《Split Fanfiction》Punishment


I stood there awkwardly in front of him. I stopped down to just my bra and underwear.

"Dennis." I pleaded. He was so mad.

"Listen." He shut me up. "More girls are coming. You're going to help take care of them. I got lots to do. I'll give you the keys to the basement when I'm gone. Nothing else. If you betray me then I will kill you. You're lucky I don't hurt you now." He said and stood up and walked toward me. My heart pounded. He grabbed me by the hair and forcefully kissed me.

"Yes sir." I choked out.

"You will make sure they stay clean, fed and make sure there is no escape attempts like last time. Also no more escape attempts from you." He said sternly as his handside went down my sides.

"Dennis let them go." I asked him. I tried to be confident, I tried to make it a command and not a question.

"No. They are not for me. They are for the beast. Only he can save them." He said

"Why do you need the beast? I am here. If I stay and behave I can take care of you, and kevin. I'll take care of all of you, you, patricia, berry. I'll take care of you guys. I'll make dinner and clean house and love you. I'll hold you and kiss you and we can cuddle and watch movies. Please dennis." I begged knowing those girls were not going to live. They were in danger, so we're more. I know I can't escape Dennis now, but maybe I can save others.

"You can't protect us like the beast can." He said

"From what. Nothing can hurt you if you're here with me." I was getting desperatd. He leaned in and pressed his forehead against mine and set his hand on the side of my face.


"Casey, he will protect you too. You can't stop this. No one can." He whispered.

"But you can." I sighed and leaned in. I was going to help those girls. He kissed my forehead and grabbed his rag and wiped off the leather couch before he sat down. He watched me.

"Grab those books." He said pointing to a couple books sitting by the windos. I obeyed. "Put one in each hand, palm of your hand and put your arms straight out your side. Hold the books there." I listened. My arms already hurt from this.

"How long?" I asked. He sat there and stared for a minute. He looked me up and down. I was bare and vulnerable.

"Until I say so." He said. I dropped the books as my arms gave out after two minutes. "Pick them up. Again." He had this sadistic look on his face. He enjoyed this twisted punishment.

I dropped the books again. Each time I did he got angrier. I'd pick them up and restart. The books were thick and heavy like text books. My biceps burned and my arms wavered. Up then down my arms swayed ready to give up. THUD. I dropped them again. Dennis got up I assumed it was over. He said nothing. Neither did I. He grabbed the book and slowly cleaned off the coffee table. He set the books on the edge.

He walked over to me and stood behind me and unhooked my bra. Honestly I'd rather fuck him then this torture. He grabbed the straps on the sides of my undies and tugged them down. He pulled my bra of and picked me up and out of my underwear and set me in front of the coffee table.

"Kneel on top." He demanded. I did as he said. The wooded table was hard on my knees. "Arms out." Back to this again. I held my arms out straight again and he set the books in my hand. He wiped off his seat and sat in front of me.


"Dennis may I stop?" I begged quietly.

"No." He said and leaned forward off his seat. He reached forward and ran his hand down my tummy. He slipped his hand. Between my legs.

"Dennis." I cried as he touched me and I dropped the books. He looked disappointed and handed me the books again.

"Again." He said and moved his hand up. He started to touch me. I tried not to focus. "Move your legs apart a bit." I listened but tried to only pay attention to keeping the books up. His fingers moved in little circles and he stared at my face. The feeling was amazing. He slipped a finger in without warning and I dropped a book. He grabbed it with his free hand and gave it to me. He moved his finger in and out and I bit my lip. I couldn't hold these books while he touched me. He took his fingers out and touched me more. He circled them quickly and I dropped the books. I leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders.

"Dennis!" I screamed as his fingers moved quickly. I could feel a twisting in my stomach. It felt so good. I moaned loudly. I was so close, and shaking because of him and then he stopped. He stood up and I leaned back on my knees. He pulled his hand away and I was panting and needy. He grabbed his rag and wiped off his hand.

"God, put on clean clothes." He said I sat there dumbfounded for a moment as I watched him go to the kitchen to wash his hand.

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