《Split Fanfiction》Breakfast


I awoke to find Dennis had left, but left his chair there. I went to the door and still no lock, thank god.

I made my way down the first flight of stairs. I hadn't been on the second floor before, I have but only to pass down to the first. I knew in order to survive I had to befriend the man, or woman. All of them. I had to gain his trust so I could get out.

I heard noise on this floor, the second floor. I limped my way to the closed door where the noise was coming from. I knocked and turned the handle. It was unlocked. "Dennis?" I was guessing Dennis because he seemed to be the one to be in charge most of the time. I dealt with him more than the others.

"I never said come in." He said and stood there standing in front of me. The noise he was making must have been just him cleaning up. He must have just been getting dressed. "I never said you could even be on this floor." He was stern and his expression was like stone. Hard and cold.

He had pants on but it looked like he just put his button up on. It was unbuttoned. I interrupted him. I kinda just stared and made eye contact and I'll admit my eyes wondered. His body was different than the beasts. I still don't know how that happened.

"I just... I wanted to thank you for cleaning my leg. I bled through the bandages. Could you help me change it?" I asked. I saw his chest had bandages to. I watched his hands move to button up his shirt and then tuck it in.

"Your welcome. I'll change them later." He said and walked closer. "After breakfast. Get downstairs." He said in his demanding voice. He followed after me and closed the door behind himself. He walked at a slow pace so he didn't rush me with my limp. I made my way down stairs and sat at the table. I tried to sit there and act like this was an everyday thing when in reality I wanted to kick and scream and cry.


"So what's for breakfast?" I asked trying to act normal but my voice lacked confidence.

"Eggs." He said and carefully put an apron over his outfit.

"Sounds... yummy." I forced a smile. He looked back at me. He's probably not convinced of my new attitude. He set the plate of eggs in front of me. Hung up eggs and grabbed his own plate. He sat across from me after wiping the chair, and grabbed a napkin. He put the napkin over his lap and picked up a forked and carefully ate as if he planned each bite. He didn't want to get any food on his outfit. He always wore the same thing. I wonder if he had multiples of the same shirts and pants.

"You know I think you're special. Not just because you're pure, but because you're just different. I'm taking a gamble on you, that you will understand us. I belive that you have great potential like us. You were harmed and broken and now look at you. You're whole." The corner of his mouth turned up a bit.

"Who hurt you?" I asked. Why was he like this. Why did he believe that we were the same or that I'd understand him, or them?

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