towards the Okada clan's eyes. They could shoot pain in their eyes and used that as an advantage. And seeing that Kaguya knew of that clan, she too learned to secrets the Adachi clan."

"That's not fair at all..." Masaaki said.

"I'm not an Adachi!" I protested. "I'm going to go look for my brother!"

"Satoshi, you can't see where you're going." Maasaki said.

"Then lead me!"

I heard Maasaki sighed and began to grab my legs. I slightly panicked to myself, but felt that I was now on his back.

"I trust that you and Naruto will put an end to her?" Maasaki said.


Maasaki then fled the scene and to what I believe he his trying to find my brother. It took awhile, but he was able to do so in a somewhat quickly matter.


Maasaki landed on his feet and allowed me to get off. We were further away from Kaguya, and my eyes felt better. I tried to open my eyes again and the barely lit sky, hit against me as if it werethe most sunniest of days. I groaned and tried to blink a couple times before my eyes adjusted to the lighting. It seemed that we were with the injured.

"Satoshi, are you alright?" my brother asked.

"Yes, but I have a serious question to ask you." I said with a slight glare.

"And what would that be?"

"Why is everyone saying I'm not a Hatake, but an Adachi instead." I said.

He sighed. "I see they spilled it out.. well, what they are saying is true Satoshi. You're not a Hatake."

"Then what am I?! Am I even your brother?"

"Yes, we're half brothers." he said. "We share the same mother but different fathers."


"Well, I mean my father died when I was at a very young age. Our mother left him and fell in love with another man who is your father. Mother died a year after your birth and your father.. well, he abandoned you." he explained.

"Then how did I meet you? Because I basically knew you my whole life."

"He left you at the front of my apartment door with a note saying you were my half brother. So I took you in and renamed you as a Hatake." he said.

"My whole life has been a lie!" I said as I tugged my hair. "This is all so confusing! Where did my father go? Is he still alive!"

"I'm not sure what happened to him. He disappeared from existence, never to be heard from again."

Anger began to build up inside of me as I clenched my fists. To be told of something so valuable now that I'm dead really pisses me off! I need to hit something, I don't care what or whom, I need my anger gone!

I jumped away from Maasaki and Kakashi, but they came after me. I was heading towards Kaguya. I don't care if she has control over my eyes! I neared the princess and it seemed she noticed my presence because she smirked. I felt pain trying to reach my eyes, but I tried to suppress it. She looked at me angrily and another wave of pain came but still I tried to keep them open.

"Give in little Adachi... your eyes are weak against your own lineage!" she said.

My eyes felt like they were swelling up because of my rebellion. However, I gave in for only a bit before trying to send chakra into my eyes. I heard it sizzle, but I wasn't going to give up! I snapped my eyes open and all the pain went away in an instant.

Her eyes widened as well as Zetsu. I didn't know what they were looking at, but I didn't waste any time. I ran towards the women. I kicked down Kaguya, but she couldn't react due my speed. Angry, she tried to shoot these bone like things at me.

I of course dodged them, but I realized she wasn't aiming for me. It was aiming for both Naruto and Sasuke. I saw Kakashi and Obito trying to protect them, but Obito was trying to protect all of them. I quickly ran over there and took the blow. I felt myself deteriorating and it was making me feel weak. My eyes deactivated on its own and I sat down.

"Satoshi!" the all screamed.

"Why are you all surprised for?" I asked. "I'm already dead remember?"

"Y-Yeah, but-"

"But nothing..." I said. "Looks kind of funny huh? It's like I need to moisturize because of my flaky skin now."

"You would joke around at a time like this." Maasaki sighed.

"Well, go on, seal her off already!" I said. "Don't let my somewhat sacrifice stop you."

They all looked at me worriedly, but took off towards her. From time to time they'd look back at me. I didn't really care that my body was turning to ash. As long as they were safe, that's enough for me.

I sat there quietly and I felt my lower legs going away. I closed my eyes ready to just let it devour me.

a harsh voice called.


'Who the hell are you?'

'Listen here buddy, I don't take orders from strangers! If I want to help, then I'll help!'

I heard a deadly growl and suddenly felt my soul linger out of my body for a moment. When I did leave my artificial body, it looked like time was on hold as I was being dragged.

I was dragged into what I believe is the after life. I fell onto the ground as a pair of feet was in front of me. I sat up and looked at the person before me. It was the man in my dream or well... when I died for a second after Madara/Obito's punishment. He had long black hair with these menacing violet eyes. He looked like he had a natural scowl as well.

"Satoshi." he said sternly. "Why are you disobeying my orders."

I tensed up at the sight of him and stuttered.

"B-Because I don't know you!"

He sighed. "Of course you don't. I left you as a child, and now that you're dead, you can finally hear me."

"Wait... my father?"

"Yes, I am-"

"I want answers.. !" I ordered.

"You're demanding.. I see you got my trait. That's good." he said. "But fine.. I will tell you, ."

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